What did Journo's mean by this?

What did Journo's mean by this?

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They were right about Bright. That movie is straight trash that was only enjoyed by audiences because they'll eat up whatever fantasy bullshit they can get their hands on.

Outsider is pure kino though. But critics shunned it because it's fashionable for self-hating white men to condemn the white saviour complex.

It's obvious these Disney lap-dogs are out for Netflix.

Watched the Outsider yesterday, excellent film. Critics must’ve gone all SJW somehow

Reviewers get to see "free" movies all the time so they are more critical of movies like bright.
While the general audience doesn't so when they see a "free" movie like bright they already have the notion that they like it just because it did not cost them money.

Proof that IMDB is the only venerable source of scoring data


I am coming to your house, where I will kill you. I may additionally defecate in every pair of pants you own.

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That they're fucking panicking.

Bright really wasn't that great but it wasn't nearly as bad as the critics made it out to be. I typically don't enjoy fantasy settings but the world building in Bright was pretty cool. The story was kind of cliché in some aspects so overall it was an OK movie.

Outsider was pretty good. It had some over used tropes and was a little cliché in some aspects but overall it was enjoyable. Maybe it is cool for critics to hate on Netflix because they don't follow the typical movie release of screening movies in theaters?

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They have for a long time.

Rotten tomatoes and even IMDB user reviews are full of retarded parrots and shills.

Such is life the the toxic agenda driven world

Rotten Tomatoes is controlled by Disney. If you look it up, most "critics" are literal who bloggers with zero credentials.

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Several reasons:

1 - The movie is backed by Netflix, and reviewers don't get kickbacks for giving it good scores, invitations to premieres, fancy press kits or any of the perks associated with the old system. No, film "critics" are now relegated to being just another pleb who has to go to their TV-set, turn on Netflix, and watch the damned movie. No aperitifs before getting a seat, they have to sit in their lonely and depressive and no doubt debted apartment to watch the movie.

2 - Rottentomatoes is owned by a company that makes money from ticket sales. There are no ticket sales for Bright. They have a motive to keep it down.

3 - The racial themes aren't as unilaterally damning of the "white" side as what the bread and butter Social Justice Warrior film critic wants. It entered a more gray zone, where cops are indeed brutal and are blatantly racist against the movie's allegory for blacks, the orcs, but the orcs are also indeed largely low-life criminals, who are guilty of sexual battery, gang crime and cop hatred. They're not wholly innocent, and that destroys the SJW narrative they want to push.

4 - More than being an affirmation of Black Lives Matter, the movie finds itself being a massive anti-Jew allegory as well. It didn't stop at black people and white people, it went where no movie dares go. Any critics who becomes aware of this, instantly panic and their main goal is now to give the movie as low a review as realistically possible. The elves control everything, they profit off the orcs while manipulating the humans to hating the orcs. The writing is quite literally on the wall as numerous graffiti pieces and various posters spell out the theme to any viewer who pays attention.

Bright is an entirely enjoyable and imaginative movie with a good story to tell, offering pitiable moments for the heroes that end up in great catharsis by the end. It's a movie audiences are going to love.

Why would you kill a man before shitting in his pants?

found the goobergooter

>Mexicans portrayed as gangsters, blacks portrayed as ogres
>wh*te male in the yakuza
Politically insensitive movies don't bode well with the modern goymale

The world building was hackneyed and clumsy as shit.

Oh yeah, it's "culturally appropriating" I guess. Sometimes I just want to go out and beat people to death with a hammer.

How do they get the critics consensus? Does each critic add a word?

Fuck off, Bright was genius.

90% for Civil War is bullshit just like Black Panther getting 98% is total bullshit. They at least in the range of 70 to 77%. They are just generic cgi trash.

However, Gone Girl is a solid film.

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Just look at modern art, jews hate everything that is beautiful, and love everything that is degenerate and ugly

>that was only enjoyed by audiences because they'll eat up whatever fantasy bullshit they can get their hands on.
A wrinkle in time

That's just plainly untrue.
> Mute - Audience Score: 51%.
Audiences don't blindly love movies just because they're free. If the movie is shit, they recognise it as so.

2 movies better than every Disney product released this year and last.

That's what the image is saying. Gone Girl being so much better than Civil War has lower approval rate.

both those movies are npt as bad or as good as they make them out to be
fuck any rating site goddamn