You liked Rashomon

>You liked Rashomon
>That's not how I remember it

What did they mean by this?

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the joke is that Rashomon is a film about pretending to like films

sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed

Something something seed and feed


Homer was watching the movie while Marge was getting fucked and sucked by Sneed

Homer remembers the store being called "Chuck's Feed & Seed," but everyone else insists it was called "Chuck's Fuck & Suck."

>Marge getting sucked

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It's about people remembering different versions of events.


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That's funny. Post more film references in The Simpsons.

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>Yamato even thinking he could do fucking anything in that situation

Why couldn't Naruto control his emotions? Little bitch nearly gets his mates killed all the time because he can't tame his feefees.

Damn, that's a really clever joke if true.

>HAHA mods gave up
What are some good TV shows about farming? I'm moving on from cartoons and I want something that'll teach me about the profession I'm about to enter in my free time (would like to learn about tending livestock, measuring soil pH, growth cycles/seasons all that jazz)
Got anything for me Sup Forums?

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Stop the madness, sneedposters

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Sneedposting has gotten worse than Baneposting now.

>Sneedposting has gotten better than Baneposting now.
Fixed your typo

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E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt): The Animated Series

Careful now

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he's right

It's a meta joke.

>wife turns on the Simpsons on tv
>you shut it off
>wife: I thought you liked the simpsons
>These Simpsons aren't how I remembered them

>you liked simpsons threads
>that's not how I remember it

you shut your whore mouth!

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Formerly the mods cared.

I deliberately enter these threads to giggle at Sneedposting

based giggler

So this kid is really 15? Holy Shit.

What do you watch? I'm curious

Formerly a younger age.

Who are you talking to?

Uhhh, are you okay user? Is there someone we can call?


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Silver Spoon. No joke, Silver Spoon.

He sees the phantom child.

I did the same for /STD/

What was in those threads that made you giggle?

Where are the mods?
Stop this spam

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Cringe desu