>The MCU superhero movie earned another $7.52 million on Friday to top the box office yet again and snag a $585m 29-day domestic cume. If it gets past $26.3m for the weekend, it would be the fourth-biggest fifth-weekend gross in history, behind only Titanic ($30m in 1998), Avatar ($42m in 2010) and Frozen ($28.3m in its fifth weekend of wide release).
>And when it tops the weekend charts yet again tomorrow, it'll be the first movie since Avatar to do so for at least five straight weekends and only the fourth movie to do so in 20 years alongside Titanic, Avatar and The Sixth Sense.
>That will already be the third-leggiest MCU movie behind only Ant-Man ($180m/$58m = 3.11x) and Guardians of the Galaxy ($377m/$94m = 3.5x). And once it gets to $629m, it'll be the biggest superhero movie ever in North America and the second-leggiest MCU flick of all time.
'Black Panther' to top box office for 5th straight weekend
has /pol & /tv ever been this BTFO in the history of this website?
>>And when it tops the weekend charts yet again tomorrow, it'll be the first movie since Avatar to do so for at least five straight weekends and only the fourth movie to do so in 20 years alongside Titanic, Avatar and The Sixth Sense.
>It'll pass Civil War this weekend
Lets be clear about one thing. Why did this film do so well? Why would a seemingly run of the mill super hero film do so well?
Well, I'll tell you. It is a fantasy film. Specifically a fantasy film where niggers have a functioning nation state and aren't all 60 iq savages. Of course people wanted to see it, its like Narnia. Fuck yeah I wanted to see Narnia brought to life, and fuck yeah I wanted to see some monkeys using telephones and driving cars. IT IS A GOLDMINE. Everyone goes off to give the hollywood Jews some money, hell maybe a pittance of that goes to help the community center manager buy a new bmw, and maybe he gives a bit for Jamal to buy his baby some shoes but it probably gets spent on crack. Hollywood gets their cut to make more ridiculous fantasy movies, Tyrone gets his BMW, and a handful of Jamals get their crack, and most importantly you and I get to see Narnia. Jamals baby probably doesn't get his shoes but sheiiiiit nigga, aint nobody needing shoes in Wakanda!
Add in the obvious political factions that want to believe its real (you know how there was that one kid that actually checked if the closet had Narnia in it and really wanted to believe?) and are willing to pay a heap to see it a few times and you have a recipe for a grape drank blockbuster. Everyone wishes that it were real and then they go back to reality. Sup Forums is always right.
That's a good point, Wakanda is real.
my theory why the movie did so great is because all the women were annoying their boyfriends to take them so they could wet themselves over shirtless black men
>that shitty meme still on
I remember the old times with shitty memes lasted days. Now shitty memes can last for months.
Sup Forums is dead.
>Has a movie ever btfo Sup Forums this hard before?
Is this what the discussion has come to? There's nothing else to talk about with this film already? Have you heard of a movie called The Thing? Did you know we still have threads on Sup Forums that actually discuss the film and characters and plot and possible endings and unsolved mysteries. The Thing came out in 1982 by the way, that makes it almost 36 years old, and it still offers so much to discuss. But with Black Panther it already comes to this? Really? The movie is still in theaters and we have no memes or memorable lines or scenes or characters. No, all we have are Disney shills who have nothing more to say about the movie other than it btfo Sup Forums. John Carpenter btfo Sup Forums because he made a film that Sup Forums is still discussing to this day. That's btfo. This? No. You shills have been here for months making threads like, "Black Panther has the most pre-sale tickets of any marvel movie!". Why would Sup Forums be surprised it's actually making money? You shills told us this was going to happen the entire time. The only thing that surprised me is the audience score already dropped to 78% on Rotten Tomatoes. Guess you can't fool everyone, huh? So now with no actual content to discuss in this film, you resort to this. Really shows what kind of movie we're working with here. Good job, Marvel shills. Bravo.
Subject: [Bold, crass statement designed to draw attention] Anonymous 03/15/18(Thu)02:49:21 No.95949114Body: [Expand on bold claims. Touch on how many people are looking forward to Infinity War and how many people like ‘yourself’ are emotional about this 10 year journey. Make sure to include some coarse language and meme pointers to blend in. Familiarize yourself with the current trends and memes on the board, they change often, and incorporate one if possible. Finish off with an anecdote and a few lines about this being a defining moment in film]
Replies: [Use the 10 different internet connections provided to you to reply and agree im a quick manner. Make sure to switch between IP addresses to avoid users detecting our social marketing initiative. Create a few conversations with yourself (and with outside agreeing users) on different IPs to give the illusion of real discussion. Try different writing styles with different accounts. Establish the thread as being very positive towards Infinity War early on, herd mentality is a very easy manipulation tool.
Most importantly, reserve a few IP connections to “bombard” dissenting users, creating the illusion that they are in the clear minority in their opinion.]
Notes: [Make sure to enjoy yourself, log your hours, and upload full copies of the threads to the marketing server for future analysis and record keeping. Social Marketing guides for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be found in package 2.a. Guides for Reddit, Tumblr, Sup Forums, and other popular discussion websites cam be found in package 2.b. Any additional platforms may be covered in package 2.c or 1.e.
We would love to hear your feedback on this initiative, please provide continual fredback to your supervisor when possible.]
Anonymous 03/15/18(Thu)02:51:53 No.95949168
How to delete?
Have shills ever been this BTFO in the history of this website?
>it still offers so much to discuss
No it doesn't, you gigantic faggot. Debating whether or not the officially explained ending is legitimate or logical doesn't speak to anything except the ending itself being vague. Holy shit what an awful fucking example.
What are the chances it breaks into the top 10?
Christ this flick completely destroyed Sup Forumstv
A few days a ago there was a Thing thread and anons were discussing if the Thing needed a functioning brain to live. Anons also discussed if the Thing could assimilate a dead person. Also why Fuchs burned himself and if he was infected. Get recked, faggot.
Why the homophobia?
Next week is Pacific Rim 2
So most likely be on the top again.
woah dude check your language.
isn't 800m of that from america alone?
Christ you shills completely destroy film discussion on this board.
>muh shills
Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha ohnonono
>Sup Forums is always right
>Disney buys presale tickets in bulk
>nigger celebs shamed into buying tickets for entire communities
>fundraisers to send niglets to see this turd
>money going directly to Jews
>libshits and niggers think this is a "victory" for them
>Sup Forums is "BTFO"
>Needing the shill the most successful solo superhero flick of all time
OH am I laffin
thats hateful you can't ufcking say that
>muh Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha ohnonono
capitalize it next time. Greater impact.
>t-theres no way this movie could be doing well!! Disney is buying their own tickets!! That's the only explanation!!
The absolute state of Sup Forumstard desperation
Shut the fuck up you timid little Sup Forumsfaggot
Honestly I'm impressed that the anti Sup Forums white knight shills ITT aren't getting triggered by the word nigger.
>anti Sup Forums
Are we inventing synonyms for the word 'reasonable' now?
Sup Forums are usually pretty reasonable
Minions win again Black Panc*cks
>Are we inventing synonyms for the word 'reasonable' now?
If anything, Sup Forums doesn't go far enough.
>Feeding trolls
>Trying to fight shitposting with more shitposting
Based black panther frog
Imm going to take my kids today.
Thats 4 more tickets to the black panther
good work homie
Yeah, nothing more reasonable than flying into conspiratorial tangents about how Jews deserve to die because they run everything, a trait that when applied to a "white" (two generations separated from Italians/Irishmen) person. Infographs with stats from the 60's and a knowledge of history that amounts to white people smacking the ground for years at a time until a new invention appeared like a Civilization game.
>t. pol
>All the movies are from recent years
Why is this?
Sup Forumstards and phoneposter need to be purged
Jews do run everything. Whites invented most useful things. Info-graphics are useful for sharing information with brainlets.
Everything you said is reasonable, you tried pretty hard to make it sound unreasonable but you failed.
>jews invented most things
>whites invented everything
The inventions that allowed Euro civilization to dominate the globe (the printing press, gunpowder, and formal mathematics as we understand them today) were all developed in China and the Middle East
>most things
>most things (except the things that mattered)
Most things weren't invented by white people, especially since the idea of being 'white' didn't exist at the time of most important inventions.
>white people
kek the fucking pain caused by the reality that whites invented pretty much everything that matters, improved the few things we didn't invent and generally lead the world into civilization
>w-white wasn't a real thing africa and asia and europeans were all just humans together haha checkmate!
>what is ticket price inflation
Everyone has to live in white countries for a better life and higher living standard and this causes so much subconscious anger over their peoples inferiority.
Sup Forums is dead since 2016. RIP.
I guess it must sting but you'd think they would have the pride to fuck off back to their shithole countries to improve them. Instead they whinge about white people. Malcolm x and the muslim homies had the right idea, even rockwell liked them.
Reminder meds are not white
And they literally invented western civilization
White wasn't a concept because racialism wasn't a focus during the time of fundamental invention, you absolutely retarded faggot.
>everything that matters
>printing press
Just a bunch of garbage bro lmaoooo hahahaha.
That is the thing they can't improve them and know this because being with their people in larger numbers is apart of their misfunction this is why anyplace that becomes minority whit will stop being in the higher echelons of living standards America will be next on the lost where u will see less high iq Asians and the like immigrating to and opting for another more white country more readily.
>not white
There's an argument after they got fucked by the sandniggers that they aren't white anymore, but their mythology and history is riddled with characters described as having golden/red hair and a fair few descriptions of fair eyes too.
Music matters
Hahhhahhhha shit skin detected
Sup Forumsbros, how do we stop them!?!?!?!?!?
> mythology and history is riddled with characters described as having golden/red hair and a fair few descriptions of fair eyes too
It's almost as if those things are filled with fantastic elements, like titans
Meds are not white Sup Forumstard
Get over it
I'm a Nazi meanie, but this is actually quite hilarious
The sheer implications. I fucking shiggy user
Reminder Rome and Greece were white
LOL this much denial and. But hurt
All of those things were invented by non-whites. I can guarantee you cannot find a single concept on that list invented by 'white' people.
We are so lucky they left literal painted sculptures of their rulers to remind us your a fucking shill
>Alexander the great didn't have yellow hair he was a shitskin like meeeeeeee!
>tfw still no decent torrents so we can produce memes
Wait wait lol are you trying to imply only Nordic people are white.... Ahhhhahahhhhah
>Literally gonna pass it this weekend
You can argue that a monkey banging drums invented music. You can argue that some kang in egypt invented writing when he drew a picture on some papyrus, or in a cave in australia millenia before. The whole idea that you can pinpoint when any of that shit was first in its most infantile stage invented is a meme in itself. Who was the first to rub the right kind of mud leaf paste in their wound? Anyone got photos? That's medicine.
The point is that European art across the board is the best, whites have contributed the most to both the sciences and arts. That list is hilariously inaccurate, if you take the significant inventions that aren't massive over generalizations or downright inaccurate you are left with a few specific things like gunpowder. Okay what did they do with gunpowder? What did they do with the printing press? Europe took what little the other cultures invented and made them useful. You're welcome.
This would be more useful if it were inflation adjusted.
>whites have contributed the most to both the science
jews contributed the most to science
Keep trying
kek theres been a few, but nice try
The ABSOLUTE state of Sup Forums
Actually writing was independently discovered 3 times: once in Sumer, once in China, and once in Mesoamerica
Will Sup Forums ever recover?
Nope. This thread is proof of that
Sup Forumstards will never let it go away
Their butthurt will be eternal
What dates? They have drawings of things that look like fucking dragons and dinosaurs in caves from way back. That's arguably writing.
What is more reddit: hating black panther or loving black panther?