Come to your real home Anglo Man
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cough cough maori thugs
cough cough housing affordability
cough cough earthquake
cough cough druggies/alkies of all stripes
at least it does not have muslims m8
Fuck off new zealand, you're basically an overglorified version of tasmania
yeah but its got chinks up to the eyeballs
tell me why dont you just release more land into the urban development area or whatever. Why are you creating this artificial scarcity??
I talked with a girl from Christchurch for a couple weeks. She owns a farm. She's also a "horse girl" if you know what I mean.
Well that is my story about NZ
Horse girls are the fuckin worst.
because urban sprawl fucks up the countryside
but people can't buy houses. what are they supposed to do?
move to other cities
like what you have like 2 fucking cities.
>I have roots here. i am a comfy rut in this city and i want to live here
If you had free speech and your government recognized the right to bear arms I would consider it. But I don't have a "high demand" skill (I guess NZ is full up on CNC machinists) either so your immigration office wouldn't allow me.
Sorry, civilized countries only
people are already moving to tauranga,whangarei and hamilton anyway meaning its working
Great joke m8
I would but I have no skills
become a plumber
Do they need licensed mechanical /facilities engineers for power plants or hospitals? And would I make enough to maintain my rich white man life style?
enjoy your long term high costs of living
Fuck off John, your new immigration scheme won't work here.
>long term high costs of living
better than you m8 you mining boom is over
New Zealand is not what it seems. Only a few canons know what I mean.
we are already on to the next bubble m8 havent you heard
>rich white man life style?
sorry m8 aryans not allowed
lord of the rings isn't real
aussies subsidise lng for export market by paying more.
MAuGA when?
Every girl I know who has a thing for those stupid fucking animals is a huge cunt
I cannot stand islander types
What if you suck at jumping
>suck at jumping
bruh do you have any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxL underwear for my 16 yo expecting """wife"""
>has a huge cunt
but we christian so gibmedat
I would if I could, m8.
>asking americans to cum to ur cou try
Its like you want a mc donalds on every street corner
>asking americans to cum to ur cou try
you are not an anglo don't flatter yourself
I am to angle
wheres our fucking natsoc party faggots?
national front is full of tatted skinhead losers
not that they dont fight the good fight...but you cant take them seriously
My sister lives near Wellington in Silverstream, Upper Hutt. I love NZ.
|t's not too different from rural England.
I live up some mountains in northern England. NZ is very similar, but you are on the other side of the planet.
Yea, fuck off to Denmark, anglos, let us go back to OUR island.
>I am to angle
nice try pedro
Get rid of the chinks and polyniggers and then we'll talk.
>thinking americans are anglos
what a joke m8
>|t's not too different from rural England.
>ignoring the fact that you'll soon be 60% like America thabks to maori and chinks
>maori and chinks
society does not collapse though with maoris and chinks
Bitch im 90°
what does that even mean
Maori and Chinks are good for us. Chinks (in moderation) get us good talent in business, science, and food. Maori are physically strong and hard workers. Good people with some nutty ones in marae stirring up trouble.Coconut heads (samoans, tongans) are the real useless ones.
>third world peasants are good for White nations
lol, the Jews sure did a number on you.
>White nations
fuck off m8 nz is anglo
lol fuck off you cunts cant even play cricket
>Horse girls are the fuckin worst.
My murican education made me think that's Japan
>you cunts cant even play cricket
even with bowling mishaps you still lose
you were to scared at how skilled we were that you would not let us hit a potential 6 which would have tied the game
>north island is maori land
>south island is getting hit by chinks and pajeets even harder than straya or canada
Fuck that, come home to 99.3% white land, Anglo man.
>south island is getting hit by chinks and pajeets even harder than straya or canada
m8 do you even know anything about the south island
>tfw aussie bf to fuck you while he shitpost
I visit there annually to be with family.
CHCH is less than 10% asian while Vancouver is over half
The Asians have taken over Auckland
Earthquakes always in Christchurch
cold and windy.
I'll pass
>what is Mario
In which way are chinks worse than muzzies tho
Oh I see, you only want people to move from England. Enjoy your pakis.
Some ones afraid I'll breed with every woman on the island and establish the 4th reich.
>every woman on the island
>NZ women
there is a reason why we fuck sheep
How do we fix the Chinese problem, Aucklandbros?
stop family visas and up the english requirements
Is it true that there are farms that will house and feed if you help them out and you can spend the rest of the day surfing?
Am I considered Anglo-Saxon if my ancestors came from Denmark and settled in York during the Viking era?
>Is it true that there are farms that will house and feed if you help them out and you can spend the rest of the day surfing?
thats called having a job and not working on weekends
I'll make you fresh caritas polo's burritos