Explain this fucking scene.
Explain this fucking scene
Other urls found in this thread:
Rey is actually an altered Sheev clone.
Baby's first ""deep"" scene
Black Swan/Perfect Blue
Literally the only imaginative scene in the new sw films. That's not saying much tho.
The cave knew her past and future. That's why she asked it who her parents were. Only good scene in the movie.
hoo boy
Rei > Rey
>hey check out this new effect we found. we should put it in the movie
She's a clone
You are too dumb to understand this Kino
I thought it meant she didnt have parents, and that she’s just The Force Incarnate that keeps being reborn.
I am fucking glad I was wrong.
The cave is a nexus between the multiverse and she met her alternate selves
>According to Sidious, Plagueis was powerful enough that he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life and keep the ones he cared about from dying, a precious knowledge that awarded him the epithet of "The Wise."[3]
>Plagueis, however, also developed a belief that the Force could "strike back" at him for his power.
The ritual Palpatine and Plagueis did, actually worked. They were un-able to pinpoint where it had happen though. Anakin was the result of this but Palpatine knew that such a powerful forceuser would eventually be found and had no problem waiting it out.
Rey is the force striking back, creating a second perfect force-child as a direct insult to the legacy of Plagueis and a direct assault on working of Palpatine. A child that will undo everything they worked to create.
>Perfect Blue
i dont remember this in perfect blue
At least if your theory was true it would mean something.
It's like Rian goes "snoke theories were dumb xd" when TLJ gave us absolutely nothing
It seems obvious now.
trust no one