Why is it politically incorrect for +18 gentlemen to court young ladies in their mid teens?

Why is it politically incorrect for +18 gentlemen to court young ladies in their mid teens?
I ask this because from what I've appreciated, degeneracy hits hard on women specially during their college years.
I wouldn't settle for a degenerate slut since I wish to have an stable marriage, the safer option is clear, but also happens to be """illegal"""

Other urls found in this thread:

google.ie/search?q=oral thrush

just another cum dumpster


Because fucking kids is wrong you goddamn shit skin

Sounds like you need to get laid, bud. People fuck; it's fun and feels good. Honestly, I thought the same ignorant way you did (not the pedo shit obviously, but that chicks were sluts for fucking) until I lost my virginity at 20 in college, and did some recreational drugs (weed, shrooms).

Advice: get off the pedo high ground you sick fuck.

>I couldn't get a pure girl to love me so I became a dudeweed whoremonger and you should too

Shut the fuck up you degenerate.

Just find a church girl. Yeah they are sluts like all girls but they will just be a slut for you.

>a pedo

Go figure. It's why you have to go back.

>Sex outside marriage
>Settling for a cum dumpster
Well no thanks
Because if I marry a whore, children will see their whore mom as the model of what a woman should be. Daughters will be whores, sons will marry whores.
Also my whore wife's ex (?) lovers will forever make fun of me.

being nice to you girls is apparently called 'grooming' so better get used to the thought that you have to settle for a bull dyke feminist bitch in her 30's with weird colored hair or else you'll be called a pedophile.


>Groomed waifu when she was 14 and I was 19
>Didn't actually fuck her until she was 18
>I was her first

>tfw pure waifu that is statistically less likely to chimp out and start fucking other men

>dudeweed whoremonger in his 3rd year in a top 10 medical school (Feinberg School of Medicine - Northwestern University)

ftfy. Small dick NEET, I'm assuming?

>pure girl
Not saying to go fuck everything that moves, or get into a relationship with a slut. That being said, people have sex. Get over it.

So if I understand correctly, you want to marry them before the degeneracy begins?

Lol you do realise that means that the 'degeneracy' will therefore occur during your marriage, therefore making it unstable as heck?

You'll get cucked weekly.

Neck yourself, pedophiles should be slaughtered.

A couple of generations ago wasn't weird for economically stable men in their mid 20's or early 30's to court girls in their mid teens, with marriage in mind. Probably one of the reasons families were so stable back then.

Having sex does not make you a bad person. not having sex does not make you a good person. I understand that many of you guys are young and insecure but look at all the virgin psychos on here. According to your philosophy this board should be full of saints.

>I felt the same way you did, until I became a degenerate.

More exactly before the degeneracy gets pushed in. Universities are literal puterios and indoctrination centers, where some of the most shy girls get dicked sooner or later.

>Having sex does not make you a bad person
What is self respect and purity

its not illegal idiot. im currently dating a 14 year old.

>so called "redpilled" anons giving a fuck what society thinks

You are clearly looking to fill a void in your soul with underage pussy like our pizza pal podesta.

Make yourself into a person worth loving instead of justifying trying to be a pedo.

Go outside creep

You can't have sex and self respect at the same time? Why?

Current society as a whole pushes to degeneracy
That's why even if you marry a "pure virgin", she'll eventually want to "try" other men
There's no winning

Fuck off you degenerate mongrel

Not everywhere. In many countries jailbaits still are that - jailbaits - someone you shouldn't fuck and cannot do so legally but whose looks may be seen as sexy to any healthy male with decent libido. That's why they're called jailbaits, after all.

Plus, many countries have age of consent at around 16 so while "grooming" when you're considerably older will still look creepy as fuck, calling it pedophilia is some sort of buzzword-throwing bullshit that deserves the person who goes with it to be punched hard in the face, especially nowadays where there are whole political movements (like regressive left) who basically base their whole narrative on buzzwords and bullshit.

>mimics ahegao
>gets buttblasted when people view it sexually

Found her

semi rare flag

why its always the people who dont get laid that are slutshaming and talking clean marriage
try dating and sex first faggot

Get a real wymyn. Pic related

Your women are not only whores but also very ugly

Because letting some cute tanned guy you met at the bar some hours ago fill your intestines with his warm semen isn't the definition of self-respect

I hate that "omg if you haven't tried X you haven't lived". Fuck marxists and fuck whoever invented that shit.

srsly. keep your "advice" for yourself.

>that white tongue
She has thrush, lol.
google.ie/search?q=oral thrush

Two responses to this.
One. Isnt your* definition of self respect. Many people dont care.

Two. You're strawmanning, and implying that all sex is a guy fucking you a few hours later. The topic is on sex, not 'fuck 2 hrs later'.

Stop being retarded and adress the points

Because they're unattractive and sexually frustrated, so they don't want other people to have what they can't.

the whoremongers punishment is worse than the whores remember that faggot

I take it back, definitely stay indoors. Lol

How old is she in human years?

I honestly can't bring myself to feel a woman is worthy enough of marriage if she hasn't set a high price for herself.
Marrying a non virgin slut feels to me like paying a big price for the cum filled towel that other men have used.

Being an easy slut that literally can't remember the name of the guy whose nuts she gargled 6 hours ago requires zero self respect.

Degrading yourself in in the name of "OMG SO EMPOWERING" does just that. Degrades you.

When I was 21 I dated a 17 year old, it lasted for 7 years. When I was 24 I fucked her 16 yr old sister.

Nothing has ever come close. And fuck you, it's legal

>Universities are literal puterios and indoctrination centers
You haven't been to a university, have you? There is no "indoctrination" that goes on, the reason for the changes in behavior is that people have greater freedom compared to living with their parents.

I could just as easily say people should give up all their worldly possessions and take a vow of silence in the name of "self respect and purity". It's wholly arbitrary.

So then just don't pay the price? Marriage is a meme anyways.

Breathing also requires zero self respect. Should we therefore assume that anyone who breathes is lacking self respect?

On the same page with you. It's one of the few aspects of this board that give it a bad name.

>Isnt your* definition of self respect. Many people dont care.
Of course, whores and betas who settle with whores

Which is the vast majority of the human race. Calling them mean names doesn't change that fact.

Why is that "greater freedom closely connected with liberation"? Why all of a sudden people turn into hedonistic animals uncapeable of doing anything but drinking and fucking? Why do people lose their morale just because of greater freedom? We live in a society which we built, which we need to maintain, and to built for the future. This society and its preservation depend on stable family. People who cannot restrict them selves from some hedonism cannot make good and strong family unit.

>Which is the vast majority of the human race
white race*
Edgy nihilist """values""" aren't the norm everywhere

Top kek, it's the 'pure mid teen waofu' that will most likely end up cheating on you simply because she didn't get to experience anything other than you. As soon as she'll get bored, your assblasted is going to be created on.

Other than that, I really pity any girl that will end up in a relationship with you pathetic pedocucks, because you are just so vapid it's fucking annoying

>You haven't been to a university, have you? There is no "indoctrination" that goes on
Have you?

>Marriage is a meme anyways.
How is marriage a meme exactly?
Marriage is the foundation of families, and families are the foundation of any society

>Have you?
Yes, I am currently attending a university.

>Marriage is the foundation of families, and families are the foundation of any society
The idea that marriage is needed to form stable families is a meme. It doesn't change anything fundamentally about the nature of the relationship, it's just a fancy word which people think means something special.

Being a cuck incapable of giving your future wife proper dicking.
Assuming all wymen are whores.
Your virginity is showing.

In my experience, those are the kind of guys who are total losers and degenerates.
Those guys can't get friends their age, let alone girls their age. So they hang out with highschool kids, who look up to him whereas his peers look down on him.
He usually accomplishes this through drugs and alcohol.

Bunch of highschool kids with nothing to do besides go over to the one guys house, and he sells weed and let's us hang out there, so of course they think he's cool.

>I really pity any girl that will end up in a relationship with you pathetic pedocucks
Do you pity the women that end up wasting the best years of their lives being nothing but cumbuckets?

It does fundamentally change the nature of the relationship, both legally and psychologically.

I always laugh when MGTOW argue that there is no benefit to marriage, when there are literal benefits written into the tax code. Society discriminates against the unmarried.

Kek, you are really a bunch of autists. You seem to have only 2 states for women.

Virgins or cockhungry slut beasts who have walked through miles of dicks. Typical virgins.

>He doesn't know Marriage is literally jewish slavery

Gender Studies I presume?

The idea that marriage is needed to form stable families is a meme. It doesn't change anything fundamentally about the nature of the relationship, it's just a fancy word which people think means something special. [citation needed]
Also your divorce rates are above 50%. And your society is crumbling. All law are skewed towards women, you are cucked by your own government and you are still arrogant enough to lecture someone on healthy society.

>Rational Thinking> believing
>Feminist af
Are women even capable of staying consistent for more than 10 seconds?

Having sex outside of a proper marriage DOES make make you a bad person.
But you are right that the inverse is not generally true.

>Best years of their life
When will this meme end? It's just what losers who peak early tell themselves to justify coasting through the rest of life

>he idea that marriage is needed to form stable families is a meme
Still you didn't answer: How is marriage a meme?
Also, are you implying that children from broken homes are somehow in equal terms with children from healthy families?


You don't just get good at dicking from step 1. Name one physical task you were immediately amazing at. Shit, some people have years of experience under their belt and still don't know how to deliver.

I think the problem is not the university but bad children with bad parents. A young adult who has been raised properly will not suddenly become a hedonistic animal when separated from his family, even if put in an environment where degeneracy is encouraged.

Rational thinking (I assume she means critical thinking) is just the logical formulas used to form arguments. You can form valid arguments supporting wildly untrue conclusions using logic. That's because logic isn't synonymous with "makes sense to me"

I was on the fence about drugs, but after this I made my mind up.

Weed is degenerate.

Thank you quentin you were right this whole time.

archery, rowing a boat, swimming, climbing trees

>>Best years of their life
>When will this meme end?
If her 20's and 30's aren't their prime time, when then??

Prudish wives in France who saw prostitutes at young as 13 out hustling the streets who realizes they'd never be that tight again, had to prevent their husbands from catching syphilis from the only quality strange they could find.

if she is 16 and its consesual its not a crime in brazil. it can get messy if the parents are against it tho.

>Name one physical task you were immediately amazing at.
Several different aspects of woodworking
>inb4 power tools mean anyone can do it
My first hand cut dovetail was a perfect fit.

It's illegal to date young teens because it goes against 1000s of years of human progress.
It creates a endless stream of normal guys with normal urges to be sent to prison and destroy families.
What men have done for 1000s of years until very recently in our history is now considered a great 'shame or dishonor'.
I'm not sure when the "legal age of 18" started but I'm sure it had to do with civil rights.
The attraction is literally wired into men. It can be forced out but it's unnatural.

Not saying go fuck younger teenagers but what a vapid society we have become to not be able to tell the difference between a 4 year old and a 14 year old legally.

Read what you said. Its your projection, not mine.

I couldn't agree more but there is some tension in the campus nowadays that you have to party, you have to "LIVE" is what they call it, or EXPERIENCE.

It isn't a fucking rocket science, if you are healthy male with normal testosterone levels and at least a bit above average dick.


Prime breeding years retard, after 30 the higher the chance that your child will develop autism or some other disorder, something your mom should have kept in mind.

>mimics ahegao

It's not just that. Her name is "Hentai Goddess".

And yet she's upset when people tell her that they used that picture the way it should be used.

Don't let them fool you. A woman's height of sexuality is 15-25. Everything after that is waaaay downhill in terms of puss quality. Though many do get better in other areas, generally speaking the raw emotional energy, that youthful elasticity, the unadulterated skin color and otherwise graciously formed curves begin to gradually fade away. By the time she's past 30, you remember 18 and think "fuck, I miss that."

oscar looks hardcore as fuck


Because you're pure id during those years. You don't have any problems, only wants. And there's usually someone who will wait on you hand and foot to provide for those wants.

I honestly think the best years vary by person, but if I had to choose an age range applicable to everyone it'd be infancy

why do you even care hombre, isn't everyone in El Salvador a rape baby anyways??

>el salvador
Pretty sure legal age is like 13 there

>Overpopulation is a problem!
>Prime breeding years are the peak of your life because breeding is all that matters
I'm ready to let humanity to die out. Perpetuating our species isn't my responsibility. That's why I have a vasectomy.

Also, correlation=/= causation

Having sex is no problem.
Having sex with a different partner is, especially for women turning them into hypergamic sluts which then destroy families, create single mothers which in return create criminals (just look at the amount of people in prisons raised by single mothers).

The whole "I'm free to do what I want with my body you bigoted ugly virgin !!!" is ultimately generating crime and violence at the scale of the societies and instead of fixing this culture we favorize it by making the state giving even more welfare to these people instead of making them social outcasts.

Its not wrong here, but 15-16 year olds are extremely immature, i dont know what you could get out of it except sex

double'd dubs of truth

>but if I had to choose an age range applicable to everyone it'd be infancy
Of course not, that's literal pedophilia
I understand it's natural to be attracted to teens, but to infants can't be biologically nor socially acceptable

I'm talking about from the individual perspective you sick fuck. What are YOUR best years based on YOUR life. I'm not saying that infancy are the ideal age to have sex. I'm saying it's the best years anyone will ever experience

>Gender Studies I presume?
Computer Science

>Also your divorce rates are above 50%.
Not really meaningful, since unmarried couples that break up won't show up in marriage statistics. If anything, it shows marriage is a bad idea, since married couples are more likely than not to break up.

So not married = "broken home"?
This is what I mean by meme, people like you assume marriage is something magical, rather than focusing on the actual health of the relationship.

Well, in Australia:
>78% of full-time tertiary students aged 15-19 and 52% of full-time tertiary students aged 20-24 living at home
And these statistics include foreign students and students from the countryside; for normal Australians the rate is higher.

>Having sex is no problem.
>Having sex with a different partner is
Exactly this!

Kek, all the NEET virgin responses ITT are funny af. You niggers putting females on a pedestal like they should be chaste little angels and pander to your every whim and citing the 50s as some kind of purer time, Kek. You guys are stupid as shit to think people weren't fucking like rabbits back then and you're pathetic to to think they shouldn't now. This board is just your little safe space where you can all circle jerk about being unable to have any relationship or get laid

T. Chad

Why didn't you tell me this half a minute ago...

>you will never find a woman to wife that hasn't rode the cock train and is just using you to settle down
>she could just leave you at any point and take all your shit
>thanks to social media women have men waiting for them at any time. they're all basically mini-pornstars
>even churches aren't a reliable source of good women anymore as church has just become a social gathering like going to a coffee shop

I've seen people raised by unhappy marriages and it's bad. Second only to people raised throughout vicious custody fights.

My fiance was glad her dad left, because he had a drug problem. Her mom was good and he cared, so he left to stop bringing the trouble to their doorstep. She got raised just fine once he left, since they didn't have to deal with that problem.

He's now sober and working again. They are on friendly terms, and they both agree that it's again thing for her that he left when he did. Good for him too. Sometimes it's better to walk away

>Not having the one with ridiculous tabs open
Also, filename kind of gives it away

A good* thing

>So not married = "broken home"?
Statistically yes. In most cases children don't change their parents habits and they grow up to have same problems.
there is saying
An apple does not fall far from the tree.

>Not really meaningful, since unmarried couples that break up won't show up in marriage statistics. If anything, it shows marriage is a bad idea, since married couples are more likely than not to break up.

So basically if your GF decides to cheat you and she cheats you, its problem you caused? Really?
What kind of prime example are you showing up for your kids? For the future of your country?