Good time

Can someone explain to me why this film is regarded as "good"? It has over 90% on RT.

This film was garbage. It was mangled, directionless footage that was frankenstein'd together by an editor into a somewhat coherent shit show.

The only reason people like it is because it has a retarded person in it, and Robert Pattinson is a somewhat ok actor in it, but hailed as "great" because his previous work has been so shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stick to Schumacher flicks, kiddo.

Fuck knows. It's literally directed by YouTubers.

have you ordered your blade runner bluray special edition with dragon dildo in it ?

It's a tense ride that doesn't slow down at any point. It's fucking exciting.

It’s okay OP, just accept that people can be entertained by trash.

OP is a pleb.

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The ending elevated it from film to kino

I thought it was ok by it was such blatant rip off of Pusher in the sense that it was a tense ride that didn't slow down like said. See the Pusher trilogy instead of this but if you've already seen those, see this and judge it for yourself. I enjoyed it for what it was.

fuck off

What did they mean by this?

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I'd rather watch a Schumacher film than this bullshit. It loses it's edge after 20 minutes, then you're just suffering through it.

The directing is HORRENDOUS, and the cinematography is non-existent.

>hurrr durr let's just do ultra close ups to cut costs and look "indie", everyone will think we're artists!

There are literally no establishing shots in this film. Ever open is an ultra close up on someone's face. They are FORCING you to feel something, not invoking emotion, like what good films do. This film uses every low-skill trick in the book to try and pass itself off as something other than pretentious meaningless garbage.

Pattinson was OK in it. Just OK.

that explains it

I didn't like blade runner, either film

Low IQ person detected

ok buddy.

Why not just have the real comic with Pepe in it?

Attached: BoysClub-Cover.png (887x1100, 1.82M)

Looked like Ross Ulbricht in the pic. Made me thing they made a film on the world biggest retard and got me excited.

I haven't seen "pusher" or whatever else people are comparing it to, so I just judged it on its own merits. The camerawork was garbage, but I really enjoyed watching this

lol faggot.

I think it's the closest I've seen to a true mumble-core action flick. Ultra-real action. If that's not your thing I could see how it would seem boring as hell. In reality most criminals are witty masterminds that spout clever quips, they're just messed up people that get dangerous when they're cornered.

Amerimutt pusher ripoff. It's garbage.

Nice bait

Good Time and Victoria are both certified wild night ride kino
any others like it? I can only think of After Hours but that one's more like a kafkaesque comedy of sorts, doesn't quite fit with the whole 'lose control of every part of your life in a single waking night' concept

The focus is so bad in certain parts that my eyes begin to hurt.

This is a "feature film" with a budget made by working adult filmmakers. I expect some degree of competency. Does focus pulling have to be perfect 100% of the time? But let's try to stay in focus for at least 70% of the movie, holy fucking shit.


judgement night

die hard

This scene was kino.

Attached: Robert-Pattinson-Good-Time-Trailer.jpg (921x498, 324K)

This scene was pleb tier. It was totally pretentious. It sounds like nothing more than a massive exposition dump. MANY people despised this film. Just go read the reviews on Amazon. There are a vast number of horrible reviews. American Honey gives a far more honest portrayal of the American lower class.

Attached: american.jpg (630x1200, 114K)

French Connection
Reservoir Dogs
Bad Lieutenant
Their other film Heaven Knows What

this pajeet bot again ? are you paid by marvel to promote shit taste what is your career plan ?

Amen brotha, everyone is afraid to talk like this. It' WAS a massive exposition dump that is only meant to set up the LSD drink. Unfortunately, we are of the minority that didn't like this movie too much.

Idk man, I liked it. I knew I was in love with this movie as soon as I saw the Pepe

Its a piece of shit

amen brotha PREACH!

The image is a page from Boys Club you goof

It's solid, everyone does a good job I guess, but it's about 100 minutes of Robert Pattinson being a piece of shit without much payoff.

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lol no. That some odd thing they made for this movie. Pic related is how all Boys Club comics look.

Attached: Boys Club 1.jpg (850x1092, 203K)

>high on RT, high on audience score
>low on RT, high on audience score
>high on RT, low on audience score
>low on RT, low on audience score

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The OPN score is enough to make it amazing.

I would respond but your second paragraph reads like you didn’t even watch the movie. It’s got its own style, and none of what you said is real criticism of that style

HAHAHAHAHAHA you’re so cinematically illiterate that you think a film NEEDS establishing shots. Appreciate a different take on cinematography for once. The film is objectively good and Pattinson is phenomenal in it. And close ups no longer serve to force emotion, it’s become a new cinematic langue, a new mode of communication that disorients and keeps you close to the action. Brainlet

But I bet you think Shape of Water and Annihilation have good camerawork huh? It’s a depressing thing when the Safdie brothers are too experimental for you


the camera was too claustrophobic

That’s your opinion, and one that reveals how narrow minded you are about cinema. As the critics have said, the execution of claustrophobia is fantastic here. Imagining boring ass establishing shots in this film makes me sick

that works as a perfect complement to the plot. it's a claustrophobic situation.

It's decent. A fun ride for one viewing but nothing more.

I was baffled by the comparisons to Scorsese. His films are a lot more interested in exploring characters and themes than Good Time was.

idk how I feel about this

This was obviously intentional on the directors part

they did it in their previous movie, too

Movies as kino as Good Time seem to disorient brainlets so they choose to reject it because they don't understand it.

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Yeah except Good Time is better than about 70% of Scorceses filmography.

that might've been my favorite shot in the entire movie

Post your top 5 movies of 2017

>>The only reason people like it is because it has a retarded person
Mad that it doesn't work that way in real life, retard?

This character has so much depth to him and he's only on screen for around 10 minutes and says about 15 lines.

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>Robert Pattinson is a somewhat ok actor in it, but hailed as "great" because his previous work has been so shit.
>what is The Rover?

Because every nu film critic needs to be part of the special ingroup who "get it." The feeling of superiority they get from watching a "deep, serious" film is more important than the face value of the film itself.

These are the people who decide what movies you watch.

>mmmm grayyons

None of what you just said applies to Good Time at all, you absolute fucking tard

A Ghost Story
The Florida Project
Call Me by Your Name

Did I strike a nerve im sorry ;_;

I've never seen the movie, but I have the Ohneotrix point never soundtrack in my library and I've probably listened to it about 20 times.

>click on thread
>prepared to respond to OP
>OP has shit taste in kino

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fuck off.

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Was it kino?

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Directed by two perverted kike brothers who wanted to make him jerk off a dof, he refused but they made him do it to a fake dick.And then the scene was cut off from the movie. These degenerate kikes control Hollywood, of course this trash will get prizes and lots of publicity.

fucking hot.

Things I liked about it:
It wasn't great, but very entertaining to watch and that's about it.

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that scene of the retard brother running through the glass was the greatest moment in the movie

Top lel imagine actually not being able to enjoy this movie, probably one of the most influential movies of the year
And then coming here saying people who did are just faking it
Top lel

The most striking rendition of a feverish, hyper-real, long pulsing night and they say it's too claustrophobic

Because jews are 2% of the US population but 90% of the film critics.

>The most striking rendition of a feverish, hyper-real, long pulsing night and they say it's too claustrophobic
fuck off
you're no better than the reviewers who are describing it as a NEON FLUX UBER MASTERPIECE OF MASTERCLASS FILM MAKING
the film is shit and literally ends as soon as it starts picking up.

Brainlet as fuck.

>hasn't seen Refns best movie
>likes trash like Good Time
the absolute state of Sup Forums

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I am literally laughing out loud at your posts, you are making me lose my sides
Please keep trying to convince us you're not a stupid shit, please do


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>objectively good
its objectively pretty average

you seem to think there's a sacred rule book to creating film. pro-tip: there isn't. go watch some christopher nolan or scorsese for some formulaic garbage you're used to.

have i become an old bastard stuck in the past? this looks horrid and even fucking 16mm would look far better.

It felt derivative to me, like the directors we're trying to imitate some classic from the 70s or 80s.

Unrionically ITT: movies only Sup Forums users from Queens can understand.

il reply to you mate, because you are very correct!


Best part of the movie is when hospitalized guy jumps out of the car like a complete retard because he'd rather do THAT than go to jail, it's funny as shit. Then he falls off the building trying to escape the cops...did he think he was going to get away and not be arrested slowly crawling down a fucking building?

It's boring.

Better than whatever shit from 2017 you thought was great

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Wrong. Even by today’s wildly skewed standards it’s a very good flick. You’re just too stupid to see that

>we have no money to dress our "sets"
>"different take on cinematography"

You should check out a book called "The New Philistines" which is basically about you.

>Can someone explain to me why this film is regarded as "good"? It has over 90% on RT.
because the directors browse Sup Forums

it's a bias.

The beginning and end made me very emotional. Other than that, there’s no much else that sticks out to be about the film.

Well, if the director is reading this, you did a very good job playing a retard, because you are one in real life for making this shit movie and thinking it's actually good enough to rape our free time with.

Are black girls really that loose? She was underage too.

If you still don't understand watch this.

is this a bot?

Literally me

The most disturbing/uncomfortable scene