Drumpf and Alt-Right are finished. This great article will make sure no intelligent person votes for Drumpf, the candidate of choice for Alt-Right Neo-Nazis.
Alt-Right and Drumpf exposed! Hillary presidency guaranteed
>huffington post
I like his background picture
Didnt real all of it, but its the usual bit
>Nothing bad is happening to white people, its just a conspiracy, but all this racism is trumps fault
>Everyone there is uneducated or crazy
>Everything is scary and im a numale
What's alt right?
>This post again.
So cringey
Why are they so obsessed with pushing the "alt-right", "Pepe", "Putin", "Trump" thing in the media?
Is it some Alinskyte tactic?
its because we are playing their game. They understand the power of pushing counterculture, ridicule and labels, and we are beating them at their own game. that is why they are trying to make pepe racist and then link trump to pepe and the rest, its how you play, negative association.
they have ruled by shaming and ridiculing people into defeat, they used the label racist to shame people, just like we use the word cuck to shame people.
i wouldnt say they are obsessed, its just the only thing they know how to do
>>This post again.
>So cringey
>hurrdington post
y ok keep linking the feminist blog
And I guess they're pushing the Putin thing so much to justify more antagonization with Russia?
I just find it funny how they're suddenly all over this. People like Buchanan and David Duke have always existed.
Actually a pretty accurate article for once
Good fucking article. Didn't get through it all since I have to go to the doctor. Probably will pick it up again later. Very informative and doesn't PC it all up, this is what journalism should look like not what they've been doing the past decade. What are you guys? Alt right, alt lite, alt white or trumpian
No it's not they're just pushing a loose connection of people that have always existed (see how much they whined about the Tea Party being le racist, see the old South Park episode about "dey terk er jebs") and trying to group them, label them, and marginalize them
He talks about Karl Rove's "reality-based community" and Republican efforts to demonize science but dismisses how the Left does the exact same thing, conspiracies about Putin, ignoring facts that that hurts their feelings. Left-wing echo chambers have especially been bad this election. He talks about Republicans' efforts to demonize the media, but the American media is largely Democratic, there's a reason for it, and distrust in the media has been going on for decades/centuries, it what was happened in the 1930s, people felt the control of the Press was working against the people's interests.
He also tries to say they're all "unabashed racists who think blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs are congenitally stupid and violent", which is just broad image so they can associate it with "alt-right" views (which is a broad term they can paint anyone with conservative social views) so they can say they're all racist.
Stop being retarded, it's a typical shitty, agenda-driven, biased HuffPo article, and one that just repeats the same things the media has been saying about the "alt-right" since (((Milo))) introduced the term months ago.
well putin is a distant boogey man that most of their readership has never listened to or seen much of outside of rumors and news. It could be as a preperation for war with russia, you have to first normalize your enemy before you can attack them with weapons.
Hes a good strawman because he wont go on the news and defend himself in the US or outside of russia (most of the time) so they can paint whatever picture they want of him and then link that negative thing to trump.
Evil strawman ---> Putin --->Trump said something vaguely positive of putin ---> Apply strawman to trump = Trump is evil
Its all pretty textbook
i dont know much about the other two you mentioned, except david duke who used to be in the Klux, same process
People have short memories, you can wear out a strawman or label, so you have to wait a while before reinventing it and reapplying it to the public.
Visiting the states from England and I've been following the election for some time and am really surprised.
Do Americans actually support Hillary? I am surprised a good few on here support her. She is the exact type of politician this place has botched about for years.
>pushing an agenda damaging the nation and the world
>in the pockets of wall Street
>supports direct intervention policies
>involved in numerous scandals
>cares more about third world people than her own country
>high chance of war with Russia
I'm surprised. Everyone has always wanted some person to come and send the establishment running and it seems to be Trump, he is making the Republican party his bitch and slapping the shit out of the Democrats. I mean the fact alone that the GOP is trying to sabotage him to me is a sign that the cheeto may be the one needed.
>Science is on my side, goy!
honestly never thought i'd see Sup Forums reach Sup Forums levels of influence damn it's been a long ride i can't believe the mainstream media is actually talking about redpills and shit
Reads like a bad book, a fucking blog post, aka,
we memed a man into a very close presidential race, with a very real chance of memeing him to the most concentrated seat of political power in the world
I love how they're still pushing that star as
>oy vey, the goyim are callling out the jews!!!
A conspiracy theory leftists cooked up to try and reconcile their totalitarian and racist policies with their liberal and tolerant principles.
They can excuse their own behavior as long as there's a boogeyman who's worse.
Ugh so on my way to meet a bunch of fucking nazis I heard on the radio that people STILL use firearms recreationally. I had to check and make sure it's still 2016 and not 1800... -_-
That would make for a pretty good title screen for a cartoon.
>Alt-Right; the wacky teenage frog friends who have to fight against the Moloch Monster who's trying to take over the world! also they like pizza and skateboarding
>...pls buy our toys
>in the broadest since, the alt-right is a populist revolt against the political establishment
No, that's Trumpism, the alt-right is all about white nationalism. Fuck they're retarded.
>the alt-right believes in crazy conspiracy theories!
>spread by Republicans!
That sounds like a conspiracy theory.
If you're intelligent, you're an alt-right neo-Nazi, though.
theyre starting to make of their own flag a hate symbol like in sweden
its already starting
They hate us because they ain't us.
I got to the point around shoving the black lady at a Trump rally and stopped reading.
If people aren't willing to recognize the fact the Democrat party put in plants at Trump rally's, then there's nothing to discuss.
The funniest part is non-Americans support Hillary too. They complain about how America is starting every war ever and then support Hillary, they're completely brainwashed by the (((media))).
The people are just waking up to zionist oppression. You can only shit on people for so long until they realize what's going on.
Noone here supports Hillary, it's literally only trolling and baiting.
Huffington Post?
>a good few
shitposters that wants (You) supports hillary
And here I was thinking that alt-right was just an umbrella term to tack all people under one label in order to brush them aside as ebil nazis if they dare to disagree with the glorious multiculti utopia.
they're not even trying anymore
That's not quite true, I'm sure a bunch of Hillary supporters come here to see what the fuss is all about. They tend to leave or convert though. No one would stay in hostile territory, it'd be like us staying on Tumblr.
Pretty much. They willl try to label anyone against the (((globalist))) agenda as alt-right and associate it with things like Putin, Pepe, Hitler, no matter how moderate their views are. So far it's not working though.
I didn't think there was a clear definition of the alt right other than a gay label that just means "people I don;t like"
The article is just one way for Huffing Paint Post readers to label anyone not "with her" as a racist.
Only the brainwashed liberals who bought into Hillarys campaign slanders support her.
The Alt Right is a real movement and they are racial realists through and through. Enough with this ignorance of the what the Alt Right is. They tell you exactly who they are in their own words. You people would know this if you read outside of Sup Forums.
The Alt-Right Press Conference | Richard Spencer, Peter Brimelow & Jared Taylor
Richard Spencer, Editor of RadixJournal.com and President of The National Policy Institute, who coined the term “Alt Right”;
Peter Brimelow, Editor of VDARE.com, author of Alien-Nation and longtime immigration analyst and activist;
Jared Taylor, Editor of American Renaissance, a webzine dedicated to race and its impact on society.
The point is that regardless of how the term started, it's being used by the media for a very specific purpose, to manipulate public opinion by linking any support of Trump, anti-globalism, and conservatism with neo-Nazism, rather than being limited to white nationalism. It's not a coincidence that the (((media))) is trying to push the term so hard. When you put a label on something, it's easy to subvert, discredit, mold, and divide.
I bet half of the sources and facts can be debunked with this pastebin, as usual.
Liberals love to build upon their castle of racial ignorance to make arguments. Which are inherently flawed and weak.
remember to #VoteEarly :^)
>Black woman falling for the White man's conspiracy theory
This SNL skit is true.
Black Jeopardy with Tom Hanks - SNL
Contestants Keeley (Sasheer Zamata), Shanice (Leslie Jones) and Doug (Tom Hanks) compete on Black Jeopardy, hosted by Darnell Hayes (Kenan Thompson).
You are my Doug, Sup Forums.
>The alt-right are being paid to shill for Trump!
>tfw you realize that this is the lefts version of "Thank you for correcting the record"
>being paid to shill for Trump!
They do it for free.
The Alt Right has successfully merged lulz and productivity into one. The Alt Right wouldn't be as popular if it weren't for memes.
i do it for free
>I went to some white supremecy meet
>got found out
>let me label an entire political spectrum as these faggots
I fucking hate journalism these days.
Gotta admit, Harambe in the middle looks less like a gorilla with a decent fucking hairdo.
It's only pro-Trump for his immigration policies, if he cucks on that they'll turn on him.
I've seen her naked though so it's no use.,
>they write like they infiltrated some secret military
these liberals are just too fucking funny. im sure he'll claim PTSD too
Irony and you are on entirely different planets.
Huffington post is sounding literally like salon.
It really is the immigration policy. Without hardline on immigration, Trump has nothing anyone cares that much about.
Oh yeah, that happened.
>Mariano Pascual