He spent trillions....
He spent trillions
and that's a good thing!
and toppled the USSR. worth every penny
funny how lower taxes stimulates the economy
toplled isself m8
What is the best Reagan movie?
Is it that Gipper one?
yeah because they totally didn't spend themselves into oblivion trying to keep up with our defense spending while also trying to counter SDI.
He's the one who funneled that poison into the black community, fuck him.
>implying the black community wasn't already riddled with pushers and junkies before 1980
Yeah that’s how it happened
It wasn’t rick Ross who admitted to introducing it too LA
It was the cia who had literally no part in it whatsoever
Great post krager you fucking nigger piece of shit
to let four nuns get raped in El Salvador
This is correct. The CIA funneled cocaine and other drugs to de-stabilise black communities.
Rick Ross is to blame as well.
>he thinks the USSR actually cared about SDI
Rick ross was getting his shit through the CIA.
their attempts to break into military systems searching for SDI research are well documented. they cared and still worry about a US missile shield to this day
No he wasn’t
He was getting his shit through a guy who associated with the cia but he was never on the cia payroll
And even if he was it’s still Rick Ross fault for buying the shit manufacturing it into crack and then selling it
That’s a lot of steps away from “it was da cee eye ay who done it!!! He wuz a gud boy he dindu nuffin”
>altright talking point
The failed Afghanistan invasion did major damage to the whole evil empire.
(and that's a good thing)
the thing that third-generation haters don't understand is that back in the 80's, the US economy had all the potential it needed to overcome deficit spending - and that was the last time. Spending all that money today when one quarter of it is backed by foreign powers is just stupid
here some shock treatment for you - i know, i know it's long and in black and white, but here's the thing: change the numbers around only a bit, and it still all applies today. It's almost as if the "Reagan Revolution" never happened. I challenge you to watch it anyway - some of you may want to do it when your friends and family aren't around - or have your excuses ready for when they catch you. Good luck, friends
>black and white
literally half this board watches hitler speeches before they brush their teeth. Way more than pol.
No, it didn't. That's a nice myth but utterly inaccurate. The war in Afghanistan barely affected life in the Soviet Union; it was totally unreported, involved less than 10% of the armed forces, and had no relevance to the general populace.
Americans like to pretend that somehow containment and covert wars hurt the Soviets, but in reality it barely affected them. The myth persists of course because it's gone on to suit other political agendas.
The fall of the Soviet Union can be credited primarily to Chernobyl, and more specifically the government's botched response to that.
You have a point Rick Ross was definitely guilty of trafficking cocaine. That cocaine was coming from somewhere though. Rick Ross wasn't just pulling it out of his ass.
Why are blacks so paranoid and neurotic? I've never seen a people so prone to conspiracy theories and superstition.
But this one is literally true. Also whites are way more paranoid. This very website has a whole entire board to paranoid white people. Sup Forums. You have no self awareness
To arm the talibans and fund cartels...
>paranoid white people
60% of pol are nonwhites
20% shills
the other 20 the amount of parnoia is debatable
Sup Forums is a small subset of whites, from what I've seen blacks are far more paranoid per capita, just like they commit far more crime per capita. Rap music and it's fans are a good example of that, I've heard tons of big rappers rap about how the government not only invented heroine to destroy black people but that they also invented AIDS for the same purpose. If a black person says something like this in a song it goes virtually unchallenged by the mainstream but if a white person says they think Hillary Clinton has murdered people they get called a Nazi.
>20% shills
>but muh black people are paranoid
As I said before zero self-awareness. Just go back to where you're from. Here's the link, let's be quick about this reddit.com
Keep bitching as you sit there all comfy on your computer
>proof of gov dealing drugs to ruin black communties
>no proof of hillary murdering people
They call you a nazi because when you say shit like that you've alerted people to the fact you're a mouth breather. You're not worth their time so they call you buzzword and leave.
It's true. I stopped visiting pol regularly because of it. You are aware that Shareblue is a real thing, right? David Brock is, in fact, a real person? Or are you an ignorant jagoff?
>capitalism btfo
Upvoted my fellow pede
Give proof of shareblue operating on Sup Forums. Reddit, facebook, twitter all have bigger numbers. Plus people on Sup Forums aren't going to change their mind. People on reddit will. From my view it would be pointless to operate on Sup Forums.
>From my view it would be pointless to operate on Sup Forums.
Fine, we disagree then.
Is there proof or not? Best I've seen is some infograph bullshit. Right wingers love playing victim these days so it would follow that they think there under some imaginary attack
Has there been a worse president in the history of the United States
Where is the proof of them synthesizing AIDS, let alone heroine? If this is a proven fact then why do blacks almost unanimously support the Democrats who are the part of big government and the FBI/CIA?
to find one man....
The four presidents that came after him and the one before him.
>Best I've seen is some infograph bullshit.
I'm not here to change your mind, I couldn't give two fucks less what you think. That's the difference between left wing zealots like you and normal, rational people like me.
and turned the US into a second world country
There have literally been scientific studies published on how to disrupt Sup Forums
The aids thing is bullshit. The drugs thing isn't: en.wikipedia.org
Why did the American establishment give a shit about fucking up black communities? Weren't there more important things to worry about?
Watch yourself, boy.
I think you're confused. The studies were on how Sup Forums disrupts the web and their effect. It was mainly on raids and how traffic moves.
>normal, rational people like me
wow left wingers bto'd
American Government has a long history of racism.
>single motherhood
>literal cages to live in aka "projects
>racial progress
Believe it or not the average black is still very upset about slavery and jimcrow
And with the rise of communist black power movements the US had a serious possibility of a homegrown socialist party on their soil
Believe it or not if the US was involved in the fall but their was motive for the US to destabilize these groups
>The fall of the Soviet Union can be credited primarily to Chernobyl, and more specifically the government's botched response to that.
Aren't blacks like 10% of the American population? I can't imagine they would've been able to gather enough power to destabilise anything.
>The studies were on how Sup Forums disrupts the web and their effect
Right, and the conclusion is a discussion on how Sup Forumss "attacks" on the net can be stopped.
Even if you didn't read the study, you'd have to be an idiot to not realize, of the millions spent to influence political social media, that some of that is being spent on the easiest site to manipulate.
The DC snipers literally shut down 4 states with just two guys
US infrastructure is very easy to take out especially the power grid
Their was a book written about it about how to take down the US power grid and it was some spooky shit
Any terrorist cells fucking with shit internally is bad news but take millions of angry black people and give them a rallying cry and they could cause ALOT of problems for the US
This isn’t a brag it’s just truth, and with outside pressure from China and Russia the US would fold if it had to deal with an insurgency
Personally I think that’s how the US is gonna fail, either we get segregated or someone leaves but blacks and whites will never be able to live together peacefully
its not like cia injected each black person with heroin. they took it themselves
cant blacks ever be held responsible for something
conservativism goes hand in hand with paranoia and superstition
blacks are the most conservative people on the planet because they're also the dumbest people on the planet
aids showed up in the 50's right at the time DNA was first sequenced. to think they had the knowledge to synthesize viruses from thin air when they barely knew what dna is is ridiculous