
We judge each other based on our flag and wifus
(I'm not a jap btw, I'm Russian)

What are you doing in japan then?

Hotaru > Saya


Shit tier newfag waifu.


Hotaru is fuck material, Saya is marry material

what even is that show called?

Asuka is best. i fucking love eyepatches.

>not marrying the hot heir to a famous sweets chain so you can fuck her on a bed filled with cash and candy on a regular basis

best waifu incoming

Nobody ever remembers my waifu and her glory is long gone.

I am the most patrician person on this entire board.

you suck, noice

As if Russians can afford holidays

It's all about crafting love.

Nonon superiority


All anime girls belong to me.


Yeah ok you're all fucking reported, this has literally NOTHING to do with Sup Forums, fuck off back to Sup Forums when your bans have lifted


Absolute trash, I bet you like Hawaiian pizza too

Be gentle, I've liked her since I was a kid.

Cry about it you viking dogfucker.

For a moment I thought I was in Sup Forums.

>have to slave 24hr in a coffeshop to survive
>wife material
you're waifu a shit

I love Mercedes!


>I'm not a jap btw, I'm Russian

Get fucked, quite literally.

i shall respect your opinion as long as you do not tell me you are a rei-fag.

Top tier waifu amigo

I just want to end her super hero career, to take that chubby little asian and make her give me child after child until like genghis khan generations of asians 100 hundred years from now can draw direct ancestry to me.

Also who doesn't want a chubby, busty, asian scientist with a thermodynamics defying superweapon to dominate?

Gendo > Power Gap > Misato > Rei > Asuka > Shinji

POTUS taste

Dagashi Kashi, and Asuka>Rei


bong pls

i am surprised this thread is still here.

Mods are too busy correcting the record
Give it a minute

more than 1 waifu will ruin your laifu.

They may take our freedom but they will never take our waifus


It is normal to be excited and imagining a 2D girl posting these topics full of 2D anjinhas girls?

Will she ever come to Kebabistan?

I like broads who can cook.

I remember.



Tak is best girl

>he doesn't know that Sup Forums is Sup Forums with flags

she is a wageslave



You know...

Hotaru onahole feels nice

you can't have your mummy as your waifu, that's incest

im not a commie i swear

You should have a field day with this

i'll never leave you, windows 7


Know what?


She isn't a slut btw

What's it like living in hell?



Now this is great taste if I've ever seen one

She's a big girl

>not maki
crypto greek

How many people on /pol shit post by proxy?

Food for thought.


but mummy loves wincest.

>judge based on flag
>I'm Russian guys, don't judge me based on flag

Best monstergirl and best girl.


>reminder this is an actual ep on otaku culture and pedos.

>based Hungary
>approves of racemixing and open borders to the monstergirls
turn your proxy off ahmed