ITT : Post the reddiest film you've ever watched.
ITT : Post the reddiest film you've ever watched
>make film adaptation of humorous cult-novel
>don't use any of the best jokes
>le 42 and thanks for all the fish tho
Damn, its almost like they tried to inject some originality or something
every iteration of HHGTTG (radio, novel, tv, film) has done this.
the difference is the film didn't do it well. at all.
Shoving in untested ideas when you're going for mass appeal is a pretty dumb idea.
Especially when you have far less time to work with when compared to adaptions like the tv or radio ones.
>le objective observer bong everyman character deals with authority.
Really makes me think.
The king of the universe or whatever is trump btw.
Why are you obsessed with them ? we are on Sup Forums.
>make adaptation of humorous cult novel
>don't use any of the best jokes
>"its original!"
>that newest radio adaptation where Zaphod literally says 'make the galaxy great again'
I just switched it off, what a fucking mess
You shut the fuck up you no fun nazi, HGttG is a great movie.
Get raped, this movie is great. Mike Judge is a humble genius.
It's just another stupid american comedy crap, but what it makes different from movies like Scary Movie or shit like this is that it hits hard that reddit's over-200-IQ-club-only spot.
I haven't been able to bring myself to listen to any modern comedy programs since they started doing Trump jokes on Just A Minute. I recently discovered Dragnet is fucking awesome and in the public domain though.
And Quote Unquote is underrated as hell but I can only find a few episodes of it.
Is this real?
>make a trifle
>put beef in it
Was Zaphod /ourguy/?
Not only does your analogy suck, it's also unoriginal. What an absolutely dire post.
From start to end, all the way through - reddit. I can only imagine a redditor with sub-par taste in movies enjoying this load of reddit.
wrong opinion detected.
By your logic, literal shit on a canvas is better than the Mona Lisa because shitting on a canvas is a more original idea than painting some roastie.
He wrote "tried". He didn't specify that it was succesful attempt.
Do people really hate the movie?
It's mediocre.
Name 5 better sci-fi comedies...
Galaxy Quest
Bill and Ted 1 & 2
Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel
Sci-fi comedies might not be a popular genre, but it isn't exactly niche one either
When it came out, teenage me thought it was the greatest shit ever created until I read the books and realized just how vastly inferior it is.
I read the books when I was a kid.
I thought the movie was alright.
>Bill and Ted 1 & 2
Is just a parody of star wars which itself is a sci-fantasy. Doesn't count.
Flubber was an obvious joke, but if you don't like Bill and Ted you are an obvious pleb and should just get the fuck back to pleddit.
I do like Bill and Ted, I just don't think they are better than THGTTG.
It was probably on radio 4, sometime last week
you mean taking out all the actual jokes and inserting cringe humour and slapstick? naah, it can fuck off