What downsides have you guys faced because of being redpilled?
Is it a curse to be intelligent and self aware?
Other urls found in this thread:
Being depressed
if you're not a christian then I guess so
I thought atheism was redpilled.
How do you know that the Bible is true.?
Please tell me more I want to know more about your god
>How do you know that the Bible is true
because gospels are separate reports on the life of the Son of God
And life without religion is impossible. Atheism = death, lack of existence
>knowing every one is a self absorbed shit head with only their own interests in mind
>knowing people only care about you if you have something to offer them
>knowing every one thinks their opinion actually matters when it means nothing
>knowing every thing you are exposed to is only there to get you to spend money
>knowing that none of this matters or means anything
>knowing we're nothing more than semi intelligent apes who are too smart for our own good floating on a spinning rock in space
>knowing greed and selfishness is the only way to be successful
No downsides to knowing any of those things
Indians are good people
Clearly you don't live in delhi
>Please tell me more I want to know more about your god
Or central New Jersey for that matter
no gf, depression, self loathing, self harm, overweight, bad skin, scoliosis, acne, lack of vitamins, tiredness, feet fungus
Sounds like a good guy.
Did he hate the rich too?
Join the fit gaming life style dude all I do game and exercise and tech support
Yes I Don't I live in uttranchal
I'm not generalizing all people with those statements, but those types of people are the most common in humans.
>self harm
>suicide attempts
>atm social suicide
>tfw people around you are so dumb that if i gave them a boot filled with water and tell them that they need to get the water out, instructions are on the foot side, they would struggle with the task.
>like animals more than human interaction.
>spend almost all day lurking on Sup Forums
>tech support
What happened? Indians never fail to amaze me
At least I don't scam innocent and naive
>depressed by everything
>roads, buildings, cars, traffic, neighborhoods, malls
>want it all to disappear
>contemplating selling everything I own, buying survival gear and walking into the nearest national forest and never coming back out
Here you go, lets kys. you and me ameribro.
Count me in
people are mostly unthinking animals
4th reich soon. meritocracy in all things
Yes fair play for all
just make enough money to buy a house in the countryside/woods. you can still live life to it's fullest. it's probably what i'm gonna do.
This 2bh
not being able to procreate with females I encounter straight away
I feel crippled.
Everything that makes modern society function seems so evil to me.
I don't know how to get over it.
If I'm honest with people about how I feel about all of this it will just bring me trouble that I can't afford.
It seems like the whole world is nudging me towards suicide.
I don't know what to do.
survival instinct is hard to overcome
t. tried 4 times in past 3 weeks
i just hope there'll be a real happening soon
everyone who takes themeslves as intelligent and is depressed is a fool, fooling himself to believe he himself is intelligent
in reality, you are still simpelton, still primitive compared to those who dont bother themselves by seeking labels for himself to justify his own actions
I do what I can to embrace Jesus Christ but his teachings feel so incompatible with just getting along with my situation and like it will just lead me further and further into this martyred self-destruction. I wish someone in my family understood or just cared to understand.
neck yourself poo.
Indians need to be gassed.
You sound a lot like me.
Tell me more
>Implying I am afraid to die
Ik what u need to do. Read the second to last line of ur post :^)
These things don't have anything to do with being redpilled. Sounds like you're just a shitlord.
I think maybe yes. I don't know that being most intelligent species on the planet has done us any favours in terms of happiness and contentment. Sure we can extend our lifespan and do/build stuff, totally dominate the food chain, but is that better?
I watch my pet geckos sometimes and envy them. All they want is a warm cozy spot to sleep and bugs to eat and girl geckos to fug (express consent not required).
No thanks, Jew.
Extreme awareness. Restraint in political conversations.
Like what?
None. That what true smartness is about.
"Red pill" became a loser meme, that is equal to "throwing pearls to swines".
What all that matters for you is to poo in the loo
My brother called me a crazy conspiracy theorist when I said the MSM is in bed with the DNC.
What happened exactly? That made you feel crippled.
How/What Do you feel ? If you're in a bad situation I don't think Jesus wants you to continue with it he wants you to be happy.
Having to explain my friends and family that I haven't lost my mind. Some of them are turning redpilled though, and atleast all the irredeemable retards who can't even entertain an idea without accepting it removed me from their facebook and life.
Good you don't need idiot like those in your life.
Poo in loo
Well to a degree it's been like this ever since my parents divorced when I was 10.
After that happened I had to look at society from a less conventional point of view.
I always work to deal with it though but have problems with it throughout my life.
A big issue now is that I'm getting older.
I'm 27.
I'd always stayed away from politics because I knew it to be phoney.
Then I was in a really desperate moment in my life after losing a pretty glamorous lifestyle and my long term relationship with this girl and found Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders had been saying all this stuff I'd been wanting to hear for like 10 years. I couldn't believe it.
After a few weeks I realized he was a total fraud and never going to win.
Then I slowly I got into Trump which changed my life yet again.
I was obsessed with Trump.
He inspired me and motivated me somewhat.
This was still pretty early on and just served to alienate me even more by being outspoken about my Trump support.
One guy did pay me 100 bucks for a Trump pin though. That felt good.
But with Trump I started studying the Jewish question.
Finally I had my chance to see Trump in a rally in Atlanta.
I stood there for about 7 hours waiting.
Because I'd helped volunteer before I was guaranteed to be in the front row audience 10 feet away from Trump.
I'm not saying this to persuade anyone to like or dislike Trump but this is my story.
When Trump walked out and started talking I realized he was a total fraud.
Everything about him was dishonest and theatrical.
I sortuv knew this moment was always going to hit me when I first started supporting him.
All of my energy that I'd invested into supporting Trump has all gone to studying the Jewish question more and more.
I sortuv feel the same as I did when I was a teenager and knew everything was fraudulent but now it's much scarier that I have the Jews as a group to talk about.
When I interact with society now all I can see is the filth.
And it seems like the only way to get along with this society is to help contribute to everything that's wrong with it.
Sometimes I think about just walking downtown with a cross and standing there and not saying anything.
That might literally get me killed in my specific city as crazy as that might sound and either way it will just invest me even further into all of these issues that I don't think I can necessarily afford.
Primitive, maybe (as depression stems from biology as a response trait to stress, but a simpleton? Depression is more prevalent in highly intelligent people. They have been proven to correlate. You're simply wrong here and you shouldn't perceive your nihilism (correct me if i'm wrong) as superiority in intelligence.