Why aren't african americans thankful for slavery?
Why aren't african americans thankful for slavery?
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As you can clearly see they wuz kangs and are extremely buttmad they were taken from their kingdoms.
Gratitude is simply not in their repertoire.
One of many reasons they were enslaved in the first place.
Really, WHAT ELSE can be done with them, as a race?
I suppose they make good football players, lol...
Because they are still too stupid to realize that we created them, and need to be white washed more with superior Caucasian semen.
Possibly the whipping and the hanging part, could be wrong though.
What did she mean by this?
When was the last time they were whipped and hanged, faggot?
They're literally already 25% white.
When dey was being a gud boy on the street and those fat coppers came around.
as you can clearly see, African neurosurgeons are about to make a major discovery.
thats how they transport their children
>Thank God our grandpappies caught that boat
Muhammed Ali
Not good enough. 75% White as least is required to be human.
When the fuck are niggers grateful for anything?
You give them something and they ask why you didn't give them more.
Most of them are worthless pieces of fucking shit.
It's not like they were whipped to death or something. I mean, they were property, very expensive and profitable property. Treated in the same way as a cow or a farm horse.
>Why aren't african americans thankful for slavery?
Blacks in America have no history of monotheism or of Christian marriage.
The only reason Blacks maintained any cohesive family units in America was due to control by white people, once the Civil rights movement came, the Blacks reverted to their natural state of barbarism, hence the Black community in America has ridiculous levels of single parent families.
joses mum?
Slavery was terrible. Lots of people died early living short miserable lives. It's the reason people didn't employ more capable and solid people. They just died like flies so better just mass import them like cattle. A lot of the racism started in this environment as the slave owners were naturally driven to be very hard on their workforce to keep them from rebelling. So what started out as an economic incentive became a cultural thing.
Pretty cool that a lot of that is still alive today but I guess religions surviving into the modern age is also proof at how deep culture can be spread.
>Why aren't Salvadorianer normal people?
Isn't it statistically certain that everybody the US had at least one black ancestor?
Whitey has as much right to be angry over slavery as any black person. it's retarded to be angry over things that didn't happen to you.
What the fuck am I looking at?
Gratitude is an alien concept to the nigger.
We wuz noble savages and sheeeeit.
Statistically impossible.
That's not how their brains work.
That would make a great Twitter campaign.
#YouCanThankUs #AnyTimeNow
>pic of African housing vs superior American colonial slave housing
Indio remove yourself from this thread
Only whites allowed
Because slavery itself was bad and while it allowed descendants of the slaves to access higher quality of living now, accepting this result requires humility, taking responsibility for their lives being shit now and gives them no moral grounds for demanding more.
is this joses mum?
holy fuck make this happen
Flag that knows what it's talking about.
They got niggers on the money down there.
Why u have to give swedes a bad reputation among /pol? Vill du att våra kvinnor skall bi besudlade av hårig arab snopp?
What utterly disgusting and worthless creatures those lop plate niggers are.
*smack disc*
Thanks guys. It probably sucked a bit for my ancestors, but who's ancestors haven't had a shitty time at some point? Since then, my family has been able to participate in a real economy and society, and to get good jobs, which don't exist where we came from. Plus no aids!
They are though.
The best QBs are white. The other positions just require running and pushing. They are the nigger roles
How is there drought in Africa if they all have water source in bagina?
Why do you let machines cuck you?
Jews can't get off to regular sex.
well thats some way to ruin a perfectly fine chair