What the last film that made you tear up/depressed?

Gif related.

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Good taste

Trust and Betrayal is one of the best movies ever made. I kinda wish the original series had this kind of tone

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What about the Shishio Saga? Anji the monk, Sojiro's past. The original series start like your usual shonen garbage and gets mature really fast.

Honestly I prefer the series to have the tone that it did(or at least slightly more serious like the Kyoto arc). The consistently depressing tone like trust and betrayal would've been too hard to watch for a long running series.

Memeing or serious?

That's a great movie user. The last movie to do it for me would be pic related.

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It's one of the first few bits available on a simple Google search of this film.

>one of the best movies ever made
it's a number of episode specials, not movies

It was recut and re-released as a feature length movie.

>Watch this
>A-at least he got a happy ending, right?
>Watch the next movie

It really is amazing.
The Shape of Water made me tear up at one point but only because a certain thing reminded me of a certain someone.

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oh please

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wot didnt knew there was special episodes of the seires.
thx gonna check it out

its a fucking great movie.

Wild Strawberries

It was more of a meta thing. Knowing I will never see a sweden like that.

watching the downfall and hearing that song


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Manchester by the sea. Great film

Saw this last week.

Was expecting comedy, but it ended up being just a really bittersweet movie with a lovable wholesome character.