Scenes that women will never understand

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I'm a woman and I understood it you dumb virgin

found the woman

Are you single?

Get out of here, you succubus

Thank you Satan

No, he wasn't doing it for instagram likes

fake. we know women don't browse this shithole. nice try, faggot

>arguing with holes

>I'm a woman
tits or gtfo

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>#me too

how retarded do you have to be to watch dragon ball?

looks interesting

>on 4chins

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He killed millions

leftist propaganda short on german tv

It’s almost funny to me that as a society scenes like this one wouldn’t be made again because of the outrage culture would say it “glorifies” violence against women.

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I laughed

you're not a woman, just confused

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Could you imagine women trying to understand Guren? It would probably kill them.

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Holy shit Europeans are trash. No wonder they feel insecure about US television, theirs is absolute garbage.

>german tv

Global is a canadian channel, retard

so butifel and toucheing

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I'm a male and i don't undertand this scene. Can you explain it to me?

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Tits or gtfo

I'm a (woman) too.

Do Germans really do this?