I'm putting together a team, you in?

>I'm putting together a team, you in?

Attached: IMG_6063.jpg (500x935, 75K)

Yes. (No.)

Attached: 220px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1973-012-43,_Erwin_Rommel.jpg (220x357, 21K)

How much money do I get?

Attached: carrie-fisher-before-after-plastic-surgery-now.jpg (682x1024, 146K)

>I told you I'm retired, I'm not a nazi anymore.

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Will there be Jews?

Attached: landa.jpg (413x232, 35K)

you can trust me

Attached: stalin.jpg (1200x1381, 239K)

Ja, i am zinking he is back

Attached: Heinrich_Himmler,_Chef_der_Deutschen_Polizei_im_Reichsministerium_des_Innern.jpg (999x729, 58K)

Jew gotta be kidding! Mr. Rosenblatt said you were dead!

>Dr Molotov, I'm Abwehr
>They work for the Bolshevik. The Mustasched Man.

damn the nazis knew how to dress

they look like a bunch of goons

Attached: 1516488351777.jpg (600x622, 71K)

Hell, it's about time.

Attached: ben.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

>satanic jewish banking cartel
>"I swear! We aren't crazy. What's so crazy about that huh?"

Neo-nazis and their butt buddies are strange

leave mao to me

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can i bring my dubs?

Attached: Dad pol.jpg (3024x4032, 332K)

stefan molyneux's early attempts at vodcasting

>Yes, but only if you spare the jews

Attached: 170522112455-trump-never-mentioned-israel-to-russians-sot-ath-00003520-exlarge-169.jpg (780x438, 63K)

>Drumpf, why are you filming my scenes first?

Attached: IMG_6022.jpg (343x429, 23K)