I'll start
ITT: Movies that the writer/director had a good premise for but no fucking clue how to execute it
What was poorly executed about it?
They had no idea what to do after Sam found himself in the wrecked vehicle. It seemed like they had it planned that far and it was a great idea, but they had nowhere to go after that. A solid idea and a great start, but it obviously went off a cliff after the first 30 minutes or so.
Was Gerty someone's consciousness? Who's? Why did he go from sinister to helpful (no tired Spacey jokes, please). Those visions or apparitions that caused the crash- I assumed it was some sort of deja vu causing the clone to malfunction kind of like the baseline test in 2049, but it was never further explored. Why would original Sam agree to have fully sentient versions of himself be sent to what was basically a slave colony with a built-in death sentence?
The director had a great idea for a first act and not a clue where it would lead. As a failed writer, I can relate. That said, I don't understand the accolades this film gets. 6.5/10 at best, and only that high because of Rockwell. Otherwise a forgettable 5.
This is bait, cause moon is great and sam is excellent in it.
>Why did he go from sinister to helpful (no tired Spacey jokes, please).
>.5 ratings
Stick to BR2049 kiddo
the continuity errors in this made me hate nolan
is this elaborate bait? I mean it's so on the nose that I can't tell.
Not a movie but this was the best premise for a Star Trek ever. We could have had a gritty but uplifting show about them constantly struggling from one unknown threat to another while running out of resources, crew, and principles. We only ever got a taste of that.
It's still better than the neighbourhood soap opera in space that gets endlessly shilled here.
>Not a cryptocurrency in sight
The fuck?
I like all of the trek series, they did their own things.
Voyager's biggest problem is squandering it's premise so thoroughly in favor of being diet TNG.
this is a great example. it should have been proven to janeway several times that the federation rules would only get them further into trouble, followed by her eventually coming around to the maquis way of doing things to protect her crew.
>the maquis way of doing things
Getting genocided by spoon heads and the dominion?
>this is the power of Sup Forums's razor sharp minds rebuking a legitimate critique of an overrated but serviceable film
I guess I got 'btfo'd or 'rekt' here. Maybe I should have asked Sup Forums what I thought about it or read some reviews or watched some vids from those youtube guys you all seem so enamored with.
I watched a mediorcre movie elevated to above average by the strength of its lead. This is the same guy that made 3 Billboards watchable, elevated a pedestrian creepy kid movie Joshua to one of the best in the subgenre, and as bad as they fucked up Choke, he was awesome in that as well.
So he made what would otherwise be another waste of celluloid watchable. Good for him. Can anyone actually make an honest attempt to refute my criticisms of Moon? Watch a video of someone who tells you what to think first if you have to; just curious what a legit rebuttal would look like from you folks.
Holy shit what a brainlet.
You're still a failed writer, if these posts of yours are any indication. In the future, consider saying "I didn't like it" instead of trying to explain where the writer went wrong after admitting that you can't write either.
lmao ur gay
>another waste of celluloid
*doffs trilby*
Your “criticism” shows some fundemental misunderstanding you had while watching the movie.
>Dude was the robot someone's consciousness?
good thing we had BSG that did the concept right
also why are plebs so butthurt about DS9? They can't go a single thread without whining about it lel
Good pick. I second Moon.
More probing insight and irrefutable logic that apparently escaped me.
I seriously don't want to get into a shit-flinging battle with a bunch of nerdy keyboard warriors who've most likely never seen the movie in question and lack the critical thinking skills and verbal acuity to be contrarian on a subject they're clueless about. Probably not a fight I can win, so I concede defeat.
I'm curious what those who have seen the film think about it either in a general sense or (God forbid legitimate discussion of movies on Sup Forums) in regards to my criticisms of it.
Usually don't give a shit, but the first act of this film was outstanding. Just a bit irritating thinking about what might have been.
>I seriously don't want to get into a shit-flinging battle
Really? Because that's exactly the hole you're digging.
Why do people complain about DS9? It's Kino until toward the end of season 6 and then it's Kino mixed with soap opera shit, but it's still good overall
My only real complaint is we won't see Cardassia being rebuilt a la the Marshall plan, and see Garak rise to some sort of leadership position.. that and maybe a less shitty conclusion to the pahwraith / Dukat storyline
Wanted to say Interstellar but it was just pure shit overall.
>Why do people complain about DS9?
Because comfy trek threads got turned into cancerous eternal generals.
Last post may have been a bit assholish, but if you present legitimate gripes about an overrated but enjoyable movie like I did here
and the responses you get offer such keen insight, surperior film knowledge, and overwhelmingly compelling rebuttals as these
ITT Failed writer wrecks Sup Forumsirgins.
Wouldn't have happened even 2 years ago. I blame Trump and Reddit
totally agree. notice how no one actually acknowledges your points to refute you. movie is nothing more than okay.
I agree dude. I kept hearing what a masterpiece this was and really don't understand why. all I can remember from it was that horrible comedic relief robot, and bad cgi. everyone gives it bonus point because Sam Rockwell, but I don't think he added anything special to it. I truly believe David Bowie got cancer because he saw his son's shit films.
Still no response to my critiques of the movie? Do you even know what the movie is? What a taggle of twats you are. Just doxxed you cunts pic related
Event Horizon
It's because he's a pompous dickhead self-admitted "failed writer" who invited these sort of responses with his uptight thread.
Yea they fucked up so damn hard with voyager it was like they were trying to kill of trek
>be in delta quadrant, constant borg threat, trying to find a way home,
pan flute plays and space indians..........
Nice dubs and yes choke could have been much better sam saves again.
No Gerty wasnt fucking conscious you brainlet. He was a glorified chatbot with simple rules. Sam got it to help him because 'keep Sam alive' was given equal weight as 'keep our cost cutting conspiracy going' in his idiot robot brain and Sam was able to use that as a loophole.
He was really proud of his son's films. Even (especially?) Warcraft.
I find moon very comfy
I'd say that too if I knew I were dying of cancer and wanted to leave my son with some happiness.
Congratulations user. You have a shitty opinion about something.
I was very interested going in, but this was one of the most awful films I've ever watched.
>le edgy child shitposter
sterilize yourself
Always thought this was one of the best movies to come out recently. Never even considered that it did kind of shit the bed after the beginning. OP's a faggot like usual but I didn't hear a compelling counter argument. I kind of agree.
Great concept, good movie, shit execution and zero follow through. And what was that goofy voice over? What did "Original Sam" half to say??!? about all that? How'd did the wife die? I though the girl was going to be like the great-great granddaughter or something. "Maybe it was the mailmans?" The fuck? Meh, looks like nobody's seen it so whatever
On an unrelated note, Boardwalk Empire is one of my top 5 favorite shows and someone told me that if I liked that, I'd love Peaky Blinders. So PB or Narcos? Or make a new thread and let OP keep making /ourredditfugeeguys/ look like morons here?
Historically great changes came from history.
>As a failed writer
because all his points are pure nonsense
Como que? It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
reddit as fuck but I agree with the first part
If you've failed as a writer that means you've given up.
>t. aspiring but lazy writer.
>its better to have failed than to have never failed at all
ladies, ladies, let's not everyone suck my penis at once.
I thought Moon was a bit thin. B-.
it was a story about self. it was a good premise but faggotson had a lot to say afterwards too.
the warriors
suicide squad
falling down
Not even joking. The atmosphere is perfect, but the story and acting are extremely weak.
If you had to stop watching to do something after the part where 'Sam' finds his presumed dead corpse in the wreckage, what would you have given it up to that point?
I rest my case.
Seriously you can eat a bullet, kid.
You seem angry but you know that it's true. You like the atmosphere of this movie. Have you ever heard someone say they loved any other aspect of it?
I heard your mother say she loved lots of things. Want to hear about some of those?
Even ironic "your mom jokes" are so played out. Are you this bad at everything in your life? Think back to the last time one of your parents told you they love you. Did it look like they were trying to hold back laughter?
At least this faggot explained himself and has yet to be refuted despite waves of so posters. Explain yourself user. That movie started great and continued to build steam until the final deafening crescendo.
I can think of a few times one of your parents told me she loved me. As I recall, I was the one laughing. Do me a favor, tell that fat slut to lose my number, thanks.
Do you ever worry about the fact that after you die, no one will care enough about you to hold a funeral? What's that feel like?
Kind of agree, yet I love the movie. Good photography and direction can get you a lot.
If you're looking to learn what things feel like, why don't you ask what your mother's tongue feels like on my turd cutter?
Great soundtrack too. Before the whole "taping down a key on a synth" thing got too overused. When you take a hard look at it though, it's a weak detective story. Imagine it without all of the cyberpunk elements. Imagine it's set in LA right now and it's about an ICE agent tracking down some illegal immigrants. Completely boring.
When you go to your next government-mandated counseling session to keep getting your neetbucks and they ask you if you've been having normal social interactions, are you going to try to count this?
Your right desu, the soundtrack was paramount to it as well. It had a lot going for it, just not the story. And that's unironically ok-- film isa visual medium-- it did more right than wrong.
Maybe. Or I'll just tell them about the time I beat up your mother for 20 straight minutes on a public street and nobody said shit to me.
Boi u dum. People aren't trying to refute you because it's not worth bothering on fucking Sup Forums. They're just mocking you for being stupid and full of yourself.
You seem very fixated on mothers. What is yours like? Was she a good mom?
Yeah I'm not saying I hated it, far from it. I enjoy watching it every time I see it, it's just that I think there's certainly room for improvement.
If you're trying to help, stop. You're almost as embarrassing as the twats earlier ITT trying to defend a movie they haven't seen because they've been told it's 'cool' by highly respected youtube clowns and snarky social media 'personalities'. At least they make an attempt at being amusing.
Ever see Cukoo's Nest? I feel like Hardin telling Cheswick "Do me a favor...Stay off my side".
So Blade Runner sucks and Moon is the greatest movie of all time despite not ONE person addressing any of the issues I brought up. This is the power of Sup Forums.
Yours ate a load of my shit once. I didn't even ask her to, she was blowing me when I was on the toilet and she just reached in without warning and started chowing down on one of my turds on the off chance that I'd be into it, and to be honest with you, I was. Big time.
If you think this is about movies, you're as dumb as the faggot whose mother I abusively fuck.
How would you feel if I stopped responding. If I stopped paying attention to you?
I'd pick someone else. It doesn't matter who you are or what your opinion was that started this.
>Moon is the greatest movie of all time despite not ONE person addressing any of the issues I brought up
Stop whining. This thread isn't about you.
The Lovely Bones.
Yeah? Here's what I'm looking for
>sympathetic 'bad guys'
Don't much care for pepperbellies either, so I was leaning towards PB. Do my metrics alter your suggestion? The Americans is also in the mix...
It kind of is, shit for brains. I made it and laid out a bunch of points that have yet to be refuted apart from a bunch of ad-hom attacks. What a jackass you are.
I didn't know it was a horror movie going in
>I made it and laid out a bunch of points that have yet to be refuted apart from a bunch of ad-hom attacks.
Go fuck yourself you fucking faggot. How dare you treat me like this.
>How dare you treat me like this
I had good points and you know it, guess you're too much of a weak soyboy to refute them on their merit. kys loser
Does telling one of your personalities off create a dominant one or just create a resentful one that could snap at the slightest provocation? I find schizophrenia fascinating.
wtf are you on about. i haven't taken part in this thread at all other than that post. i just thought little lord fauntleroy demanding nice treatment was funny
Hahahaha the faggot who's proud of all his gay points is still here!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! WHAT A FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excuse me? I have some problems with the movie that I'd like to discuss. Preferably with someone intelligent.
eh, the last part is not the best but it's still pretty solid
I mean what else would happen? they'd both feel really awkward, the guy would try to contact his family (and it's not a stretch to believe he'd think better of it at the last minute), and they'd try to screw over the company for screwing them over
the only thing that's poorly thought out is the explanation or lack of it for using clones in the first place since they're already sending people up there on a regular basis and there are so many things that can go wrong with the situation
I don't think the computer ever really went from bad to good, it was helpful the whole way through, just not always direct or telling the whole truth, and I think any sort of "evil computer" scheme they could've done would've seemed cliche
if they'd said it was testing of some kind, for future clone use by the corporation or the government, that I'd buy
er, you can mentally switch around the last two points (clones and computer) to make it flow better