Calhoun mouse experiment/breakdown of society

It keeps coming up here, but reading further it's very frightening how many parallels there are to western society:

> This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior.
>Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against.[2] After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.

Other urls found in this thread:

single mothers/bad parenting:
>An even greater number, after successfully giving birth, fell short in their maternal functions.

Rise of degeneracy and homosexuality:
>Among the males the behavior disturbances ranged from sexual deviation to cannibalism

>to a pathological withdrawal from which individuals would emerge to eat, drink and move about only when other members of the community were asleep.

>passivity of non-dominant males

>aggressive behavior of females. After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. During this period females ceased to reproduce.

influx of middle eastern/african refugees:
> inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females

Post a link of where you got this info from.

Our society is fucked. All I wanted was a cute girlfriend who was nice. Thats it. And the system wont even let me have that.

Fucking jews muslims and feminists, all of them are conspiring against me. I feel like a rat trapped in a cage. What the fuck should we do, literally murder people in the streets until normality returns? At this point its too late.

All I wanted was a nice girlfriend.


The fire rises.

We are no rats in a cage. Keep fighting! Our backs are to the wall but don't stop! When cornered men find the strength of 10 knowing that death is the only option.


Google "Calhoun mouse experiment"

Wiki and others have plenty of info.

has an experiment like this been reproduced with higher animals?

Yeah... It is ongoing..

Yes and you are part of it

Rats/Mice are what is closer to the human brain, that's why they're always used for experiments. What "higher animal" are you refering to ?

>Breeding never resumed
Why don't I believe this?

You forget to mention the context, OP. They were overcrowding the mice. Just like what they're doing to us in Europe and America.

So who is going to post that dick cutting gif? (you know which one user)

There were 600 mice in a 3x3 pen. Any attempt to apply the findings to current human macro-scenarios is preposterous, not supported by the study, not supported by the parameters, and not supported by Calhoun

No, just Muslims

the concept of "social death" was seen by Calhoun as a future human scenario and not one that was presently occuring

Check the scientific paper on it :
>"Nest building by the females was abandoned entirely with the second litter. Retrieving and transporting of the young by the females also ceased by the second litter. Homosexuality increased greatly among the males after the second litter, while normal sexual behavior
decreased; the males would attack juveniles as well as other adults.
As the population grew, an increase in fighting among the males was noted. The fighting seemed more vicious and each fight lasted for a
longer period of time. As the population grew, a frenetic overactivity level was noted among all subjects. This frenetic behavior ceased
only when the subjects slept. The individuals within the group would endeavor to isolate themselves from the others. In trying to isolate
themselves, the subjects would spend a great deal of time chewing at the wire covering of the apparatus. Some spent as long as thirty--minutes continuously engaged in this single activity. Any estrous females were pursued by a pack, consisting of three to five males all
trying to mount simultaneously. The total number of births per female decreased as the population grew. For example, the first litter consisted
of sixty-three while the second litter was only· thirty-fiye, although there were more productive females. "



monkey maybe

Because you dont want to. OP is qoting truth.

humans have several times the complexity of mice. in a city of millions of people, you can be sure there isn't enough personal space, people get aggressive, women turn into dykes and fags hang curtains. and the few people who are straight proud and white cling to the internet and look for common ground

The mice didn't have Sup Forums or tiny ps4s in their apartments

There aren't any higher animals. You can't do studies like these on apes that take years to get to reproductive age.

no, they are used because they can reproduce fast and are cheap.

Good luck going into 3rd generation then since they're expected to live up to 50years and have a pregnancy of nearly a year.
You're better just observing a city at this point.

Imagine the cost involved. Hundreds of millions of dollars.

If you want to read a 10/10 work of dystopian sci-fi built around this premise, by an author who correctly projected that the world population would hit 7 billion in 2010 (in 1969) and who also came very close in several other disturbing predictions, you should read Stand on Zanzibar.

>They were overcrowding the mice.

Not exactly. They created a "utopia" where disease and predators were unlikely and unlimited resources offered. Then they introduced a small number of rats to this space. The rats bred themselves to overcrowding.

There is a similar one with deer on an island.

The issue is confined living areas and overabundance of food.
Eliminate one and the rest solves itself naturally.
Our problems are caused by solutions more effective than our genetics can handle.

we could use niggers and they'd probably reproduce quicker and more successfully than the gorilla. they're a subspecies of human, Homo Negroidus or something maybe. we should be allowed to experiment on them, they're not white.

90% of the rat's genes are common to human's genes.

Sometimes I think this is why people seem to be more interested in primitive stuff, it's repressed but comes out in trivial ways.

For example survival games, farming, building simple societies are all becoming popular (Minecraft, Rimworld etc). Also a lot of popular media now is based around kingdoms/tribes (Game of Thrones) because people yearn for a simpler society where they can be part of a tribe and they have a culture to identify with, rather than this cognitive dissonance clusterfuck where you have to empathise with every person on the planet equally - this might be the ethical option, but I don't think our brains are evolved enough yet to handle it.

Feminists who say they can do whatever they want without consequence but get off on being dominated - one girl actually wanted to do this not just in bed but wanted me to gives her rules about what she had to do in the daytime, all under the guise that it was still part of the dom/sub fantasy.

This is probably all bullshit but I wonder if even though living in a primitive society would obviously be horrible, colder, more dangerous, we still yearn for it because then we would actually feel like we are fighting for our own community - just growing food to help your own family and local society, or defending it from invaders or whatever, doesn't cause any cognitive dissonance because we are aware that what we're doing helps us survive. Whereas doing stuff on a computer all day, we might have the knowledge about how that's helping someone somewhere but our brain can't process this as being positive for our state of being.

Be careful leaf, the Trudeau's Police will be knocking on your door very soon.

>Our society is fucked. All I wanted was a cute girlfriend who was nice. Thats it. And the system wont even let me have that.
>Fucking jews muslims and feminists, all of them are conspiring against me. I feel like a rat trapped in a cage. What the fuck should we do, literally murder people in the streets until normality returns? At this point its too late.
>All I wanted was a nice girlfriend.

Yah first read about this experiment in that excellent 'Sexodus' article series Breitbart did last year (I think). Fascinating and horrifying.

who /beautiful one/ here?

did they give them weapons, leather jackets and motor vehicles?

You are absolutely right I think.
There has to be a part in us or our brains, that is just absolutely confused by how the modern world operates and is not okay with it.

>During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits.


I have the original paper if you want.

Basically, the summary OP forgot to post is this, in greentext fashion:

>guy dreams about utopias
>realizes he can create mouse and rat utopias
>makes a first one
>put rats in closed area with unlimited water and food, safety, comfy temperature and air moisture, cleaned every week or so
>then a second
>a bigger one with mice
>a huge one
>and many others...
>results are always the same
>shtf way below max allowable population
>social breakdown
>some cases of cannibalism
>mothers disregarding offsprings
>MGTOW mice, literally
>rate of reproduction dwindles
>last mouse in utopia dies of old age without a descendance
>silent utopia stands as a witness of the risks of global overpopulation
>Calhoun realizes "max population" is determined on physiological factors, not societal factors
>that "enough place for society to function" is much, much bigger than "enough place to live"
>Calhoun tries ultimate ruse
>introduces sexually active females in dying utopia
>no male fucks them
>introduces sexually active males in dying utopia
>females are aggressive and refuse to have sex
>takes sexless mice out of dying utopia and put them in brand new utopias with opposite sex sexually active mice
>still no ficki ficki
>comes to the conclusion mice have forgotten what it is to be mice
>that they died inside once, long before they died of old age, which he calls "death2"
>yfw whites died once already

I feel the same way, what really hit me was a documentary about the Amish, they really lead quite pure and simple lives

Just lol at all the low IQ people that take this sham seriously.

You are part of the problem. Instead of going out there and doing things that would impress nice girls, you sit here and shitpost.

Absolute madmouse

Good summary

>tfw dead
So what do I do now? Just off myself for real?

I can kinda relate to the "no fiki fiki" part, but in all honesty i can't say it's bad.
I am not even sure what do you mean by dead inside. If being alive means just starting a family and breeding, how are we different from animals?
I don't think my life's only purpose is breeding and without it i'm "dead inside" m8

That's not much genetically.

>Make enough money to flood my monkey brain with all the hedonistic pleasures of our age

Fuck everyone else desu.


Arat kingis a term for a number ofratswhosetailsare intertwined and bound together by one of several possible mechanisms, such as entangling material like hair or sticky substances like sap. The number of rats joined together varies from a few to as many as 30. Historically, the phenomenon is particularly associated withGermany, which produced many reported instances. Rat kings occur so rarely that they have sometimes been thought to becryptids, but there are several well-attested modern occurrences. A similar phenomenon happens with other small rodents such as forest mice and squirrels.

The original German term,Rattenkönig, wascalquedinto English asrat king, and into French asroi des rats. The term was not originally used in reference to actual rats, but for persons who lived off others.Konrad GesnerinHistoria animalium(1551–58) stated: "Some would have it that the rat waxes mighty in its old age and is fed by its young: this is called the rat king."Martin Lutherstated: "finally, there is the Pope, the king of rats right at the top." Later, the term referred to a king sitting on a throne of knotted tails.

90% of genes of any fucking animal is shared with humans you tard. Even barnacles

i'm sipping a maple frapp at starbux, my smelly french friend

Oh... you mean... Shieeet

Has it been reproduced period? I thought that was a major criticism.

Relax and watch subhumans overshoot.

Ironically Martin Luther is probably the person most responsible for the modern age, yet his final book is mostly banned because he hated jews so much.

That's why niggers and shitskins in general act the way they do. They come from overpopulated areas. And that's also why this globalist obsession with increasing birth rates is stupid.

>Gibs me a gf

Stop being a fucking weak faggot. You are not owed the sexual attention of anyone.

You don't get something just because you weally weally want it. It's not like mommy making you tendies just because otherwise you'll shit yourself and cry.

If you want something as a man, you have to go out and make it happen.

Jew police wear blue for a reaon, they´ll get ya for spreadin such horrible scientific facts! Facts are racist!

>I don't think my life's only purpose is breeding

Without breeding, you wouldn't even be alive, so you surely wouldn't worry about being "dead inside". Without breeding, human race goes extinct.

What this tells us is, if the conclusions of the mice experiment are applicable to humans, and they worryingly are way too close to be a coincidence, the current societal conditions in countless countries, from rich first world western ones to asian shitholes, are leading us to extinction.

Also making kids is awesome, and you should really do it.

I'm just feeling like I'm bringing my forefathers shame by not having children, at the same time I can't get girls for shit

That is merely a reaction to the chaos. Those who have seen the damage done stay out of it because they know this shit will happen to them.

Of course, some of us from youth were conditioned to isolation because of divorce/family fragmentation and other social ills that plague our lives forcing us out of the light of society out of disgust and only re-entering it when necessary to gather resources.

got some cognitive bias there fellow, better read that sticky

By someone else, no. By Calhoun, definitely, there's been over 12 such utopias we formally know of. No one really found a flaw in the way he led his experiments either.

2 dib

Why does nobody take inbreeding into consideration?

you miss the point
those people aren't gay or feminist

seems racist

we should be tolerant toward the muslims and help them interbreed more

>Our problems are caused by solutions more effective than our genetics can handle.
a-are you saying we're literally tired of winning?

Yes they are. Niggers have the highest tendency for LGBT stuff.

>rate of reproduction dwindles
>western world is here

>nice girls

I have never met one of these. I've long assumed the stories about them to be myths.

I've always theorized that the internet speeds up the rate of perceived overcrowding due to the sheer social exposure level.

The reason, at least one of the reasons why it may have degraded so, and the effects are felt a while after a generation, is because there is also a thing like genetic memory. With mice there also have been tests done, in which a certain trigger, to a certain pain was made in the parents. And then the memory of which was passed on to the children, who without the pain stimulant still responded the same to the trigger.

The human mind is also extremely fragile, extremely easy to distort and to destroy.

So I think, the biggest problem that we have now is the lack of cognition. With that I mean the lack of cognition around natural things that made our brains function properly.

Since we are beasts who are part of this world, who do not have souls. It is possible for us to undermine our own selves, our own actual, natural, and biological "soul". By building wrongly, by bad industrial practices that pollute us. Cause cancers, change behaviors.

We are not some standalone, precious deities that rely on other worlds for their purity. Our purity entirely depends on this world, and the problem is that we can affect this world, and in turn also our purity.

this is very true. look up jaime mentzel on youtube.

>guy with engineering degree gets tired of society and stupid/petty laws
>moves to an island in the carribean to start a new life with his family
>uses modern tech like solar panels, grows his own food, builds his own boats and shelters
>wants to start his own community based on values morals and principles
>loves manual labor and building shit
>is currently making his island a castle

a symptom of a too complex society. we all have that call to nature and it's even stronger now because we don't fit in here. humans arent meant to live this way, none of this feels natural or intuitive and we're dying for a place that feels familiar and an environment where we can reach our full potential in all aspects.

Isn't this a good thing in the long run. Overpopulation is the number 1 problem in this world.

I never really looked into that, to be honest.
I know they're tossed from buildings in those regions.

But my point was, there is no abundance in those areas.
If you compare the tests to our current world, we see this happening in the west.
NEETs, feminists, people just giving up on reproduction, etc.

The making is fun, the raising less so.

I'm thinking of these homo mouses. Are they just hanging together cuddling and what not, maybe dry humping, or are they fucking their bros in the butt for real?

There's plenty of abundance there why do you think they've resorted to quelling them by throwing them off buildings? Pakis and Afghans fuck little boys on the reg.

>That's why niggers and shitskins in general act the way they do. They come from overpopulated areas.

From a physiological standpoint, yes. From a societal standpoint, no. Africa is still one huge human desert, there's more than enough space for everyone. That's why they keep fucking anything that moves, because what mice utopias have proven is the most critical animal need is territory.

The three basic animal impulses dictacted by our reptilian brain are, according to absolutely everyone that ever touched this subject which is a rare but welcome occurrence: reproduction, superiority, territory. What few touched though, is the order of priority, if there is perhaps one, or maybe how it's affected by our environment.

And environment seems the most critical factor, and territory the most lacking thing in ours. People don't fuck, they're all lazy faggots who don't even care about their superiority to others considering they have "humble" opinions of themselves- really a shit opinion of themselves, but they're is a huge desire for space in modern humans, and as long as this isn't reached, it seems it blocks every other impulse.

In other words, a nigger starving in a desert will make a dozen kids, whereas a comfy nigger born in overpopulated Europe will have way less.

>And that's also why this globalist obsession with increasing birth rates is stupid.
The fact they're dwindling is a sign many died once already. It shows we've reached the point where society breaks down. Clearly they should go back down, but the question is, once they've gone back down, will they go back up?

Only for third world countries.

it's not so much about confined living space and overabundance of food but oversaturation of social activity

the rats still had enough living space, the experiment was designed to allow a larger amount of rats/mice than the population reached

It's possible genetic memory is part of the issue, and fortunately, research is quickly progressing thanks to more affordable DNA testing. Plenty studies have already shown DNA to fluctuate a whole fucking lot depending on what the host experiences.

Hopefully we can even find a solution on that front. Still, it's scary.

This, there are too many pussy's on Sup Forums that have just given up.

King Ratis a 1962novelbyJames Clavelland the author's literary debut. Set duringWorld War II, the novel describes the struggle for survival of American, Australian, British, Dutch, and New Zealanderprisoners of warin aJapanesecamp inSingapore.

It's about a this guy who breeds rats for power in a very crazy PoW camp. The wiki has been scrubbed of all the actual depth to the concept. The camp gets liberated and the rat king has to go back to being an average joe.

Wake me up inside
> cant wake up
Save me

>>comes to the conclusion mice have forgotten what it is to be mice
>>that they died inside once, long before they died of old age, which he calls "death2"
Fuck, dude.

This never crossed anyones mind reading this other than you

>ideal conditions
>nothing about money

The solution is fairly simple for this. The solution would be to find a philosophical advance in through the field of science and evolution. And to remove all notions, from all fields that elevate the human arrogance that we are so special, that we are above this reality.

We are special, but we are so from the natural standpoint. Thinking like this will still allow us to retain some form of egoism, but at the same time it will allow us to recognize, that for our specialness, that we still require a huge chunk of stuff to work properly, so that our specialness, that our increased complexity, may keep on functioning. Our special soul, needs special care from this world. Not from any other. And that special care entails diets, habits and even things like environmental control as that dude about territory said.

>I've always theorized that the internet speeds up the rate of perceived overcrowding due to the sheer social exposure level.

There's enough studies on how being always reachable by computer/smartphone is detrimental to the psyche and raising stress levels. Society is socially oversaturated, people never really have the chance to chill alone, which raises stress levels leading to a myriad of negative health consequences.

you do realize that the experimenter could easily have changed the environment to promote reproduction, yes? He simply didn't know how to run good experiments and had a god complex. sounds like a dork desu senpai. the guy is not a real scientist, and his work is mtv-level distraction from actual reality and progress in sociology and biology.

Yes. Humans have beaten the environment and are now against themselves.

Everyone one in this thread who has given up on women or refuses to socialize is a main cause of the downfall of man.

Fucking faggots.

>tfw asexual people are like the Nice that lost their sexual drive


Good book from what I was reading on its blurb, but you want a scary prediction?

>The Camp of the Saints is a novel about population migration and its consequences. In Calcutta, India, the Belgian government announces a policy in which Indian babies will be adopted and raised in Belgium. The policy is reversed after the Belgian consulate is inundated with poverty-stricken parents eager to give up their infant children.

>An Indian "wise man" then rallies the masses to make an exodus to live in Europe. Most of the story centers on the French Riviera, where almost no one remains except for the military and a few civilians, including a retired professor who has been watching the huge fleet of run-down freighters approaching the French coast.
The story alternates between the French reaction to the mass immigration and the attitude of the immigrants. They have no desire to assimilate into French culture but want the goods that are in short supply in their native India. Although the novel focuses on France, the rest of the West shares its fate.
>Near the end of the story the mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three families from Harlem, the Queen of the United Kingdom must agree to have her son marry a Pakistani woman, and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of thousands of Chinese people as they swarm into Siberia. The one holdout until the end of the novel is Switzerland, but by then international pressure isolating it as a rogue state for not opening its borders forces it to capitulate.