Happening Sweden

Happening in Sweden!


>The Sweden democrats will hold their own Nobel prize dinner this evening.
>It will be held at the amazing Grand Hotel in Stockholm.
>But instead of rewarding people in biology or literature, they will award peolpe who fought against globalism and the EU.
>Over 400 people from all over europe will attend, including Nigel Farage.
>This has made the leftist go crazy in Sweden.
>The leftist are planning protests outside the dinner.
>A leftist internet mob led by globalists celebrity puppets, has downvoted the hotels ratings all over the internet. Especially on the hotels facebook page.
>The manager stands by his decision to allow the dinner to be held. This has made him to be the victim of heavy hate on the internet.

Now i think the least we can do is to upvote this hotels ratings! To show support.

Facebook link:


Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck Faceberg upvotes, you should drive across the Oresund and oppose the cucks, whether using a whistle or self-defense.

Nah. Fuck sweden.

Nah usually i think Sweden can burn, but this invloves many other nationalists aswell.

Germany.... You have no right to hate on Sweden.

bump for justice, don't let shit like this happen Sup Forums, kick the bully in the butt!

Fuck sweden and fuck germany. Better?

Its better, but you forgot about Canada

>heavy hate on the internet

Sticks and stones break bones, but words can never hurt you. Also, carry a gun.

Swedes are pussies so they care alot about words. But he still needs support.

Kek, don't you know inbreeds have taken over in yuropoor?

Hahah these cucks are just too much.

Swedish (Democrats)
(Nigel Farage)
(Nobel Prize)

Do I have to spell it out for you?




Fuck germany, fuck swede, fuck canada and their faggot neighbour, fuck the taco niggers. Long live the anglos and the crown.

This might also work good, if enough people do it.

While they actively support importing dark times

Oh they will be enriched very soon.

inavlade danskjävel länka deras faceb.ook sida då.

link to vote for grandhotel: m.facebo..ok.com/pg/GrandHotelStock..holm/reviews/

these spam filters are fucking retarded

Haha dumma svenne som bor kvar i Sverige. Jag länkade ju det men är det verkligen så svårt att skriva in www.facebook.com innan länken?

link to googels reviews: google.se/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-samsung&source=android-browser&q=grandhotel&gfe_rd=cr&ei=uoscWMWVFIqA8QfkvYfIDQ#fpstate=lie&gfe_rd=cr

såg inte det danskjävel

bump, vart fan e alla svenskar låt inte hor vänstern vinna

Satan demands it

Haha found this dumb blonde who is hating on the hotel for "letting nazis in". On all her facebook pics there are shitskins and afghan "kids" who comment. She really is the giant swede cum dumpster.

vart är kavalleriet

Typical example of the "tolerant left" - but if the "evil conservatives" or "diabolic right" would ever do something similiar, you'd hear about it for weeks to come.

That's a great intiative.
It's impressive how leftist are totalitarians fucks though, we are the bigots apparently but themselves can't handle dissenting opinions.


Hope he will be beheaded by some Iraqi poor refugee.

Social medias were a mistake, narcissistic cunts like her are our downfall.

Good luck, Sweden

>mfw the southerners are up to some cucky business as usual


Sage this shit. It's no biggie, nobody cares here..

döda sedan minst 300 år

An happening don't have to be riots or people getting killed.

'smore like it, sieg heil

I've been doing this, it seems like a clever idea

har blattarna börjat infiltrera 4can eller är du en femtekolonnare?

>The manager stands by his decision to allow the dinner to be held. This has made him to be the victim of heavy hate on the internet.
This is how you handle those crybullies.

You cant give those cunts so much as in inch.

Dinner will be held
Protest will be held but countered like always
GrandHotel will appeal to Facebook for false reviews
Everything will be forgotten within a few days.

Leftist chimpout is extremely normal in Sweden, I thought you knew that.

"Fucking racists!"


he should check his priviledge desu

Fucking Stockholmare jävla bögjävlar satans RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I did my small part.

Status: Virtually illegal
In Sweden, children are obligated to attend school from the age of 7. Homeschooling is not technically illegal within the country and is allowed as an afterschool activity while you are attending school,[95] but homeschooling without attending public or private schools is very difficult to have approved by the county in which one lives. In 2010 Sweden approved a law (SFS 2010:800) that further restricts homeschooling even further from an earlier law approved in 1985. Homeschooling is only allowed for special and specific reasons such as for children of parents working temporarily in the country. Homeschooling will not be approved based on religious beliefs or philosophical reasons, nor if the parent has had teacher training. Recent court cases have supported these restrictions on parents.[96]


I wonder if it removes the 1-star rating though

If facebook sees that the review has nothing to do with an actual customer, then yes it does.

Bump For justice. Did My Part.

This Is Being Slid. Pol Wtf


Damn, I'm so triggered by this. Fucking leftists.

>We're force fed propaganda
Whats new?

Will there be speeches and stuff broadcast?

Nothing. It just stood out to me since I was homeschooled and really notice the difference the older I get.

Praise kek, germbro

God damn get in there and give these brave fucks a 5-star review. They are putting money on the line to stand up for the right and free speech.

Anglo plz...

Possible from the Sweden democrats media channels. On yt and etc, but i have no clue.

Look! we are on the right path!

We have increased their rating with 0,2 within an hour.

Kepp voting u fuckos, this is more important than you might think

>blattar infiltrerar
Kek, som om majoriteten av oss kan infiltrera något överhuvudtaget...
Nej, jag får pengar för att shilla bara, enklaste pengarna jag någonsin tjänat ihop. Blir mycket cash här i Sverige också eftersom valutan är så jävla dålig i jämförelse med €.

Yes it does.

>my captcha is a happening.

I gave them an upboat. Fuck I hate lefties

I heard the sun shines.

You need to give a five star review, that's what it's about. Press the star-things, and give a five-star review.

yeah I did

Ok, great.

Why do girls ruin their faces with fake lips? Do they not realize people can tell?

She's a coal burning cum dumpster. So it doesn't suprise me.


People need to know that standing up for free speech wont financially destroy you.

så du e blatte? Åk hem du gör mer nytta i dit hemland där dina förfäder bodde. Lev inte i ett land med inget förflutet.

Andy Samberg should stick to comedy

We are losing this battle, where are the memetic warfare divisions

we need more bumps and the faggots at /int sweden are to bussy posting 2D animus.

>dark times

that's racist

Sweden is lost.

Blonde hair causes retardation.

You fucks are so lucky that you do not understand Swedish. Your blood would boil.

What a simplistic view. Guess it is obvious whose mom would have survived the concentration camps... Not you

Mitt land förstördes av globalistena där finns inget nu och inget förflutet. En dag åker jag hem, men då tänker jag städa upp det där hemmet... Men fram tills dess ska jag samla på mig enormt mycket pengar.

Du kommer också att migrera en dag. Precis som jag gjorde och av samma anledningar också.

I just avoid it, there's no hope for those people.
Feels bad man.

vart e du ifrån? Om du är från melanöstern varför emigrerar du till sverige? De måste finnas närmare platser men framförallt platser med liknande kultur.

The least we can do is support Grand Hotel and report these reviews unrelated to their service.

If you do, don't mention the lefties or anything. Anything unrelated to their service will be removed.


Yes many of these schools are basically indoctrination camps. My mother being a conservative immigrant from southern europe refused to have me in daycare and so I was home with her up until I was 6, however after that it was all state schools. I remember being 10 and having mandatory singing lessons singing soungs about "children under the same sky", almost always it was about racial unity, the schools motto was "Equally unique" with a picture of children of all colours holding hands under a rainbow, when we waited for our gym class all the boys had to stand outside (whatever weather) whilst the girls could wait inside, I remember crying in the schoolyard because the teachers had told me that the nationalists would send me home if they came to power, seeing as my mother was an immigrant etc etc... It was not really until later I realised how fucked up this whole ordeal was and how thankful I am for my father having a brown girl fetish, if I was born to some swedish whore I'm sure I'd been just as fucked up as these guys.

Now I just wish I wasn't such a depressed cunt and I'd get an iranian white obsessed qt gf and move the fuck back to my mums country and watch this place fall to ruins

Fuck you disgusting NEET mudslime

Leftists are the white trash of scandinavia

Jag är inte från Mellanöstern. Jag migrerade faktiskt till Sverige för att det inte var så stort, hade mindre migranter och ett relativt bra ekonomiskt system som skulle kunna hjälpa mig komma på fötter rent ekonomiskt och utbildningsmässigt.

Jag är ursprungligen från Europa.

För att folk åker dit de vet att deras barn har störst chans att klara sig din pajas. Skyll inte på oss invandrare över denna situationen, våra föräldrar ville bara att vi skulle ha en så fin framtid som möjligt därför valde de att åka runt halva jorden. Det är Margareta 55 år som har era och våra barn såsom de är idag.

>hade mindre migranted

You sound like a migrant apologist.

vart i europa? Varför sa du inte att du är en europe då är du ju en broder. Så varför stödjer du inte kampen emot de utomeuropeska horderna som utrotar allt de europeska som existerar?

Säkerligen från balkan. Förstår inte varför han skulle fly från västtyskland, även fast jag håller med om att globalisterna förstörde Tyskland också

wtf är det?

Någon slags zigenare eller jugge antar jag.

men varför åka till ett land där man vet att man är helt annorlunda. Även om man får lite bättre chanser i livet? Är era föräldrar helt judiska eller vadå? Tänker de bara på pengar eller räknas trivsel och att känna sig hemma å att man passar in, inte med i dina föräldrars beräkningar är pengar allt för dem?

I 5-starred it for Nigel. Don't really care about Sweden.

literally means sitting twig

Är osäker på om jag är en broder.
Mitt land är inte så omtyckt här (). Jag brukade stöja kampen, enormt mycket faktiskt ävem fast folk inte trodde mig. Jag migrerade hit med en vän som hade jobbat i DDR i ex antal år. Vi bestämde oss för att lämna båda våra länder för Sverige innan de "demokratiserades", tidigt 90-tal.

Sverige behöver mer än en röstlapp på rätt parti. Tyvärr.