Brit/pol/ - Stephen Phillips resigns edition

>Tory MP Stephen Phillips resigns

>We will achieve Brexit, even if it takes an election, a purge of the Europhiles or 1,000 new peers to get there

>High Court ruling on Article 50 will not blow Brexit off course, Theresa May expected to tell EU boss Jean-Claude Juncker

>Work on eight Type 26 frigates to begin in Summer 2017

>Priti Patel got a 'major wrap over the knuckles' from Theresa May in aid funding row

>Greens back Lib Dem candidate against Zac Goldsmith in byelection

>Outrage as Great Ormond Street hospital worker wishes illness on Brexiteers’ children on BBC Question Time

>Three left in UKIP race as Peter Whittle withdraws

>If the Brexit process is put in the hands of Remain MPs, the whole referendum was pointless

>Former UK Army chief: Trump ‘might make the world safer’

>This is the size of the majority in the House of Commons against Brexit

Other urls found in this thread:,_Baron_Thomas_of_Cwmgiedd

You know, reading through Tim Shipmans new book 'all out war', it's becoming very, very clear that classical texts played a large part in how the Leave campaign and eurosceptics operated.

Like Dominic Cummings reading nothing but Ceasar and Hannibal for 2 years in preparation for it, and Steve Baker reading Sun Tzu and Robert Greene on strategy.

Just how many British political operators take their lessons from ancient military strategy texts?

Tell me about brexit. Will it still happen ? If not, what will brits do ?

too highbrow for brit/pol/ mate

Fresh Nige.

It'll happen, it's just getting stalled. Heads will roll if they keep us in the single market.

It's gonna happen and if it doesn't fuckton of trust lost in the government likely violence on the streets and just boiling over and shit

>underestimating Labour's stupidity

IDS just said he thinks the lords will block the A50 trigger.

Yes it will happen, the only doubt is the when.



It will happen. The working class will go full Bastille otherwise

A purge of the pedophiles more like

I don't think they should've appealed it - as much as I didn't like the outcome because of potential ramifications that can come from it, it probably was ultimately the right decision.

Technically, I suppose they still will do that

Well, it'll mean total Northern anarchy at least.

What's bad about Suzanne Evans

Damn. What happened to Paul Joseph Watson??

Why aren't you voting for Labour lads?

God i cant fucking decide i want trump to win but my cash is saying clinton oh god

old people should be banned from voting

She's a woman.


Suzanne Evans has entered the oversized poppy contest

Who else /homesick/?

Not even sure when the appeal is, i've seen the 7th Dec bandied about, that's over a month away

So you will go full insurrection and jail your representatives if they decide to cancel brexit ?

its a regular size poppy m8
she's just really small

Because I'm not a paki or on the dole.


Meet the three judges who are trying to wreck brexit.

>Lord Thomas, the Lord Chief Justice
>Thomas is one of the Founding Members of the European Law Institute, a non-profit organisation that conducts research, makes recommendations and provides practical guidance in the field of European legal development with a goal of enhancing the European legal integration.,_Baron_Thomas_of_Cwmgiedd

>Sir Terence Etherton, the Master of the Rolls
>Etherton and his civil partner Andrew Stone were married in a Reform Judaism wedding ceremony at West London Synagogue.

>Lord Justice Sales
>Sales is a close friend of Tony Blair, the former prime minister who campaigned for Remain and wants a second vote on Britain's EU membership.

Repeating from last thread

Millennials don't have any sense of attachment to their own community or country, they can't fathom why someone would want to have a say on something so important as the future of the country they have lived in and loved, despite not possibly being there to see the full effects.

They are selfish, it is all about themselves, they do not care about legacy.


No. I'm middle class. The poor will do it for me.

How the FUCK is that not a conflict of interest?

what happens if May just triggers it without telling Parliament? can't she just go to Brussels and declare UK is leaving and that is that?

She's the anti-Farage candidate.

What if they don't ? Or hang you in the process accusing you of being a globalist bourgeois ?

The EU lobbyist, the Blairite and the gay jew.

Mass resignations, and/or a vote of no confidence probably.

What has happened to Peter Hitchens?
I watched something of his recently and he was damming the Leave vote and said he didn't even vote in it.
Has he just gone full contrarian now?

It won't legally be valid, meaning she'd probably be overthrown

They will. I'm not a globalist though. And they'll only hang foreigners.

If they keep pushing back Brexit in parliament will the Queen finally step forward and sentence the traitorous filth to death?

Overthrown by who ? She would just be acting the will of the people. Can your representatives say "fuck the people" ?

She's non interventionist so far.

>gone full contrarian
he always was

Remember, the referendum was only advisory.

Remainers writing their MPs get your pictures of Joe cox ready lads.

Top story on DM website
>Outrage as Great Ormond Street hospital worker stuns BBC Question Time viewers by wishing illness on Brexiteers' children

By her own party, if anything

They would not be saying "fuck the people", they would be adhering to the Court's decision

(they would claim)

I wish she would tell parliament to get their shit together


If the same MPs who voted 544 to 53 to hold the EU referendum vote to block Brexit then I will hit my breaking point


>Parliament vote to allow a referendum
>Cameron says he will act on the result, effectively deferring the decision to the people
>Several months pass
>"lol no u cant do dat"

>1,000,000 more votes

>the Court's decision

Chances of another MP being murdered if they block it?

The vote set it in stone, and o go against the voters would cause a ton of shit with the masses. What we're seeing here is a dispute over when to invoke article 50 rather than if. Teresa May wanted it done fairly soonish, but now its looking as if it might get stalled, which pisses off most brexit voters because we wanted it now rather than later.

>SCM private
>2 Eaton Gate, Chelsea, London SW1W 9BJ
If anyone wants to go shit down her chimney

What a bunch of pathetic cunts.


Good answer lol

Calm down MI5

I word for the BBC actually

>there are currently faggots who post "lol" on your brit/pol/


yes yes, well done leave, well done

however, i still have to ask parliament ...

The old people have experienced what the European union means. They have listened to the bullshit and seen the reality. They know what they are doing. The young will believe any shit because they don't have the experience. The young of today have less of everything, yet love the EU that has made their life shit.

Shall i do it ladS? got some spare cash

Polls done in UK reveal Trump has almost no support.

I find this very hard to believe.

I'd expect the UKIP vote to be behind Trump, which gives him 13% straight away.
With all of the other parties combined, Trump support should easily hit 20%, yet the yougov polls show otherwise.

Don't think I trust the polls any more.

Makes me glad I put a tenner on when it was 4/1

Though it was 10/1 at one point

Yes if hillary wins you can still laugh at yanks to cheer yourself up.


>I find this very hard to believe.

Me too, i'd go as far as to say they're talking shite

I have to say I agree. LBC, outside of the 10am-4pm cuckery, gets tons of callers supporting Trump.

Still pretty fucking good odds was gonna put some on a week ago but this was before the surge

'but only after we have consulted each other'.

DM is 100% pro-Trump. Pro-Hillary/Anti-Trump posting will wreck your green arrow rating. Most of the UK is brainwashed, low information cucks who have never heard Trump speak.

>your democratic right diminishes as you get closer to death
according to millennials
who might die of any number of things before they grow old
who might choose to emigrate away from britain forever in the future
who would not make this argument if the old person was voting in favour of staying in the EU
who would not argue in favour of lowering the voting age if young people were overwhelmingly Leavers
yeah definitely let's just tell people who've lived and worked in this country their whole life that their voice no longer counts
you can only vote on things which you will directly live through

This quiz show on BBC Two is using the Doom opening door sound as an effect.

It's sad that I recognised it immediately.

Threadly reminder

>On 10 December 2014, pursuant to legislation allowing couples in civil partnerships to convert the relationship to marriage, Etherton and his civil partner Andrew Stone were married in a Reform Judaism wedding ceremony at West London Synagogue

If Brexit is still a campaign issue, isn't this great for conservative parties?

I consider Trump an American hero and gained massive respect for him when some fag on his show called himself white trash, resulting in an insult to Trump's white pride and him firing him then and there after dressing him down for using the term.

God emperor indeed.


Yes. If they go for soft Brexit it also gives UKIP a continued purpose. Hopefully they can get their shit together.

is hard brexit still a possibility? I WANT HARD BREXIT FFS

What would be the cutoff?
If you are 80 you could still have 20 more years in you

It's an entirely unworkable proposal, that is just people venting their anger at being beaten

What is the story behind this. Stinks of a trojan horse attack.


Also have a bet with William Hill for £20 with a return of £56.

Millennials make me fucking sick. The old bastards on this island are by far the best demographic. I've only ever connected with them and never with my own generation.

Great people. British patriots. Thank you old people.

Should of went with Ladbrokes i get an extra £50 free bet

I wonder if anything interesting about him will come out in the weekend papers. Might be why he quit without warning, he didn't even tell Theresa May.

>tfw /r/ukpolitics is slowly turning from the pro-brexit sub into another /r/uk stronghold.

This is my first time betting and I don't want to do it again. I feel dirty for doing it.

Reminder that remaincucks may have inadvertently damaged the EUs stability even more.

>In a series of phone calls, the prime minister told European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker and Germany's Angela Merkel that the government believed it would win its Supreme Court appeal against the ruling and she was committed to triggering Article 50 by March 2017.

Is there hope, lads? Just think, all the remainers getting the hopes up then they have it all taken away.