He should've been America's next president.
He should've been America's next president.
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>He should've been America's next president.
He's a 10/10 Patriot in my book
I hope he and Chaffetz run together someday. 10/10 patriots and 10/10 bros
Lol no thanks
>Chaffetz converted from Judaism to Mormonism during his last year of college.
Yeah, no thanks
Chaffetz is a good fighter but he Cucked out just like Paul Ryan. I'm for Gowdy all the way, Chaffetz showed weakness when we needed strength more than ever. No thanks user.
>butthurt because he doesn't endorse Trump
He has his own personal reasons and he stands by them, so who the fuck cares? He's still voting for Trump either way.
>identity politics bullshit
Oh please. No better than any SJW.
At least Chaffetz makes decisions based on principles and arguments instead of being buttmad that someone doesn't like the same guy or is a member or a wrong group.
>Chaffetz is a good fighter but he Cucked out just like Paul Ryan.
>just like Paul Ryan
Chaffetz only disavowed because of the pussy grabbing tape. He wasn't being a total bitch for political reasons like Ryan has been since the beginning of the race.
>identity politics bullshit
>Oh please. No better than any SJW.
>At least Chaffetz makes decisions based on principles and arguments instead of being buttmad that someone doesn't like the same guy or is a member or a wrong group.
Fucking gas yourself. You clearly have no awareness of how people and politics work.
Why don't you explain, then. You haven't presented a single argument yet.
Trey Gowdy sucks he's just a Cruz tier cuckservative.
I've watched this 20 times. Never gets old.
Holy shit.
Have you ever had the opportunity to live in a multi-ethnic society?
have a tiny Chaffetz
even though my flag is toothpaste, it's not very whitening
Gowdy and Chaffetz are a top 10 Anime Romance couple. They are savage when in chamber.
Le ebin joo meme. We get it. Now go fiddle some kids.
dudes a savage but he needs a better tailor
>those cuffs
>even though my flag is toothpaste, it's not very whitening
Yeah, nothing weird about this at all, right? It's not like Jews have a strong identity and are prone to nepotism or anything, right?
Trey REKT that fat spic! She probably rushed back to her pueblo and stopped by the nearest bodega to pick up fried fatty foods to stuff in her pig mouth in a depression binge eating session after that encounter.
Yeah, he was just on Fox news saying him and his wife just voted for trump a week ago. They just can't condone what he said to their daughters or outright endorse him i guess.
your digits are out of control, dude
this motherfucker needs to be president
Rowdy Gowdy
the man is a hero. would be so good if he just went under sex realignment surgery and blacked his skin up just so nobody can force their stupid 'muh white man is evil' meme
Why do you bother with the subverted? You cannot change them, you have watched Yuri just as I have. There is one solution for the Marxists, that is to physically remove them. You cannot argue with them, they are beyond saving.
Even if you prove: that there is a monopoly over the hearts and minds of the citizens of the US, the Jewish Question WILL ALWAYS divide the (((redpilled))) who visit Sup Forums because the donald wasn't contrarian enough, and the WN who can name the Jew.
Wait for the election to end, if this faggotry isn't ceased by then, come to 8/pol/, leagues ahead.
HH, kek wills it
>come to 8/pol/, leagues ahead.
Ehh... still though I get your sentiment but I'll never stop trying, I was hesitant at first as well and sometimes it just takes time to drill through the programming.
Gowdy is still young. He will have ample chances - especially if he gets a bit help from our meme magicians.
If he keeps himself as he currently is, I have no doubt that he would have more than a fair chance at the position.
It would be next to impossible for someone like him to even get a fair chance at being elected by the GOP. For someone like him 99% of the people he deals with would be his enemy and would try to sabotage him every step of the way.
After watching someone like him speak you realise how robotic and insincere most politicians are.