Watching a new show on Netflix

>watching a new show on Netflix
>see a nigger larping as a professor
>movie ruined
Anyone else feel like this? why are there so many niggers Jungle or Sand on Netflix shows.

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soros gives millions to netflix

I suppose it could be worse they could be trying to convince me he won gold medals at the Olympics swimming.

Netflix is the most (compromised) entertainment company. They're also making their own news show which will be 100% unbiased.

don't make me tell professor badass

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Why didn't you complain when he was an astrophysicist in Interstellar?

So is it a show or a movie?

For me it was the murder on the Orient Express movie that just came out.

Like a black doctor in that time. All right come on now. Sure they tried to explain it but still. There was only one racist person on that train and he was faking it?

And did they really have to be a forbidden love interracial subplot!?!?! In Agatha Christie's murder mystery


I guess Al habeeb here is studying for her Truck Drivers license.

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It's time to get out of your basement Sup Forums.

The only thing they have got right is Chang Hoe here working for Unit 731 testing biologicals on random patients.

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I don't get it

Who doesn't?


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It's an edgy Sup Forums kid tries to fit in thread.

Also in Darkest Hour that random black guy who was classically educated from Jamaica. I'm found it ridiculous and I'm black


>that fucking lens flare
Shit belongs on Netflix after all

go back to Sup Forums youngster

Cheese Pizza now fuck off

>the Chinese
>working FOR unit 731

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Eh, didnt bother me at all. My comp sci professor is black, its not that crazy for there to be a black professor in the US.

Netflix just can't resist involving their politics. I was watching the babysitter and had to roll my eyes when the kid asks himself 'why are there guns?' I'm not even American and it pisses me off.

Its just an element of the cancer within our society. Like how 100% of xmas adverts in the UK featured an interracial couple.

It's so fucking transparent cringey it comes across like they have a list of things they must tick off.

Someone's insecure.

About Niggers pretending to be scientists? LMAO.

hey I think you lost these (())

>and I'm black
I highly doubt that, and he wasnt jamaican, he was a black Brit.

How dare they. Next time they need to put a trigger warning to warn us Sup Forums cucks. That shit is dangerous.

No such thing blacks come from Africa not Briton.

He was a Jamaican, or from somewhere in the West Indies. And how do you think black brits came into existence? From former colonies. I don't really care what you think.

So insecure you dedicated a thread to it.

>stop hating things i like

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Not him but you're either deliberately misreading his post or have no self awareness. You're the one who's making the "i hate this so don't like it" argument here and reeing about black people.

Yes insecurity made me create a thread excellent diagnoses.

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idc if you are offended go make a thread about it and cry somewhere else.

Sup Forums cucks sure like to obsess about things they claim to hate.

This seriously is a trope. It replaced the magical negro.

pls ban this 16 year old boy he should not be on the internet he should be in school

Thats taking a bit too far i think because i had actually smart black teachers ... i am in brazil though, american blacks are a whole different breed.

>And how do you think black brits came into existence? From former colonies.
Eh, sort of... Quite a few black were brought directly to england as slaves before 1772, and others as indentured servants after that. Anyways in the scene the black guy quite clearly had a british accent as was portrayed a black person born and raised in England.

cucks sure like to obsess about Sup Forums

Does Daisy kiss that nigger?

PEOPLE BEING EDGY ON Sup Forums? no way!

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I'm not offended, calm down.

14 years of age have brought you a sharp whit and a strong, unmatched heart

>hate bees
>buy a cake
>theres a bee in it
>lmao mad Sup Forumstards are stupid am i right?

Slaves from where numb-nuts? From Scotland? No, from former colonies.

He was clearly Jamaican

I actually dont remember if she did or not.
He does go ape shit and attempts to murder our main character with a gun. So much for portraying black doctor in a good light

>cares enough to anonymously tell strangers he doesn't care.


>ask a Sup Forumstard to do some introspective thinking about how he is being hypocritical
>he responds "lul xD you are offended and TRIGGERED, go cry somewhere else"

you just cant make this shit up

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>i'm not offended but calm down and do what i tell you
off you fuck

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no but there's the worst scene in a movie i've ever seen in theaters
willem dafoe is le creepy german guy xD and says race mixing is like ruining wine by mixing red and white(daisy is conveniently drinking two separate glasses of wine for breakfast lol, red and white)
so she cringely says
>i like a nice rose
and pours them together

Oh boy here we go the tumblr brigade has arrived.

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You have got to be kidding me.

>cry, get triggered and get mental breakdowns whenever they're reminded women and minorities exist

fragile autistic whitoid males everyone

>cri when whites make fun of them
stay mad nig

>cry, get triggered and get mental breakdowns whenever they're reminded of white superiority.

Leftists, everyone.


The fact that you think you're accomplishing something with this blind autistic screeching on a Mongolian basket weaving forum is sad. Nobody here cares, you're just shitting up the place. You're not even angering "sjws" here. Go to facebook or twitter or something if you want to do this and argue with the blue haired freaks you hate.

Minorities can exist, just not in our countries.
I like how you pretend that we’re illogical for not wanting our countries to be worse.

tl;dr take your autism meds or screech at someone else.

Reminder that tumblr posters will never engage you logically, they will call you names and hide behind localized slangs they learned somewhere.

The fact that people are starting to develop a taste for off-text minority centered characters is a mere natural rejection to this mandatory diversification of everything, one thing is seeying blacks on straight out of compton, the other is to replace white characters with blacks (or non-whites) sorely for pandering to usa liberaltards.

I do think though op is exagerating, but since i came to hate this trend too (even though i am not white) i kinda understand his point.

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its just the fantasy genre user, (((hollywood))) loves it these days. they even had one movie where africa had a functioning nation state in it

>starting to develop a taste for off-text minority
A distaste*

i rarely read what i type before i post.

damn I didn't know the goose was hung like THAT...

also, niggers.

you're stuck in 2014 dawg
tumblr isn't really an imminent, political web presence anymore

thats okay user i rarely read what most people post i just farm them for you's but you are mostly right. I find it hard to relate to urban black Americans and their struggles since there are no blacks in my country at all. I don't understand why Hollywood is killing themselves over this.

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>stop calling us out shitlord
>acts tumblerish

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>hollywood is killing themselves over this
um, these statistics are pretty good in favor of hollywood's earnings...

i bet you don't even know that inflation exists.

Just report them for toxic behavior and be done with it.

Hi grandad. Why don't you actually go to tumblr and argue with them there instead of on an Anonymous image board about television and film? or twitter? The SJWs all identify themselves on twitter, go harass them there to their faces. You're such a useless coward that you bitch here and make everyone hate you. Fuck off.

stay mad cuck

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Yeah but the problem is also that black american culture is garbage, theres no beating around the bush here, i dislike everything about it, if you ever met a black britbong or nigerian you will notice they aren't that brandsucking mixtaping hot headed tard.

We need more precision when talking about blacks though because there are a lot of based negros out there that sorely because of their race they get grouped up with an army of generic hood thugs when in reality they are carton bankses.
I really don't like racism, its just too easy and unrealistic.


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Their goal isn’t to make money, their goal is to destroy whites.

>that pic
What was the point of screen shotting that and posting it? But at any rate, if you can't tell that that was an ironic post, then I feel sorry for you. Your toxic behavior has been reported to the internet police.

Believe it or not they learned how to copy mcdonalds format and are applying to movies, they gonna profit a lot more but once the average movie goer gets jaded on it they are in for a steep decline, however the empire will still be too big by then, they can tank that damage.

>Angry that a professor character is black
>Even though this is a thing that happens all the time in real life
OP how do you survive?

beyond hope, just gonna hide your posts now. enjoy your life. it's probably hard enough

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Are you seriously, unironically, claiming that black people can't be professors?

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Eh i don't like half of my country and want to oven them so never mind the blacks. The whole concept of black and white is a stupid Amerishit invention anyway. You are right when you say we should deal with Negroes more precisely and not lump them in with the Congoloid ghetto slaves that live in North America we do a disservice to the African peoples as a whole.

Good bye my sides.

What is it with black people and flaunting their degrees? I mean, I'm going for my doctorate soon, so I get it, you earned the ability to show it off. But the last professor I had had dr as part of their email, and constantly referenced their title. It's fucking off putting!

Why does Sup Forums get upset when people tell them to fuck off? What exactly is their endgame by finding new shit to complain about all the time?

BROH with Spiderman movies comin' I aint goin nowhere and I happily give marvel my money

That's the main reason why i usually dump a show from the first 5 minutes of the first episode. Sadly, that makes the majority of the shows nowadays.

Right? They talk about "tumblrinas" looking to get offended by everything when, ya know, that's exactly how they act.

I clapped when I saw it. What an unexpected treat!

>there are literally no black professors
This is your brain on Sup Forums

You'd have to be 8 years old to find that funny

stay mad

Does it infuriate you to see niggers being successful while you're sitting alone in your mom's basement shitposting on a Taiwanese stitching forum?

This movie was only distributed by Netflix you dumb underage niggers.

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And you're pathetic