>everybody hates season 2?
>im gonna say i love season 2
>im even gonna say its my favorite
>surely that will make me look smart
it objectively has the best intro theme though
>everybody hates season 2?
>im gonna say i love season 2
>im even gonna say its my favorite
>surely that will make me look smart
it objectively has the best intro theme though
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I’m on season 2 rn and they just got the gang back together for one last job.
It's my favourite because I relate most to working class whites.
Rich is my favorite RLM too
It's the best standalone season, and best captures the arc of the entire show, that something is revealed, people fight it, realize it can't be overcome, and life just goes on.
its the second best after season 1
just try and prove me wrong, drumpflets
im waiting
Fuck Ryan O'reilly and Cyril too
This. Frank, ziggy, Nick and the Greek are much better characters than the hoods from S1.
Season 2 is the best. 3, 4 & 5 never hit the high point of 2 with any of their particular season focuses.
Season 2 is the pleb filter.
When I tried getting into the Wire a few years ago, I was almost ready to give up the series after season 1, but then season 2 came along and it was kino as fuck, then I tried watching season 3 and I stopped.
I realized I loved season 2 after seeing Frank walk to his impending doom. Best encapsulation of the series as a whole with the best standalone arc with the Sobotkas.
This. The people who say they hate Season 2 are always normie retards who just see the show as a crime drama.
The black orignal fanbase hates season two because of wypipo and a big white cock David Simon threw in their faces and traumatized them. Fucking hilarious.
Then wiggas and numales trying to feel cool agreed with the black fanbase without any critical thinking of their own other than retroactive grasping at straws to justify their sentiment.
I'm not white and I identified with s2 the most because I'm not from the hood but know of Working Class concerns.
s2 is kino
I think it really serves to Simon's statement of what niggerdom does to blacks by having whites act like niggers and face the same self-destruction.
I never see simons show treme discussed anywhere. was it that bad?
someone post those amazing tits. the only good thing about this season.
tfw we used to build shit for this country
Best theme, best season. How did they do it?
This, saw a lot of my dad in Frank, don't relate to Iggy at all thou, he was a proper cunt.
it definitely had the best pair of titties, but how realistic are titties like those if you live in your mom's basement?
I only started really liking season two after I watched it a second time. I think what annoyed me the first time is I knew so many people like the guys who played the longshoresmen was just like "fuck off", especially Ziggy, I worked with a faggot just like him.
>the virgin globalist season 1
>the chad protectionist season 2
I legit didn't get hooked on the show until the end of S2. Probably Ziggy's ending. Was just so unexpected and brutal I had to see what the show was gonna do next.
t. nigger
It's solid, all the musical acts and Steve Zahn's character brought it down for me though.
Season 2 was definitely the hardest one to get into, for me. By the end of s1 I was so invested in the Barksdale story that when it suddenly stopped and shifted gears altogether it was kind of a shock. I stalled a lot to get it going, but when I did, it became very interesting.
I'd guess that's what happened to most people. It is kind of a jarring change.
yo, pic semi related
It's the only season I remeber.
You know where my poop comes out? Yeah, there. Lick that clean. Thanks.
The betrayal of the working class will always be more compelling and relevant to me than the drug stuff. But I can see how it's all woven into a singular tapestry depicting the state of neo-liberal institutions in the american city, beautiful stuff honestly.
Is that Rich Evans?