Wtf snyder

wtf snyder

Attached: flash.webm (341x192, 956K)

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The green room is where the magic happens

Attached: 154160.webm (1280x720, 1.27M)

Could you imagine if Flash ran normally or if Legolas didn't do visual spectacles? The movies would be boring. Hollyjews do this on purpose to make people like you mad and to please the normies. Get madder.

Why does he run like that?

what is wrong with this?

the absolute state of ________
(((you're an idiot)))

I think they wanted to make it look unique but it turned out weird and dumb

I think its to show how fast hes running

hes new at controlling his power so he runs like an idiot or something like that

Meanwhile, at Marvel

Attached: 1520565303853.webm (640x360, 2.4M)

It looks cool?????

the problem is not a green screen.
the way he's running is ridiculous af.

.I'll give you another crack at explaining to me why he is running like that

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kek what the fuck is this?

Attached: speedhacking when the admin is playing.webm (852x480, 2.92M)

whedon did this

This looks so bad ..

He works for the film producer

The hook nosed man

it's good sometimes but horrible other times

Because he's a little afraid of what he can do. There's a deleted scene of him ripping up tile and gouging pavement just form not taking it easy. Little details like that don't matter much to fucks like Whedon.

KINO. Snyder is genius!!

Attached: best_fight_ever_made.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

Are you all retarded or am I getting baited? it looks that way because he went to do a full stop and struggles finding his balance.

he can barely move his head or eyes but somehow throws them faster than flash can run

so retarded lmao

Tbh that long shot of him running was hilarious but on purpose

So good job DC you're doing as well as women who build bridges

Isn't that guys feet all fucked up
I mean they look like a vultures claws. He physically can't run properly, it's not a gag.

Yet he's the guy they chose to play the flash...


>blocks your path

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because he's literally a jewish faggot who was never taught how to properly sprint and whedon is a massive limp wristed faggot who doesn't know how to direct his actors

Looks like live action Looney Tunes

Bad cg, but otherwise pretty cool scene 2bh

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Hobbit and Justice League are still boring messes that no one liked. A bunch of dumb visual spectacles didn't make people like them.

is that the fucking devilman run?

This girl and the actor in OP have the same issues. They're too weak or jacked up to run properly

Why doesn't this movie look amazing like every other Snyder film? Was Warner Brothers really fucking with him the entire time?

Why has no FX company figured out how to make a human running fast look realistic?

Its all about the stride. You cant fake it. A human can only move their legs so fast, they have to jump in order to cover more ground with the limited motion of legs we have.

OPs webm is kinda on the right track where he is running on a treadmill being supported by wires, but realistically what they need to do is put an actor on jumping stilts, and have him run on that while being supported on wires, and then digitally remove them, use motion capture on the feet, and that will look like someone actually running at high speed.

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>live in NYC
>doesn't just go this way

Attached: shit.png (639x359, 484K)

he speeds up

god that looks so stupid, and looks even worse in the movie. I hope everything DC does crashes and burns because I fucking hate that actor and I want his dreams crushed into a million pieces

How can Snyder even compete?

Attached: pure_kino.webm (1280x534, 2.52M)

worst part is this looks better than the running at the end of JL

What are the best examples that you've seen?

No surprise that her feet are also screwed up.
It looks like someone went to town on them with a hammer
And they didn't reset the bones before they healed

nigga gazelle right here

I almost feel like looking into how many people pointed out how awful this was in 2014 or whenever it came out.

How come Whedon half-assing it at Marvel is still somehow better than Whedon half-assing it at DC?

that zoom always makes me chuckle



tell me why does he wear the mask?

Short answer: he can't.

>not going between mommy's legs

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>El Muchacho Verde

everybody saw him until he put on the mask

too fat


Netflix is an affront to God.

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Why does random shit fall down at the end for plot reasons.....

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I can't believe there's people who see this without being physically restrained by the Mouse himself.
How much of a cretin do you have to be.

Cool idea, but poorly executed.

>wasting this chance to implement a jojo style monologue and stretching this scene out for over 15 minutes


Whedon legit fucked it up in pretty much every conceivable way. He changed the color grading which made a lot of previously-rendered CGI look like ass. He changed some night scenes to day, which was also a dumbfuck move. And then the icing on the cake - he changed the aspect ratio of the Snyder footage he used to match his own flat, utterly unimaginative shots, which gives the entire movie a claustrophobic, made-for-tv feel, which is strangely poetic, as that is the medium where Whedon should have remained.

looks like the running scene from kung fu hustle

Best fucking scene.

In the end it somehow reminds me of Harry Potter.

Does anyone have those behind the scenes videos?

I love Bobby Moynihan.

Ahora es Torbe a quien pillan en la calle

Damn I hate this flash motherfucker.


Meanwhile, at a school in Africa

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That's not bad really

this is actually good

he probably has bad physical coordination, the kind of guy that gets picked last in school when playing sports.
they should have gotten another actor just based on this stupid running form.

Attached: catangry.png (453x366, 394K)

nollywood has a bright future

>that fivehead

point it at he Death Star turn on the hyperdrive and win the star was

Why the fuck would you need a bunch of superheros for that?
A single SWAT team can handle those fuckers

what look was he trying to convey here?

Attached: what.png (835x467, 720K)

>niggers can't make kin-

That's how gay people run.

Not bad. It has an anime-vibe to it. It is much better than the shit I’ve seen by Hollywood.

looks better than black panther

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As much as i really didn't like this movie i think this was by far the coolest scene in it. Superman looking at him is such a cool "oh fuck" moment. I wish we could have more evil superman.

The Faggotrun™.

Bravo Whedon.

is this one of those comedy sketches the americans keep doing?

Movies from uganda are unironically better than hollywood movies. The fight scenes are so low tech but well executed.

Remember when DCucks shitposted about Marvel movies being entirely green screen? And this is all Snyder too, not Hack Whedon

Attached: Green Lantern Corps.jpg (1228x569, 119K)

>huge dick is gonna hurt my boypussy, still, gonna take that bad boy in :)

>there is no need to be upset
that zoom. fucking kek.

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this scene was cool but why has superman never used his superspeed until now