If BLM turn out in force on election day at polling stations across the USA to scare away Drumpfkins, what will happen?
If BLM turn out in force on election day at polling stations across the USA to scare away Drumpfkins, what will happen?
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BLM isn't across the USA only in some cities with nigger majority.
more hate for blm and therefore more trump votes
they will probably be arrested.
dead niggers
Just say them: All lives matter. Like a cuck you are
Tap, Rack, Rock and Roll...
So you will murder someone for free speech?
god I hate black people
Options are:
1) Absolutely nothing.
2) BLM gets BTFO.
There are no other options. "Scaring away Drumpfkins" can only be parsed as "attempting to menace white people," since you can't wear political material to the poll, so they'd simply have to pick white people at random to try and intimidate.
>implying niggers are people
Ay u ain gun vote fo dat raciss rite?
>"n-no of course not"
>goes to the isolated booth and votes Trump anyways, thinking to themselves "fucking niggers'
>gives a thumbs up to the knuckle-draggers as you leave
I will protect my rights to vote, and protect myself and my family in the process.
Who's scaring who?
I assume they get shot.
Where does the constitution mention voting? it doesn't. It was never intended for people to vote, it was intended that landowners be Congressmen.
>implying you can scare a trump supporter with intimidation tactics
try harder
they will be arrested and if they resist they will be shot. cops are present any ways not sure what its like in kiwi land but if some one stays in the booth to long i think they get arrested now days because tampering and your being recorded
So brave
Quad rail master race.
>can't show up for work
>show up to strong arm voters
kek you are literally struggling to hold that gun with your pussy little white hands
Let's go back to that then.. I'm cool with that..
hey guis I heard the voting booth has a no singles policy. You must be accompanied by a registered member of the Democratic Party for any ballot to count if you fail to bring a +1
Nice FAL
Doesn't sound like a very free society
burgers have guns. they will be fine
You would be, you fucking white male.
Who has that report from a polling agency saying that like 97% of evangelical republicans would still vote in the event of an apocalypse
Implying this would happen any place that wasn't already going to go Democrat anyway. The nig nogs would have to venture outside the hood to find trumpf voters and would immediately be on police radar if attempting to do so.
Damn right, you kangaroo fucker..
Yes, the right to vote is the very foundation of our civilization, our right to decide our own fate, wars have been fought over it and everyone who wouldn't is a literal cuck
I'll get beaten to death by niggers before I leave that line without casting my vote for Trump. I'd be fuckin' martyr for the cause.
Where does it mention it in the constitution?
It's far, far more likely that white Trump supporters will intimidate blacks out of voting.
You sure are trying real hard.
Don't respond to these kinds of threads.
>Hide Aussie threads
>Ignore Aussie posts
>Do not reply to Aussie posters
They will get shot what type of a question is this?
Says the bitch who has never held a gun. Fuck off faggot.
>implying this would actually happen
yeah you have no idea what you're talking about as usual
RIP babby
That's voter intimidation. Action would be taken
Right next to where it says niggers are people
the dead nigger storage business will be booming
I don't need guns, I live in an actual safe white country, not your third-world hellhole.
based nigger killing fal
Thanks FBI but I won't be taking this bait
Just start handing out job applications.
No BLM on the day after election day.
The second protects the first, cunt.
Niggers aren't organized and intelligent enough to accomplish this. They'd need to be managed by some Jew or cuck overlord and even then they'd chimp out on themselves or start doing rapping or some other monkey shit.
Fucking this!
niggers with BLM have garnered a great deal of support from Law Enforcement this year.
One thing I know about niggers is this, when the bullets start to fly they are elbows and assholes
Weren't those guys on your pic sent out there by the same guy that's overseeing Trump's poll observers?
My dear friend down under, its not murder if its legal, its justice.
Sweet sweet American justice.
Yes and it was all approved by pic related.
I dare them to try. This is why we need open carry.
What the fuck
What could they possibly be fighting over
they'd be arrested
how to spot the lelbourne cunt
Voter intimidation is not free speech.
>Ay u ain gun vote fo dat raciss rite?
Nope, I'm voting for Trump!
Melbourne has consistently been rated world's most livable city.
No US city has made the top 10, EVER
I'm bringing a roll of quarters in my fist to vote for this reason. I'm voting for trump if I have to fight my way inside!
White people didn't star home because of the black panthers, they stayed home because Romney was an uninspiring Mormon.
If they try this shit with Trump, they will get their asses beat by 65 year old veterans.
You do know that Cops are always stationed at polling places right?
Fucking nice. I have such a hardon for those bigfat battle rifles. I'd give up an arm and my dick for one down here
BLwho now?
I'd almost forgotten about them, it's almost like they were a fabricated movement from the start and their backers pulled the plug as soon as they realized they were pissing off middle America too much.
King nigger not on the ballot. Literally NOBODY is passionate enough about hillary to get arrested. Maybe a Trigglypuff type, but who the fuck is she going to intimidate?
>The 4th post
>Being this new
You don't get arrested for standing in the booth too long.
I hope you get arrested for disorderly, spend 24 hours in the county jail and miss the chance to vote.
actually it's more likely that the plug got pulled because they turned on Hillary and she's too much of an autist to turn it around and make them like her.
- They're only present in areas where Trump won't win anyway due to all the blacks.
- If they show up anywhere else, they'll get their asses beat and cry to the media about waysis.
They'll get their fucking heads kicked in by Jimbo and Billy Bob before being arrested for voter intimidation and suppression.
They'd probably intimidate the beta cuck urbanite Clinton supporters and put the final nail in her coffin.
Pic related.
Trumpers still vote.
>guys, I'm with her
>go inside
>vote Trump
>come back outside
>first woman President, guys!
Can I bring my falcon? Will they have crab legs?
>implying they've ever been employed
>implying they don't just show up to cash welfare checks
>not knowing an acronym that no one used here until 2015
I'm an oldfag that's been here since the summer of 2013 and I can smell how new you are, kiddo.
It's the Brexit and broken glass thing all over again. London was hit by storms and flooding, so that huge Remain stronghold had lower turnout than almost anywhere else.
But Brexit voters, they would have crawled over broken glass to vote.
Only if I'm provoked, if I'm not I've got a roll of change officer, nothing out of the ordinary here.
Yes, its safe.
Why is this funny?
>nation's army defeated by emus
>clock spiders
>poisonous duck monsters
Truly a bastion of safety n shit.
Former Black Panthers leader supports Trump.
Is it confirmed yet who they support?
Nation of Islam hates Hillary.
>Oldfag since 2013
Wow, man. You've got some massive experience there m80. I've been here since 06, so how about you fuck off with that oldfag nonsense.
>It would literally take an alien invasion to stop people from voting for Trump
>Even then, it wouldn't even stop half of them
They will be wiped out and their corpses used in building tye wall after Trump wins.
get shot.
Epin maymays, I am defeated and humiliated, obvs.
They would have guns pointed at them. I keep a gun in my car usually.
You're either a girl or a very feminine guy, I can tell by the way you type.
You mean when all the cucks returned to leddit after Chanology died and before GamerGate started? Do go on about your veteran status as a shitposter.