Cast them as part of the MCU

Cast them as part of the MCU.

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What if they kept Doom's actor a secret until after the movie got released?

Gary Oldman has requested that FYI

Kino is upcoming.

Who is going to play Namor?

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go back to Sup Forums Namorfag

Not familiar with the comics. Why is Sue Storm always cheating on Mr Fantastic?

Mr Fantastic - Idris Elba
Mrs Fantastic - halle berry
The Thing - the Rock
Johnny Storm - Kevin Hart

I don't think she's ever cheated other than that time with Namor that I think was retconned (flirting with Spider-man doesn't count). It's because he's a science nut and constantly prioritizes science and hero shit over her and she feels neglected.

Charlotte McKinney as Sue Storm

luke evans

This but Sue needs to remain a white blonde for maximum cuckoldry

Reed Richards: Ioan Gruffudd
Susan Storm: Alice Eve
Ben Grimm: Max Martini
Johnny Storm: Luke Benward
Victor von Doom: Goran Višnjić
Super Skrull: Derek Luke
Silver Surfer: Doug Jones
Galactus: Jon Hamm

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BDH for Susan Mommy Richards



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stop trying to make them happen
>b-but muh Doom
fuck you if you want Doom to get afflicted with the quipping curse

>he thinks they won't happen
I'll give you a shoutout when the trailer comes out.

Sue Storm

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Not pretty enough.

>Doom to get afflicted with the quipping curse
Doom is already pretty quiptastic in the comics

Jessica Alba was a perfect Sue Storm looks wise but terrible acting with a terrible script. OH and Alba looked fake as fuck in the sequel it was very distracting. Emma Stone while not as pretty would be a safe choice.

Here is your Reed Richards. Nice looking, but has a big ego and there is something off-putting about him. Hard to read, no pun intended.

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Yes, but in an autistic way. Doom is pretty much Sup Forums personified. MCU quips are normie-tier. Doom cannot be properly translated to the big screen, period.

Famous last words.

Why would you want him to go from a kino role like Rick to fucking capeshit? Snyder or bust.

She makes me wish wish I was a girl.

I'd like the Fantastic 4 to all be Hispanic. Tired of there being no Mexicans in comic movies.

We've already got two perfectly cast movies.

You really think a character who
>is a magician and a scientist
>is a monarch and dresses with old-timey attire
>is also a dictator and keeps his country looking like a German village from the 1800s
>is a Yuropoor but LARPs as a Royal
>is a hammy, autistic manchild but also a murder-machine
>his vendetta against Reed is that RiCHADs was a Thundercock and a Thunderbrain, whereas Vic was an autistic guy who tried to choke the first gal who wanted to fuck him
>genuinely believes he's a hero when he skins women alive, throws children in Hell, and wants to rule everything just because
Can work? Much less in the MCU? He barely works in comics, considering how much he contradicts himself. He goes from calling Blacks Savages, to defending Muslims against Dracula.

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Reed: Jon Hamm
Sue: Charlize Theron
Ben: Mark Wahlberg
Johnny: Scott Eastwood
Doom: Mads Mikkelsen

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>Doug Jones
primo taste my man

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>basic & based at the same time

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The Thing

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Gary Oldman for Doom


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this is a good one

Would unironically work

fuck that negress
jessica alba should remain as mrs. fantastic

Reed - Justin Theroux or Jon Hamm
Ben - John Cena
Sue - Naomi Watts or Charlize Theron
Johnny - not sure

Dr. Doom - Michael Fassbender

Too old

i think it would be interesting to cast people in their 40s as reed and sue

>thinly-veiled c u c k p o s t

Impressive. Very nice.

That age difference though

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Wasn't Doug Jones already Silver Surfer in that dogshit FF movie?

i want Alba to show up in Infinity War & quip with Evans about looking familiar and then she informs audience all F4 members have been murdered. stones bring them back to life and it's not Chris Evans as Torch, it's Chris Pine.

Stop frogposting

>12 year old
>college freshman (most likely 18)

Considering how autistic Reed Richards is, I wouldn't say there's much of a creep factor, as long as he kept his extendo-dick to himself for six years. Or four years, for you degenerate Yuros out there.

Fantastic 4 gets rebooted for a fourth time and you're still a virgin

>they're going to make at least one of them black again for diversity or at least one of them gay
>family dynamic will be tampered with
>Sue won't be benched when she's pregnant with Franklin but will have a YASSS QUEEN moment
>Ben will be CGI guaranteed
>they're going to try to rush Doom and an origin story into one film and ruin it AGAIN

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Add Bryce Dallas Howard as Alicia Masters and Warwick Davis as Mole Man and we have a perfect cast.

>lame soap opera that forgets it's a show about zombies

Yes, but who else can do it. Also Fishburne did the voice.

I'll sign on this.

>they're going to make at least one of them black again
>Ben will be CGI
Because that worked so well last time.

I would also bring back Chiklis as Ben, since he was perfect like Gruffudd, but he might be too old now unfortunately. So, yeah. Solid list.

>Doom: Mads Mikkelsen
he's already that Dr. Strange villain though

The MCU has a gigantic boner for blackwashing--there's scarcely a single flick of theirs without a black major character in it. You can bet an IP with only four characters on the team is definitely going to have at least one black male. Even though Ben is already Jewish which would serve as diversity, you can't see that easily and Jews=white in the minds of normies so it doesn't matter.

Also, they even CGI'd Spider Man's suit. There's no fugging way Ben won't be CGI.

>>they're going to make at least one of them black again for diversity or at least one of them gay
They won't take the chance after the fiasco with the latest Fox reboot.
>>Ben will be CGI guaranteed
You can't expect otherwise in 2018.
>>they're going to try to rush Doom and an origin story into one film and ruin it AGAIN
That would be highly retarded and it's Marvel's style to play it safe so I doubt it.

I think it depends on who you hire as director.

It's about humanity just like every Romero movie except it does what Romero for whatever reason never did with following characters for more than 1 movie. If you think that's lame you're a 12 year old that needs to stick to Sup Forums.

Zac Efron as Johnny.

Fantastic 4 is fucking gay. Did you read their comics to be some contrarian? "Uhm actually gays the movies being awful has nothing to do with the characters!"

Blonde like she was?

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Could have black supporting characters. Have Black Panther be in it maybe. Or have Kevin Hart voice HERBIE.

I just care about the bigger picture. That's why I couldn't get into the show.

>They won't take the chance after the fiasco with the latest Fox reboot.
I'd hope they wouldn't but I can't see it happening. Ben is probably more likely to be black than the other three though.

>That would be highly retarded and it's Marvel's style to play it safe so I doubt it.
I'd hope so but let's be real here, he's the only thing a non-die hard FF fan would care about. I'd say nobody would be interested in an FF movie without him, but Ant Man was a hit so we'll see. Well, that and Galactus.

The real problem with an FF movie would have to be the fact that they need to have a proper origin, be a cohesive family unit, and Doom has to be handled perfectly. Assuming they do the first they absolutely can't rush on Doom, which would mean the Mole Man would have to be the villain or something. Which raises the problem of how they'd have the FF even be concerned with him, especially in a world where capeshitters are coming out of the woodworks. They have no "personal" connection. It worked in the comics well but how would you transition to film?

I'd hope they'd make the right choice but after three failed attempts, I don't have high hopes. 1994 is nowhere near as bad as people say and the most faithful FF adaptation on film and therefore the best in my eyes.

This could work.

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Since Johnny and Peter are the same age and will inevitably be best buds, they'll cast some soyboy like Timothee Chalamet.

Have Wyatt Wingfoot as a supporting character..

That show is so heavily influenced by the budget you only need to watch four episodes out of 16 each season. Both premieres & both finales. Everything else is budget filler. Two characters go off driving or into woods for each episode the rest of each season. End yourself brainlet.

I could see them inserting Panther in it. He debuted in an FF comic afterall, and they have very close ties. Future Foundation also has a Wakandan girl. Besides, T’Challa doesn’t really have any of his own villains left. It’s really just Klaw, Killmonger, and M’Baku. So having him do stuff with the Four could liven stuff up.

The guy who played doom in the first movie was based

What do you think? Too good looking?

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Could hire a half Asian guy for Namor. I don’t think anybody would really mind that.

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only has M'baku now desu

True. But Klaw could come back as sound and Killmonger has come back to life in the comics before. But either way, it would be reusing them. He doesn’t have any other villains.

Just the right amount. Really gives off a classy vibe.

(half) Asian somehow makes a lot of sense for Namor.

>(half) Asian somehow makes a lot of sense for Namor.
Agreed. 100% Asian looks weird for him, but half Asian works.

Cos she is a whore.


mendelsohn was interested in playing doom. if his character in captain marvel is all cg they could get away with reusing him

Aidan Gillen as Doctor Doom

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>Let Doom tell you why Doom wears the mask.

Dr. Pavel, I'm DOOM


He's perfect for Doom.

>Dr. Doom
You cast a giant muscular dude and dress him up in the classic costume and hire an intimidating voice actor (neither really matters).

CG (voiced by Norm McDonald)

>Silver Surfer
The Rock

Victory Justice (cause the bitch needs work)

Idris Elba

CG (voiced by Gilbert Godfried)

Some Jewish onahole.