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This was the moment when Mike & Ryan took control of his channel & life.
Did he really have to do it in such an arrogant way? The film at least deserves a chance. But no, he had to side with the gamergators and ruin his career. Nice moves, nerd.
>The film at least deserves a chance.
It was a shameless corporate cash grab of the highest caliber.
patton please dont you have a new wife to drug
lmao at least try next time dude
The script had already been leaked by that point. The chance had already been blown.
>got harassed to hell and back
>didn't dignify it with a response
>in the end won when the movie flopped
must've felt good
>"Hey guys, I don't like the idea of rebooting Ghostbuster, so I'm not going to see it."
>Simply say you're not going to review a movie and explain your reasons in a calm and rational manner.
>The internet proceeds to fucking explode and treat you like a misogynist Nazi, with most of their criticism making it abundantly apparent that they're playing a game of telephone with other feminists instead of actually watching the video itself to see what he really said.
I think this was the moment that really made me "wake up" and realize how bad things have gotten.
it was fucking bizarre seeing that shit go down. how easy people just mob up over wrong think is crazy.
I would love to see some responses to this comment
>no platforming is only OK if we do it
He still watched those shitty Ninja Turtles and Transformers reboots and sequels.
Let's talk about Mike's 16 inch cock
It was the moment I realized that the world would be better without twitter
He judged the trailer and didn't think it was worth a day one review. There's nothing wrong with that
>Trailers looks like trash
>script reads like shit
>Dur lets give it a chance and waste 15 bucks
imagine being this dumb. You are just special.
This section, I think, contains a truth that is still not realized even today. Its the fundamental truth that if some piece of media actively disrespects any notions of quality, or self-respect, you can simply not watch in it. De-invest in that bullshit.
This board needs to realize this situation is going on with the current souring crop of Marvel and Star Wars movies: don't whine about how shit seeing Solo: A $tar Wars Story was, just don't even see it at all.
Reminder that /OurGirl/ defended him
>remember that time you hated your baby enough to kill it before you ever saw it?
And this pattern would repeat itself until this very moment. Remember the Twitter lynch mob when Black Panther got it's first negative review? It's the same thing but even bigger and nastier
>ganging up on James, the most mild-mannered, sweet guy on the web
>ghosting bootsy
He will never be forgiven for this
when did James lose control of his own channel?
This. It took to when this happened for me to realize what a retarded culture war the world was in. Every single 'journalist' who took not only the bait of an all female movie to massage their virtue prostate, but ate up the made up story of some poor fuck (who coincidentally laid the groundwork for the online world they now enjoy) ranting about the film and relentlessly bullied him for it. What gets me, is that they could simply go to the publicly accessible video and obviously realize this was dumb slander. But no, nobody took the time of day to even be accurate in their speech. Fucking atrocious.
You people realize he's a bought and paid for pro-Trump shill, right?
He's probably at the very least high functioning autistic. He also isn't really aware of how internet social media works. He more than likely had no idea how he came across and definitely had no idea what a shit show he was walking into. Either way his channel isn't any more ruined than it was before he did this.
fucking based james BTFO Sup Forums
alt right on suicide watch
He is alt right though.
Not only did he not dignify it with a response, but he doubled down and posted a second video 3 days later where he calls it garbage within the first 15 seconds.
Not in any timeline
He literally doesn't protest Trump. Remind me again how that isn't exactly the same as supporting Trump?
but... but he's white... and a man?
>I'm NOT going to watch a movie
the alt right wanted him to shit on the movie
he did the right thing by simply not watching it
>not watching a female empowerment movie because your racist friends told you not to
Your point? He's alt right.
>BTFO Sup Forums
>litterally everyone triggered by his decision are Sup Forums enemies.
>trailer looks boring
>typical remake/reboot/whatever from some cult flick from the 80s
>$15 "give it a chance"
>Patton Oswalt's Defense of The New 'Ghostbusters' Movie Turns Ugly When Twitter Trolls Take Aim At His Deceased Wife
That really was a beautiful moment.