Chances of this happening?
Chances of this happening?
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Either it happens or it doesn't.
Quite large, if you ask me
low because trump would win me-2.
I could see:
Which would be interesting because in dec only one utah elector would have to vote McMullin to send it to the house who could choose between any of the three.
Although personally I think Clinton is going to win by a large margin.
Michigan's black population aren't as motivated as they were for Obama. I'm unconvinced by the polls. I seriously think Trump has a good chance of flipping it.
This is what RCP has right now.
If trump wins Florida then we get this result.
lol that's not how statistics work
Id hope they.get to fight to death in an arena
Sick of this meme
This would be the most thrilling climax to this story. Trump would win in the end of course.
But it's gonna be close in Nevada, Florida and North Carolina. Any recent info about this states?
Colorado is going red
Very high for this situation
auto fail
czech'd your digits and your rare flag
Oh, it's captain Serbia again. CTR get an injection?
Seriously, NC might go red, but I gave it to Hillary just to make it seem like a fight. NY will vote red this year.
i'm getting deja vu
Is this a frauke thread now?
Florida goes red, Utah goes McMuffin. The Senate selects Kaine or Pence for VP. The House is a mess, but as inauguration day nears, decides to compromise on McMuffin rather than Trump or Clinton or facing a Kaine/Pence presidency.
And that's how the CIA became president. True story.