Ask an Australian shitposter anything
Ask an Australian shitposter anything
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Why are you shitposting on a Friday night
i come from china i piss on australia flag
Did a dingo eat your baby?
Fucking kill yourself faggot
Brah it ripped it's fucking head off bro
Are you me?
Because Exams, so nobody is out
Enjoy your 3 inch dick.
what time is it there and what do the stars on your flag suppose to represent?
Can you explain what's going on here?
if your on the underside of the planet, why dont you fall off?
my dick 4 inch soft haahahhaha
The stars on the right represent the southern cross and the big star on the left is for the 6 australian states
the chinese are gay as fuck. excluding bruce lee and jackie chan.
each star represent million of chinese student because we so fucking good
ur mum pay me to fuck her ass
It's how burgers reproduce
Australians are all spider-hybrids. We stick to surfaces.
go to bed you dickhead
Which country is more cucked? Australia or USA?
Is this a work of art, or a very rare Pepe?
Through natural selection, the convicts who fell off, didn't reproduce thus creating a species of super alpha males in the process
What is your favorite colour?
Do you shitpost for/against trump/hillary on other boards? If not why not?
do you?
Well the laws are better in the USA so you're allowed to kill niggers if they fuck with you but Australia has a lot less minorities, so i guess it balances out and is even
literally terrified nao
Why don't you have a civil ensign?
are you tired?
Why do you waste gets?
I shitpost on youtube channels like the young turks because they all take the fucking bait. They hate trump for such irrational reasons, it's hilarious.
how has your kek worship improved your shitposting?
What is your honest view on canadian shitposters?
Do you see them as competition or just unfunny tryhards?
Answer the question about the rare Pepe
Dw, baron trump and us (superhuman alpha af aussies) will free you from your caliphate in 2077.
It's less rare than tyrone fucking your women. So very common.
They're all butthurt poo in the loos, so idaf.
ill be dead by then so meh
>falling for the uni meme
Do Aussie women like anal?
who else /melbourne/?
anyone here seen the 'BWC' graffiti in craigieburn / roxburgh park?
did some investigating and the little cunt who sprays this everywhere is also a weed dealer (admits it on social media with pictures of around 1lb of weed and large amounts of cash).
already screencapped the evidence, where do i go from here?
How does the Australian public feel about Australia not taking refugees anymore?
SJWs on Twitter sure re unhappy.
Brah, every I've analed like 3 chicks, all of them never had it before. But they all love it.
I come from the United Britain. I am here to represent King Billy's interests in the South North Indian ocean. I trust your kangaroo cultivation is going well?
what's your opinion of gary the goat
Answer the question, cunt
>that bluepilled new painted wall at RMIT
They've started to fade as they've all seen what 0.5% of your population being from Africa is like.
Cunt don't arc up to me, I'll knock your fucking block off mate. But the answer is red.
just leave it alone. let him get his shit kicked in during the home invasion when someone inevitably comes looking for the cash
>They've started to fade as they've all seen what 0.5% of your population being from Africa is like.
Good choice, you seem like a reasonable person
Post it on pol. Also I'm from Adelaide.
How does it feel getting outskilled by leaf shitposters?
If Crocodile Dundee ran 4 Prime minister of Australia, would you vote for him?
How does it feel to pay for a wall?
I think a small minority do, but idk about the younger generation, given they've all grown up on hardcore Internet porn they probably think it's normal
Fuck yeah. Better than the communist maoist fag cunt we got now.
How do I talk to girls?
Im here m8
Come to the Nott on thursdays
you better listen to him before he gets mad.
How does it feel to know a wall will crush your dreams of American /migrant/ life forever?
Can Australians even be considered shitposters?
>shitposting is the act of creating an absolutely abhorrent post, or deliberately baiting and derailing discussion and causing butthurt
>australia just spews funny jokes
How about sheep?
Still lots in Australia or a dead industry?
Pretend they're 5 years old
Would't want to piss off an abo
There is still heaps of sheep when i drive through the country. But i think it's reduced a bit.
Is Dundee still relevant in Australia?
I don't know mate I've never shagged a canadian.
Yeah that works, don't take them seriously and it triggers their safety glands releasing chemicals to make them want you. Not even joking.
why is your flag such garbage
Just act like a nigger. Not even fucking kidding.
offer candy and toss them in a van?
this little shit needs to be taken a notch down.
No, last I heard he had grief with the tax office, but he's not in public life much.
Mick Dundee?
I live in Darwin, been to Dundee a few times.
It's just a nice out of the way area you can drive to for private beaches, but not too remote as to get bit by a croc and die from waiting on ambos.
Do you think he's getting ready for an epic comeback?
answer my question you cunts
its all about russell coight
Crocodile, I forgot his real name
champion ruby or port royal?
Nah, he's probably sinking tinnies in retirement
No idea who that is
Sorry m8 I was referring to Crocodile Dundee
Better than your mess of a flag, kid.
Mate you're a mussie cunt and all you care about is fucking sheep.
Poor Jimbo got some mental health stuff and coppers won't leave him alone for pissing in a bar with underage girls.
Other than that he's got a nice qt SE asian and kids. He's happy good for him.
What's your opinion on Lebbos and bikeys?
What are tinnies?
hes back boys
Lebs were put in their place. Bikies can be alright, but some are agro af and make the rest look bad.
lebbos took over a lot of our bikey groups
so our gangs are now hostile armed muslims
fucking great
cans of beer
someone watched 'fat pizza' outside Australia?
sad cunt
youtube channel about a guy bringing his goat along to various parts of the land down under
must be confusing me with your close friends over in scotland
simple question cunts
This Dundee stuff is getting fuckin confusing
small metal fishing boats
can of beer
who living in central Australia. what the hell in central.