From a Darwinian point of view, what role in society are "beta" males supposed to play?
Can you be beta and redpilled?
From a Darwinian point of view, what role in society are "beta" males supposed to play?
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It's a girl?
To do the hard labour obviously.
Betas provide the role of protecting the children, women and tribe whilst the alphas hunt.
The problem now is that we don't live in large communal tribes so the beta have no role.
>rip eggy
What happened to the guy ? last time i checked he was living in his car....
when you say "beta males" do you mean to say "all white men"?
What is this? Eggman isn't a tranny
Last I saw of him he was pretending to OD on livestream and the police busted his door down.
don't fuck with eggy
He became a qt trap
Your problem is thinking of evolution at the population level rather than the individual level.
Evolution happens at the individual level. The right question to ask is -- How are beta-male genes passed on to the next generation?
I think the answer is simply that their strategy of supporting and raising kids even with undesirable women keeps their genes circulating.
what's his name again ? eggman ? (his youtube channel)...can't find it anymore..
Some user emailed him pretending to have a job offer and asking for his social security number and he was stupid enough to give it, so he had is identity stolen and a lot of money taken out on loan in his name. He attempted suicide after and failed because he's a faggot so he gave up on his internet presence and is trying to live a normal private life again.
If you're a beta and redpilled at least you know that you're a beta and won't attract the best girls. And you then can improve
Any archive about who the fuck this is? I must have missed that living meme.
First Last ;)
He's just an r9k tripfag who became famous for being(in his own mind) the ugliest person on r9k. He somehow turned himself into a meme and then gained a following on youtube and skype and tried making podcasts and stuff. He still responds to his snapchat and skype if you talk to him but he gave up on trying to make a public name for himself after suicide attempt
> muh social darwinism
> muh deriving values from evolution
Evolution might be complete bullshit, but if it isn't, it pretty much comes down to might is right. What survives survives, what doesn't doesn't. That's fucking it. Probably nihilistic atheistic bullshit thought up by bitter fedora betas ironically.
>From a Darwinian point of view, what role in society are "beta" males supposed to play?
Typical pol education.
There is no "role in society" for beta males.
What we describe as beta today, would not have survived past the age of 12 in tribal-late medieval times.
Once slaves went out of fashion and were replaced with fiefs, then betas started to survived more and more. Christianity essentially was the religion of betas.
>One man with one woman
And so more and more betas started to reproduce and survive until society started to become more and more civilized.
So to answer your question.
Evolutionary speaking, there is no "role", socially speaking, betas are literally slave wage drones and consumers.
Well that's some top cringe.
Yeah i remember that...(last time i saw him online). I also heard he had a mental breakdown and ended up in a Psychiatric hospital. Don't know if it's true or not...
The thing is that women rather choose to procreate with a beta male who sticks around, protects and cares for the children, then to be one of the many wifes of one alpha male.
socialism and feminism is bringing this down though and to be a single mom is increasingly accepted.
I don't think that's his real channel though...Just someone who re-uploaded all his vids...
Maybe it is...Not sure.
no bully eggy
"Beta" is what separates the "thin red line" from the "rampaging mass of spear chuckers". In other words, civilisation.
>How are beta-male genes passed on to the next generation?
That's an interesting point. I see "beta genes" in the same way as "gay genes" or "fat genes".
Yes, they exist, but aren't the reason there are so many homos or fat people out there. The real reason behind the majority of the cases are external factors. Like being raped as a kid or eating only trash food.
Stay inbred habsburger.
This. Evryone used to have a role but modern society killed most people role in it.
That makes no sense with the term Beta, though. You can't have everyone be an Alpha, even with slaves.
>The thing is that women rather choose to procreate with a beta male who sticks around, protects and cares for the children, then to be one of the many wifes of one alpha male.
Oh my sweet summer child !
That's not how hrt works. That dumb faggot is stuck with a man face permanently. All that's gonna happen is he'll grow some man tits and become a mess of hormones.
Suicide incoming
They're good to use for mock hangings so that when it comes time to do the real thing with niggers we will be more prepared
>how are beta genes passed
fluoride in the water
>He gave up on his internet presence and is trying to live a normal private life again.
I thought he got put into a psych ward for trying to commit suicide. I remember him saying that he'll be back in about 6 months.
Betas are for doing things, like, paying the alpha's welfare with their taxes and spending money on pizza to "girls" over tinder that are actually just their superiors casually tricking them, and yes, breadsticks can be included.
He was only in for a few days but decided it's best if he stops living his internet life.
Holy shit that is a cute boy.
Useful idiots. They join powerful people if those attacks their own enemy (alpha white males), they hate themselves so they accept to destroy everything else.
Jesus christ... he's lucky a Nigerian never got hold of his email
Pretty much all women reproduce because vagina is worth more than dick. It's been proven through DNA that the majority of our ancestors are female. We're talking womanlets, bitches with no chin, bald genes (apparently it comes from the mother's side), beta soft facial takes two to make a kid, even of only the top men reproduced (which historically has been the case, kind of), shitty women would still poison the gene pool.
Most slaves in history were alphas you fucking dumb ass. They were nearly all defeated soldiers in wars. Millions of big Germanic men with alpha blood lost to Roman Legions and became slaves.
Sorry that reality doesn't fit Sup Forums's outdated 'alpha beta' theories.
Protect them from what? They are beta cukz, they aren't protecting shit
Who's the qt trans girl in the pic?
Helping to raise up the numerous and superior children of the alpha.
no, thats the job of the women. beta males in the way i think this thread is describing are an aberration and wouldnt even exist without careful cultivation by leftists
This is a bad idea.
>Most slaves in history were alphas you fucking dumb ass.
Please read it again you fucking cretin.
>That makes no sense with the term Beta
Why is reading comprehension so shit on pol.
>What we refer to as beta today
A high-T sidekick back in the day was alpha as fuck for our standards today.
Of course in tribe society, there was a clear defined hierarchy. That doesnt make the lower warriors beta by any means.
Beta is a modern term.
Thats what Im trying to explain.
The worse warrior/hunter of a tribe, would still destroy a modern "Alpha".
Betas would stay with the tribe while the alphas are hunting and then fuck the tribes women. That's why we still have Betas today. But since alphas don't need to go hunting anymore and van stay in contact with their females the whole time they became an evolutionary dead end. I'm a few generation all the Betas will have gone extinct.
Only partly true.
Pol always makes the mistake of nurture vs nature.
Genetics are very important in the quality of a man, but there are always outside factors, which can hinder proper development etc.
Beta males can be Alphas with bad natal development, or underfed etc.