why do millennials get such shitty and mean less tattoos?
Why do millennials get such shitty and mean less tattoos?
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Meaningless my bad
>complains about millenials
>posts a Gen Xer
Their lives are so transient and empty and bereft of spiritual value they believe stamping something on their body will make it "permanent".
Because they are also shitty and meaningless
Steve-o is a junkie and isn't very representative of millennials
Becuz it makes me unique and special! It gets me attention!
Yeah dude
>mean less
Gas yourself
Because they are so deep and mysterious they deserve special snowflake tattoos that everyone else has
I really wonder that too
especially the women who have they're whole bodies full of it
What does it look like when they're removing it with laser? I bet that must look ugly as fuck
>thread about millennials
>remembered the Steve-o
you took the bait
lol generallizing millennial lad??
never knew he was a richfag
>His family was based in England for many years due to his father's presidency of the South American division of Pepsi-Cola. Childhood residencies include Canada, Brazil and Venezuela.
he was a junkie
still does crazy shit though
Why do millennials ask stupid fucking questions?
>42 years old
cutoff is 1982
Because instead of having some personal meaning or being self aware enough to posess a personal taste of aestetic they just get wild and wacky stuff that will impress the people who they think are their friends.
Its no different than the neon hair or akward number of piercings and odd make up. Its signalling to everyone how unique and thoughtful they are.
Due to aforementioned lack of self awareness thier method of expressing individuality is to copy what everyone else is doing.
there was never a generation that did so many body-modifications
10 years ago I only ever saw the biker / military / trucker people having such tattoed arms and it fits perfectly
but all of a sudden there are these 20-30 year old women that are supposed to be qt and nothing else having all these tattooes all over their upper body
and not to forget the fucking nu-male cunts with tattooes all over their spaghetti-arms
>when your gen-z garbage
I hate the world.
steve-o is a pretty based guy
Aver skin your knee really bad?
Kinda looks like that. Laser removal has to be done in stages too. Takes 3 to 5 going overs to get done, and still often leaves a faint outline behind anyways.
The numale is emasculated and weak, but deep inside their biology is screaming and kicking and demanding an outlet.
This results in confused and inappropriate adaption of traits commonly seen as stereotypically male, like tattoos and beards. However, the results are ineffective due to a lack of basic understanding, resulting in something akin to aliens as outside observers trying to emulate human culture - enter the nu-male.
Shut up. Only times I will get a tattoo, Is for every google I kill when the race war starts like Mr.Rogers did for his arms.
Why do millenials make shitty threads?
tattoos are a great way of expressing who you are as well as keeping current and trendy.
Why would get a tattoo over a killed dindu? That's like getting a tattoo for every roach you smash. Get off my board you cuck.
>but all of a sudden there are these 20-30 year old women that are supposed to be qt and nothing else having all these tattooes all over their upper body
Even worse are those metal boogers and cwo nose rings every girl seems to have now, it's enough to turn a 10/10 into a 0/10, fuck those things are retarded
To quote the prophet, you should treat those like a hitch.
Attach a line to them and lead them home, they're essentially acknowledging their role as cattle/property.
atleast those can be taken off immediatly
btw to >This results in confused and inappropriate adaption of traits commonly seen as stereotypically male, like tattoos and beards
it isn't even manly to have these things
have you ever seen Till Lindemann with any of these things? no
False sense of apathy guided by arrogance which is poisoned through ignorance.
I recall even Steve saying he regretted a lot of what he did.
Fred Rogers was never in any branch of the military. This is a myth and you are gay
>tfw dungeon world is your fav ruleset
because millennials are shitty and meaningless.
next question.
you brand and apply nose rings to cattle. why would people on a large scale voluntarily transform themselves into the image of cattle?
wait i thought the point was that Steve O is kinda the father of a lot of millenials who grew up watching jackass
>I recall even Steve saying he regretted a lot of what he did.
>literally got to circle the globe at least 3 times
>got tons of pussy
>beat his cringy drug habit and broke ties with his drug nigs
>is able to maintain comfy / subtle rockstar status
What the fuck does he regret? He was only a drug addict for a little less then 2 years.
How elequently put
That was probs the best summarization of numale confusion that i have seen yet
Probably regrets getting fucked in the ass by the midget, I'd reckon.
till is in a shitty rock band with pyro so all the numales love le Rammstein
Steve O is like 40 years old you dork
Theres nothing like seeing some guy with 9 inch diameter biceps get a bunch of tats.
Yeah bro, you are TOTALLY pulling that tough guy biker/grizzled vet look off with your scrawny 8th grader physique.
Numales ruined tattoos for everyone else.
I would never get a tattoo because my parents would be ashamed.
Maybe these people simply don't have that restriction? Maybe their parents just don't give a fuck.
doesn't make any difference that his "character" in this show is the über"man"
and he still doesn't have a beard or a tattoo
>it isn't even manly to have these things
Try imagine being a weak-willed, cucked nu-male who was raised by the media and a single mom demonizing masculinity, with your only experience with manliness being pop culture like Expendables, Conan the Barbarian etc.
Getting independent and assertive is a no go for you, even getting buff is too much effort, so beards, tattoos and piercings are the low effort methods to soothe that screaming voice of your biology inside you.
> rap band
Why do other countries celebrate such idiocy like this comic? Pull Your shit together fucking retards
Stay unwoke.
>process that looks like a hideous injury AND STILL didn't even remove the tattoo
What is the fucking point?
Looks better thn when u see a buff dude with tats, but why ruin ur body at all with tats unless ur getting a tattoo from the to top 10 artist in the world u shouldnt let someone use ur body to advertise their shtty art
>What is the fucking point?
to remind you of your stupidity until you die
Conan is pretty cool though.
Fucking this, they're so fucking gay too, they want a tattoo just for the sake of having a tattoo without even knowing what exactly they want because they dont stand for anything or have a real causes or creed or depth. Its a cry out for approval, its a social bluff like how animals mimic dangerous traits of other animals beta males are trying to mimic cause and hardeness with tattoos. Thats why women have a perceived attracted to tattoos, before men who had tattoos were either veteran soldiers or gangsters who've been through shit and became confident and based from their experience.
That said people who have tattoos of their children or girlfriend or some shitty portrait of someone they know are faggots.
representation of reality i suppose
Media is a topic a bit unexplored in your post.
I think that now days people wear identities as outfits.
Back when you read how guys used to identify themselves, it used to be based off of ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Real acts of prowess or physical labor that produced something useful and tangible.
Back before todays media saturation a lumberjack was a guy who dropped timber. He was tough and grizzled from years of difficult labor and productivity.
Today a,"lumberjack" is just a marketing parody that exists to sell a ghost of masculinity passed to weak willed idiots who desperatley wish to be taken seriously, but have no real accomplishments or feats of manliness to speak for them.
So they dress like this faggot because they may never actually perform any feats of rugged self reliance and manly brawn, but for a few hundred bucks they can borrow the image of the men who did, the fashion advertisements and commercials for trendy stuff say so.
Identity is no longer abput your accomplishments, its about your posessions.
Literally WHY?
i just wanted a tattoo mate :(
Once a junkie always a junkie
>that retarded sheath/scabbard
Kek. Should just gone with this:grizzlypeakenterprises.com
Steve-O is a living memer, he does it for the laughs.
While mostly true it depends. If you were a junkie out of boredom or a role but kicked it then your not a junkie.
I don't get it either.
I see lots of girls with something stupid. Like a star behind their ear or a flower on their arm. What's the appeal, i don't get it. Do they think the concept of tattoos are attractive, not the actual tattoo?
What's the point, you'll have that shit til you die.
You can insult tattoos, but steve-o's self portrait on his back is a great tattoo.
All tattoos are shitty and meaningless.
Pic related is embarrassing
>Sailor moon
>Dr. Slump
Nah, bio chemically you'll always be a junkie. Just like fat people that lose the fat, if they slip up they'll go right back to the same pattern
Steve-O is Gen X
>shitty and mean less tattoos
like ALL tattoos?
God I knew so many people in high school that got a tattoo the moment they turned 18. The ugliest fucking tattoos, too. One dude paid $1k to get his family crest on his arm, looked like someone puked all over his bicep. One girl got a giant tattoo of a ballerina on her stomach and got pregnant a year later, I wanna pay money too see what it looks like now.
A few of my friends were egging me on to get a tattoo, and I considered it at one point. Glad I changed my mind. I think natural skin is much more beautiful than covering it with ugly tattoos.
The other thing that pisses me off is when homeless people beg for money and have sleeves. Good life choices, bro. You have a few thousand dollars spent on something you can't eat. You ain't getting any change today.
Tattoos should not have "deep personal meaning" you dumb retards. That is how you get tattoos that you regret later.
>'this band means so much to me! time to get a tattoo of their logo!"
>"oh no they're breaking up and I'm not a 20-something retard that likes them anymore!"
>deep personal meaning
I think "deep personal meaning" goes more into a direction of things like 'Surviving that plane crash', 'having taken part in X famous military action', 'having survived being stabbed into the aorta by that bad dude' and stuff like that rather than a band you like
>deep personal meaning
>band logo
>deep personal meaning
>band logo
>tatoos having deep personal meaning is how stupid tattoos happen
>proceeds to describe shallow idiotic reason to get a tattoo
A band you like isnt deep personal meaning.
Getting a black armband around my bicel with the date by buddy died dragging my other buddy out of a burning MRAP is a deep personal meaning.
I guess its corny to some but it sits there under my sleeve meaning nothing to anyone but me and I like having it there because I know my buddy woulda got it if our places were reversed.
An avenged sevenfold logo across your chest or a giant celtic cross on your bicep despite the fact that you are neither celtic nor a serious christian is a shallow tattoo.
People with shitty tatoos usually INVENT a reason why its "deep and meaningful" to delude themselves into thinking its special when the reality is that its just a cheap "hey look at me."
Tatoos should be for you, not for everyone around you. Whenever you consider getting one you always need to really think "do I actually like this, or do I just want other people to like it?"
If you dont ask that question you are gonna end up like my dipshit brother and get a 6 inch wide tattoo of meatwad from aqua teen hunger force across your left asscheek because your dipshit buddies thought it was funny for a week.
sweet jesus.
>That pic
Holy fuck, that isn't a tattoo you'd regret in a couple years, that's one you'd regret the instant it's done.
Tattoos are for faggots that need something to make them special. Ive met more women who are way into tattoos than men who are. Its the equivalent of wearing overly flashy clothes and stupid jewellery. Its all for attention.
look how triggered this Sup Forumstard is
This triggers me
>giving your kid Soda/Pop
>giving your kid juice
And people wonder why their kids' teeth rot out of their fucking heads.
I love how everyone is getting nordic tattoos nowdays. Its going to be the 2020's equivalent of tribal tats.
Cuz yeah, this sophmore year liberal arts major who weighs all of 100 pounds soaking wet is like, totally into odin and thor and nordic legend, this totally isnt a phase brought on after watching a marathon session of Vikings and thinking the soundtrack was moving or anything.
Hes like, a warrior soul, ya know, but like, a quiet introspective warrior who hasnt ever been in an actual fistfight let alone a war.
On that note, I wonder what a no shit real viking would do to a guy like that if he spotted the allfather tattooed across some scrawny (or flabby) nu-male's chest.
Hard to tell, but I bet it would be entertaining to watch.