The 5 POOREST states in the US (Idaho, South Carolina, Arkansas, West Virginia,Mississippi ) are all red states.
And this is GDP per capita so it has nothing to do with the size of the state,
The 5 POOREST states in the US (Idaho, South Carolina, Arkansas, West Virginia,Mississippi ) are all red states.
And this is GDP per capita so it has nothing to do with the size of the state,
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Because nobody puts a big kike megacorp business building in rural areas.
Who let you out of the oven, Schlomo?
Because leftists are parasites drawn to success.
From 1952 to 1988 California voted Democrat once.
Here's how it works my Jewish friend
If a Republican is poor, it's because the Democrats are rich entitled babies who've never experienced real hardship in their lives.
If a Republican is rich, he's an intelligent, hardworking man while the Democrats are lazy welfare queens.
people who grow up entitled in wealthy families are more easily swayed by the Marxist propaganda and lies, compared to people who see first hand what kind of shit it brings
Look at Texas
That's anti-Semitic
in GDP per capita, Texas is only 14th.
The richest state in US per capita is Delaware, a solid blue state
This is a stupid excuse.
Darker shade of blue = higher GDP
Lighter shade of blue = Lower GDP
It's pretty clear blue states are doing better in average
Oy vey, Honest Hillary never told a lie in her life!
that's what we're saying with Finnbro
money blinds you
Trump is a worse liar
This is what trump doesn't want you to know:
1. Trump advocating to send US troops into libya and killing gaddafi at 2011:
2. Donald Trump advocating for open borders and globalism in 2013:
"We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability."
"We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term — we work with each other for the benefit of all," - That's literally trump supporting the same positions of the TPP
3. Trump's true position on citizens united - literally embracing people from citizens united into his campaign.
Reminder that citizens united empowers the influence of corporations on the elections.
4. Trump praising kim jong un: "He is the boss, it's incredible. he wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one, this guy doesn't play games!"
Just in case it wasn't clear for you already that trump has dictatorship tendencies.
5. A collection of some other things trump has done, including lying over and over again during this campaign and a vast criminal past: quantum-displacement.tumblr.com
No. they are making more money BECAUSE they are blue states, not the opposite.
This retarded faggot says this without realizing this is the main principal of Alinskyism. Fuck off faggot OP.
Because when you do real work you have real overhead and low profit margins.
Also, most of the useless junk they produce like food and pointless stuff like that dont add very much to gdp since it is relatively cheap.
Simply put, they just dont make anything of real value unlike the blue states.
>Israel against Trump
Note 1: This is GDP per capita so it has nothing to do with the size of the state
Note 2: Notice that out of the 11 states who have a GDP per capita worse than 35,000, 10 of them are red states.
Doesn't look like coincidence to me.
To me, this looks like causation.
Higher GDP -> more, better colleges -> more liberal brainwashing at college -> more liberal arts oriented companies that become liberal echo chambers
it's not merely the le poor = trump meme. the 75k+ earners group votes trump far more than the poorer groups.
user, they are rich BECAUSE they are blue.
They are not blue because they are rich.
I mean, the data seems to paint a very obvious picture: democratic economic policies simply work better
then why aren't ghettos and inner cities the literal richest areas of the united states
Idaho has a low GDP per capita for the same reason as Arizona and Florida — people go there to retire. If you're retired, you had no GDP but you still have a caput. West Virginia has historically been heavily dependent on their coal industry, which the EPA has completely destroyed. South Carolina and Mississippi are loaded with niggers. Arkansas is the only one not easily explained by demographics or the federal government actively working against them.
Notice that out of the 11 states who have a GDP per capita worse than 35,000, 10 of them are red states.
I mean, at this point, instead of giving a different excuse for each state, i think you should be objective about it and realize there is a policy issue going on.
hey kike answer my question
GDP is not a good measure of anything.
For example, one of the key drivers of GDP is property value.
Liberal states have very shit restrictive land use laws which drive up the price of land, and cause housing bubbles and unrealistic housing prices.
This actually inflates the state's GDP because of how it's (stupidly) calculated, but it is detrimental to the costs of living, and hence competitiveness of the state, as well as the welfare of people and equality.
Pic related, libs can't into economic management, create bubbles, which wreck their economy.
What went wrong afterwards?
Too many mexicans?
GDP is actually what paints the full picture, and reflects the economic status of the state.
You cannot defend the GOP's shitty economic policies user
Delaware is nothing but paper corporations.
hey kike you have yet to answer my question
They are more than that considering they are the richest state in the US
Alaska is #1 as of 2015, according to your very link. They're a solid red state. Their wealth comes from natural resources. Delaware is #5 as of 2015 due to their very friendly business tax laws. Fortune 500 companies get a PO Box in Delaware and call it home to avoid New York and New Jersey tax rates.
Your link also puts North Dakota, a solidly red state, 4th as a direct result of natural resources. Wyoming, a popular destination for the wealthy and solidly red, is 7th.
Most of the state GDP per capita numbers are easily explained by demographics and natural resources. I would contend party affiliation and wealth do not strongly correlate if you control for ethnicity, but I've not dug through the statistics and I'm not interested in taking the time to for a thread on Sup Forums so take that purely as a guess.
As an aside, the one on that list which should appall everyone is Washington DC. There is no manufacturing, no natural resources, no tech giants within Washington DC. They exist purely on the backs of taxpayers and their GDP per capita is over 3 times the national average. For what? To pump out tens of thousands of rules annually for the rest of us to follow, like good servants.
Oh, you're the spammer.
>That's anti-Semitic
>GDP is actually what paints the full picture
No it really doesn't.
Things like measures of employment, median income vs costs of living, crime rate, etc are useful measures of economic success.
Why would you want a more accomplished liar in the white house? This is a strange attitude that many people who know of Clinton's corruption take.
Into the oven you go.
This must be bait if you are saying that food has no real value.
Reagan literally imported spics
two reasons
1. people struggling see through the bullshit of liberal policy, want less taxes
2. government spending = higher GDP, even if it's not efficiently spent
1. You don't understand what is GDP.
2. Explain pic related
Why does it seem that democratic economic policies are ALWAYS better than republican policies?
And they're not even in the top 10 for median household income. Incorporating there for favorable taxation and choice of law doesn't make the average Delawarean rich.
Isn't the nose supposed to know these things?
Come home, gods chosen one
>Bush's first term with a Republican congress was much better than when the Dems held both houses in his second term.
What did he mean by this?
Idaho is based. Sure its not as rich but the people there know how to live with in thier means. I visit their at least once a year and its a beautiful state. Im considering moving there.
What about cost of living vs GDP per capita?
No. It's not.
GDP is isn't an accurate indicator of wealth.
China building entire ghost cities in the middle of nowhere with no one living in them (Potempkin Villages) raises their GDP and they lose a tremendous amount of money on stupid government waste like that.
There are other and better ways to measure wealth, GDP is just an easy one to manipulate.