Buy muh pills!

>buy muh pills!
>filter your water so you don't get that flouride stare!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Don't be a soyboy!
>Buy my brain pills
>(contains Soy)

Keep shilling, you globalist cucks

Alex Jones is a legend

Attached: BULLETS.jpg (1000x537, 282K)

really makes you think.

unless you take the brain pills LOL

Attached: amerisoy.jpg (1072x1360, 160K)

>news story comes out that says major brands of bottled water have microsized pieces of plastic floating around
>dumbasses still make fun of water filters

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>accuse other people of soy consumption
>consume soy yourself

Attached: nazisoy.jpg (744x743, 467K)

no wonder they lost the war

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>those videos of Hbomber absolutely annihilating PJW

Water filters actually are a good investment, memes aside

What an embarrassing meme. Don't post it again

did it hit a sore point with you, nazisoy?

t. soyboy

Too late for this kind of shilling OP, we've already broken the conditioning and you suck at it

Attached: BREAKING-THE-CONDITIONING.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

Black twitter is fucking shit kys

lol triggered alt-soy

aww poor Sup Forumsreddit soyboy

ebin thread :DDDDD

what combo of pills do I need to buy to break the conditioning? I hope they come in red capsules!

Millennials would rather spend thousands of dollars a year on bottled water rubbed in avocado entrails than but one gravity filter that lasts a lifetime.

soy. lots of soy.

>he lives in a country where he has to filter his water

You really turned the tables eh user
Say snowflake next. What other terms can you repeat?

I don't get it, are you trying to say vegans are evil or Hitler was good?


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Have you ever taken a look at the inside of old copper or plastic water pipes that your water is passing through?

>yfw you start to understand Jones' gestalt is the truth

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Not only is this the most cancerous, normiest meme i've seen on this site, but you also used Wikipedia, which was most likely edited as the Nazis never referred to themselves as Nazi

S E E T H I N G alt soy LOL

why is this meme a thing when whatever effects soy has were discovered years after the war

ty for correcting the record user

Why does Sup Forumsreddit CAPITALISE words in YOUTUBE videos?

BASED soyboys

Attached: stop it.png (438x93, 1K)

>he lives in a country that doesn't spend money on infrastructure

ironic soy consumption is still soy consumption


t. Globalist

Show me a country that re lays water pipes from the treatment plant to the household every few weeks, because that's what it would take brainlet.

>soyboy calling virile masculine men soyboys to cope with his inadequacy
>with a side of crying Sup Forums

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I remember when Alex Jones was just that loud guy on the radio that my crazy hunter uncle would listen to.

Now he has a media empire and congressmen, celebrities, and even the president goes on his show.


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His overarching DEUS EX conspiracy is his masterpiece

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His video trying to defend it was fucking hilarious
>actually the testosterone in these pills is so strong we needed to put some soy in to balance it out or everyone would go around banging dozens of women all day!

a legend of a fat retarded tinfoil who dupes morons stupider than he is

The amount of triggering that picture produces never fails to make me laugh

No wonder Sup Forumsfaggots are such frail timid pussies, pic related of course

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If you think Alex Jones is crazy just read anything written by Ray Kurzwell.

he is clearly a paid for shill who pushes conspiracies to sell products and make his sponsors (like the NRA) happy

why are his audience so dumb

You're trying to hard and failing. No one is upset

Alex Jones is a silly loudmouth but the way my friends HATE him because he's 'poisoning and indoctrinating people' doesn't sit with me right. Apparently politics is so important you're not allowed to be delusional anymore.

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That's the point of those rants. Jones is exposing (((Kurzweil))) on a daily basis.

>Apparently politics is so important you're not allowed to be delusional anymore.

I promise to have a serious think about this.

Possibly the only human being ever who managed to compare unfavorably with Piers Morgan.

Attached: alexjones-jewshill.jpg (635x397, 25K)

>You're trying to hard

unintentional irony is best irony

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All those replies would say otherwise. I appreciate you speaking as counsel for the posters of Sup Forums though

i dont get that sort of mentality
i mean sure some of what he says is batshit crazy some is interesting and some inbetween
but its like from an observational stand point of "why would someone think like this" and then analyse why
its interesting to me but nothing id go against of to shut it down

>unironically defending soy

Yeah well I hate to sound like Sup Forums but this group of friends is remarkably and vocally liberal. They quickly pop off into rants against flat earth theorists, Alex Jones, religion, Westboro Baptist church, and always talk about how these people are evil because they can vote, have children and spread 'their lies'. They're unironically upset at anything that doesn't prepare people to vote liberal, they reduce people down to their political contribution and don't see much else.

>Thinks being passionate and not holding back make you compare unfavorably......

You are a dumbass user.

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time to ditch those close minded friends then

Jones was right. He warned you, OP. But you didn't listen.

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Gun grabbing redcoat detected.

I wish Lee Ann would pose nude just once.

I pretty much do. At this point it's just a group chat where we talk about fighting games. Honestly though they're not that fun and it's pretty common for someone to get irritated about something that doesn't matter and uselessly rant about it. It's hard to enjoy a game when your partner is on a tangent about Mike Pence's decision to stick with his wife is proof that he's the biggest most evil womanizer at all. They're very intelligent people but they jerk their knee way too fast at any mention of politics and their objectivity goes straight out the window for any opportunity to shit on a political enemy.

The most pathetic attpts at b8 I've ever seen lmao. Sup Forums just drives people crazy huh?


why do alex jones loves identify themselves as conservatives? they are really just wackjobs

Ummm... Actually cupcake , you this picture of Navy Seals?

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