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Fuck off faggot this is one of the oldest fucking emails that got leaked last year. Sage this slide thread.
its more relevant than ever
What the fuck how can this be real? H-how am seriously confused right now.
Does anyone have the infograph showing how Planned Parenthood is actually tied to occultists and mass sacrifice. Something about an owl and Bohemian Grove.
fuck off CTR this is relevant
I suggest you fortify yourselves with strong drinks before watching this:
Also this doc in four parts:
that's a lot to watch. I'm watching now. Got any points I can skip to for the good parts?
Whatever man, my uncle sacrifices chickens to spirits all the damn time.
Literally nothing.
Old shit
So you say, but something is occurring. You are profane and don't know where to look.
Planned Parenthood is meant to keep the number of niggers down, I shit you not this is their real purpose.
yeah? How close to the clinton campaign does he work?
Its perfectly normal to sacrifice a chicken or two every now and then. This shit has nothing to do with politics.
no, this is why this whole moloch tinfoil hat /x/ bullshit got started.
Relevant if you're a fucking redditor. Fuck off
No. Is performance art not devil worship. May look the same but is totally different ok.
And those children were going to die anyway. What difference does it make if we eat them.
No the Moloch worship is as old as the hills, It's on your fucking currency.
Clearly you don't understand how Americans think. They tried to black list Harry Potter for a while.
We are living in fucking Bizarro World m80s.
>Fucking "extraterrestrial disclosure": 33010 says; "My children are 2,3,and 5. I hope they grow up with a government that is open and honest about our place in the universe. The knowledge shared with our younger generation can serve as a spark for incredible human advancements."
>"Sacraficing chickens in the back yard to Moloch":
>"Invest in our incumbents", a fucking $5000 "buffet dinner":
However: Real things that have been found:
>Pay to Play with the CF
>Posesta's connection to the DOJ
>Intent to destroy evidence and hide e-mails
>Connection of Hillary and CF to foreign donors
>Money laundering
>Collusion of the DNC, Hillary's campaign, and super PACS (including CTR)
Moloch is in the Bible.
It is represented by the star of Remphan on the Israeli flag.
The name Synagog of Satan is used for good reason.
Without the Christ, Jesus, they are Antichrist.
70AD Siege of Jerusalem put an end to Jewish sacrifice for sins, Jesus was the final and perfect sacrifice, there is no other.
Does your uncle sacrifice chickens to eat or sacrifice chickens to a baby eating jew God that tells him how to run a campaign for president
thanks CTR
I'm glad you can't vote user.
Colonialism was a mistake.
it might not even be pedos, just consider this:
What if Obama could mean a general term for the administration?
What if Pizza if just female hookers?
Hotdogs are male hookers?
Children/Grandchildren = underclassmen/colleagues
I definitely think they're using codewords that people would use with their dealer
e.g. "Hey mate, can I come over for some tea?"
>"I'm looking for some weed"
Basically the white house at the moment is just full of sordid people who are really bad at covering their tracks properly, not LIMITED to illegal stuff, however, you'd have to agree that blowing 65k on hookers is illegal as fuck aside from Lolita express.
Then ask yourself, who is funding all this?
Lolita express needs money for plane fuel and whatever else
Private transporters/couriers that work in secret cost fuckloads
Hookers (good ones) aren't cheap, plus extra to silence them OR to pay for someone to erase them so they won't snitch.
Then you have to consider the timeframe this has been going on for, has it existed as long as Bohemian grove?
AND take into account Blood Witch Jew with her spirit cooking, she's a famous as fuck liberal performance artist that many high-end people hire to do works in a live setting for.
That would cost immense amount of cash too.
Sup Forums need to stop being so narrow-minded and think of details surrounding suspicion rather than jumping from one speculation to another
I'll have you look at this another way.
If you KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that all of this was going on and even if you wanted to stop it, you're in too deep and would probably get JFK'd over it?
Wouldn't that stress you out beyond belief?
Now you have an idea why Obama aged 20 years in just 8. The job and all that comes with it fucks you up.
The Obama Administration make Reagan look like a fucking angel.
if it was 666 it'd be the best post all day
That's a turn of phrase. It's to say she knows things that are not necessarily documented.
Chicken is a name people call someone when they're scared. I like to imaging chicken=scared kid.
old, also it's obvious there joking around
this is a red herring and you're either a shill trying to get people fixated on something that will waste their time or you're a gigantic fucking retard
The food shit is definitely drugs, not prostitutes. Basically they're having cocaine parties.
This is much more common in finance and politics than people realize.
A chicken. You guys are really worried about a chicken. Sup Forums is pure shit now.
He sacrifices them to mostly-benevolent spirits.
Statehood is going to happen soon. Its gonna be great.
>The food shit is definitely drugs, not prostitutes. Basically they're having cocaine parties.
>This is much more common in finance and politics than people realize.
Your single digits are plausible.
Another thing I'd like to add about evil, is how boring, repetitive and predictable it is.
There just a few classes of shitty things you can do. Greed, hedonism, pride, destruction.
It all boils down to escaping productive suffering. They want to feel good at all times. They want to fuck, stuff their gullet, hoard resources and supplement it with drugs as icing on the cake.
Love and creation is much more diverse.
I don't want anyone romanticizing this shit by attributing too much mystery to it.
We're small pathetic ants. Some ants collect more crumbs than others. That's about as exciting as it really gets from the cosmic perspective.
Pick related.
>ITT people with literal autism misread blatant humor and satire for actual satanic beliefs in the power of animal sacrifice.
Lads we've been over this a thousand times since last year....
Show me?
Yeah newfriend, we know. This comment was seems sarcastic though.
I don't think you get it leaf. it's literally happening smdh fucking moloch worshiper. I'll pray for you leaf!!11
>tfw you can no longer tell the difference between shitposts and actual retards