Metapostunironically asking. Why are you guys so much against a World government.

Yes Its true that jews would use it as a playground for their sadistic child blood drinking rituals And masturbate at the torture of goys yet wouldnt it be all more

1) safer
2) peaceful
3) more eficient
4) better for the enviroment
5) giving the conditions for space travel and colonization

Also we could say to all our liberal family members "i told you so" on a daily basis until the mossadcia drones put an end of hollow And broken existance

Isnt this what Hitler wanted? A World all under one Flag?

Other urls found in this thread:


because it wouldn't be democratic.

Because niggers would outvote all the whites and vote to re-distribute resources

Because it's not fun to genocide the Best Race.

>it wouldn't be democratic.

>niggers would outvote

Pick one.

Either it wouldn't be democratic in which case we would either have to kill all the niggers and shitskins literally or be their overlords which is far more trouble than it's worth

or it would be democratic with niggers voting in which case it wouldn't be democratic since it would be anti-white communism

I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

As if the current democratic system works:

SWEDEN once the lighthouse and model for democracies worldwide is a white genocidal turbocuck mess

Usa the first true democracy has degraded to an aristocratic eyes Wide shut like almost venetian-styled oligharchy. Jesúscristo you dont even have direct vote

Uk democratically said yes to BREXIT and now their government Will ignore them

Chile the light and jewel of southamerica is becoming culturally enriched and deviating fast from the path father Pinochet once traced

Democracy is nothing but dissapoint

>1) safer
>2) peaceful
>3) more eficient
>4) better for the enviroment
>5) giving the conditions for space travel and colonization

absolutely none of those things would be accomplished because humans hate each other.

I'd rather suck dick on my feet then get plowed in the butthole on my knees

Because it can't fucking work. It's fantasy. The world economy runs on the existence of nations.

Human nature means tribes will always form, it's pointless. And it's mainly through competition that humans drive progress forward, you can't have any of that in a global society.

>Isnt this what Hitler wanted? A World all under one Flag?
No, it isn't. He wanted all of Germany under one statehood. That's it. Fuck this slide thread.

Globalization is pretty inevitable for better or worse. The rate that it happens is all that can be controlled. We can keep taking a step back from it but there will be two more forward.

If you don't want the first world to be ruined by the third world then we should probably help the third world to be less of a miserable shitpile through resource gouging and proxy wars.

Need to culturally integrate the third world before globalization, not after.

Until we have a system where only people who actually know dick about politics are allowed to vote on political issues and candidates, it will literally never work.
The uninformed majority will always out-vote the informed minority unless the informed minority are the only ones allowed to vote.

>help the third world to be less of a miserable shitpile

that's not even possible

Democracy only functions when the people voting don't do so along strictly tribal lines.

The 55% Hutu tribe voting to genocide the 45% Tutsi tribe isn't a functioning democracy.

Have a look at Communist countries in history.

Now magnify this negative effect by a factor of about four, apply, and give no way out.

that's literally american democracy. anyone we don't like gets a revolution in their country just to kill that one person.

the people who are behind the scenes are not the people you want running the show. i've been studying this shit 8 hours a day for the past 5 months and I can assure you that regardless of what you think you are, they view you or me as nothing more than cattle. The way they will choose to implement it will not be to save the planet, it will be to give them totalitarian control. It will be 1984. You will have no freedom. You will live where they tell you to live and your job will be given to you. there will be only one side of the story being told. nationalism isn't primalistic. it allows for balance to be maintained and achieved.

The issue with a world government is control, think about how hard it is for normal people to get anything even today in their own country, because the government/corporations do not want to settle for less money. Look at countries in Africa where a government answers to no one and does what it wants.

The reason people fear a one world government is because they realise the problem with never being able to control that government or stop it.

Who steps in when world president (X) decides something crazy and world Congress/parliament (y) approves it because they have been paid off, threatened or ignored?

How do the people fight the world army when Syria has been at civil war with its better equipped government for decades?

Look at the people running things now.

You seriously want them to run the whole world?

I don't like being told what to do.

Abloo bloo bloo my CTR, fuck off Horsey stereotype

>1) safer
no dissidence allowed.

>2) peaceful
Even if they are able to create fake nations to wage war much like the isis experiment and following the 1984 model, those conflicts would be likelly limited

>3) more eficient
All markets and resources would be under the control of one entity

>4) better for the enviroment
Leftists love their carbon tax

>5) space faring
Seems globalist love to shill this a lot, maybe they plan to justify taxes with it


I agree with you but on an illogical emotional level stef seems like a little titty bitch.

A world government might be okay, but not with one tribe at the seat of power ruling over mongrels.

Because different groups of people should live separately and with separate laws.

Chile was

>A world government might be okay
fuck off satan

>1) safer
2) peaceful
3) more eficient
4) better for the enviroment
5) giving the conditions for space travel and colonization

literal wishful thinking

There was a caveat with that, obviously.

Kill Yourself for the betterment of the rest of the world

>world government
>led by the current Establishment

There will be a World Government, it is the old universalists vs isolationists, Universalists always win, we have to make sure we are the universalists, not the Jews or other bad interests

So you are only a privileged that want to mantain its position? Good to know, but its clear that from a logical point of view you are not "the right". Is expected that the others will try to acquire a good position too.

Im ok with this

Is this goy part jew

fuck off

you can't have a functioning government of any sort with a majority nigger/shitskin population

Because nothing is true, everything is permitted

>Im ok with this

Well it is nice that you are OK with this but it is a natural development that con only be slowed down by wars and other catastrophes.

Partially true.
This is why whites must preserves themselves somehow, even with the global government.

because the elites that want to implement this system are moloch worshipping materialistic greedy whores who will value money over human lives. who will try to violate our faith by having abortion clinics in our countries.

they're essentially fascist leftists.

if that is solved, we can peacefully talk about that idea, MAYBE then, but probably never will i agree to this, but right now, clear no.

They aren't acquring anything, the only thing they can ever acquire comes from Westerners virtue signalling themselves into extinction

even if you set it up with good people in the beginning it will become corrupt as power hungry people grow up and the good folks die.

america was started by pretty cool people but guess what, we're a jew nation now.

Gotta correct that to about 25% white and the rest is your average mestizo

What an horrible diagram, bet jews crafted it for enrichment

kek lmao 5 cents deposited lad

>giving yourself away to corporations and goverments

over my grave.

mestizo isn't as bad as niggers and muslim or poo in the loo shitskins. You at least have some white blood to raise the IQ average

also you people are a threat to humanity

You want a world government because you know that you'd be better of being governed by a government that contains no Chileans. That is not the same for us.

We have many mestizo geniuses.

Mestizos can integrate in society IF THEY DONT HAVE (((HELP)))

Such a system may be possible, but not in today's day and age and definitely not with the people pushing for it so hard in charge. They are not trying pushing globalism so hard out of the goodness of their hearts.

>posts pic of chaos thingy and some kind of demonic sucubbi wearing the chaos thingy in its shirt
>wants world order

gee, i wonder if this is some kind of ruse

Psychology professor Helmuth Nyborg has a different approach to the problem of immigration. He writes, also in Jyllands posten, that immigration from the third world leads to the fact that the average IQ level in Denmark is steadily dropping, which could threaten the whole democratic system.
He refers to studies that immigrants to Denmark has 86 in average in IQ and a forecast showing that the average inhabitant in Denmark therefore will have a 92 in IQ in 2085, when the ethnic Danes are in the minority. Then it will be hard to maintain democracy, according to the professor.

“Modern Finnish research shows that countries with an IQ averaging less than 90 fail to create or maintain democracy. This explains why any attempt to bring democracy to countries with low IQ are doomed to failure. We can learn from Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq. Denmark is fast approaching a critical low IQ level, “writes Helmuth Nyborg.


Yes I'm sure there's a few mestizo geniuses do you know what outliers are hue? There are mentally retarded ashkhenazi jews as well.


>average IQ level in Denmark is steadily dropping

In a good willing globalism, people would importing Danish people and other white to make up for their lack of intelligence.

would be*

Brexit wouldn't have happened if not for our anti immigration low information voters.

>Abloo bloo bloo my CTR, fuck off Horsey stereotype
That's the best response you came up with? You guys are fucking lamer than the Bernie retards were.

no that isn't what hitler wanted

better to turn the earth into venus than let the kikes win.

it's a drop in the fucking bucket. Exporting Danes to inbreed with shitskins would leave fewer danes in Denmark to compete with low IQ imported shitskins in Denmark

>governments only get more dangerous the more power they get
>dude just have a government for the entire planet lmao

over my dead memes you kike fuck


This is worringly true

Danes shouldn't be accepting shitskins anyway.

White people should be in the colder areas and that's it for me.

Only if it works like the globalist say it will, but already we can see major, major cracks in their economic system.

That kind of state would be subject to extreme ethnic violence as well

This is why people hate white men. You realize your privilige, but instead of helping us dismantle it, you want to protect it and continue living off the exploitation of people of color.

Wow, believe everything a kike tells you without using your fucking brain and thinking about the consequences of letting niggers and muslims run around the world freely, and giving up your guns.

Fucking retard. We're white. No fucking shit we don't want a world government.

>5) giving the conditions for space travel and colonization

Privileges are earned or inherited

dismantling white privileged would just be genocide whites because we are one of the best two races genetically.

eat dick

you're an ok leaf 44

Is the other one fingolians?

The NWO is going to be fantastic, especially after they depopulate. The mongrel races will be mind controlled and inundated with chemicals to keep them as barely-conscious labor zombies while the surviving westerners, mostly Jew but some white and light-skinned Asian, live in utopian super cities. Technology will fly towards the singularity, robots will quickly replace the remaining mongrel races at performing the labor, and the world will be a great paradise.
That's 200 years from now, in the meantime, we will have to suffer the mongrel races pouring into our lands and fucking our women while some of us are selectively made sterile by Monsanto GMO vegetables. But this is only long enough to foment WW3 which will be the catalyst that allows the depopulation followed by the World Government stepping in. For us it will be exciting, and for the near future generations, a paradise on Earth.

Do not fear the NWO

does it taste good? also carbs? I get fat if I eat lots of sugar.

The Japanese/Korean/Finnish mongolid subrace

I'm not, I just think that it will require fairer economies and better designed political systems to function well. Look at EU: they tried to build a federation and couldn't even get representation right. They clearly didn't do what the countries in the federation wanted as a majority (stop flooding migrants) and leverage their economic dominance to keep other countries in line.

When federation builders get better I will be behind it. But right now we haven't even perfect local democracies.

Obviously with nuclear weapons we need a federation of some kind to prevent nuclear war and to offer countries what men have had for a while (in theory): a fair court of law. But the people who design and implement the system quickly lose the values of public service and bending over backwards to accomodate members, and instead take on a haughty attitude towards client states that builds resentment and tension.

>implying they will succeed.

I'm not seeing any of that nigger de-population programme bearing any fruits thus far

Humanity is corrupt. Too much centralized power leads to horrific consequences. Intermittent devastating warfare is better than that.

Far more nefarious, a single nation of Earth limits creative thought and innovation. We would stagnate as a species - in art, in culture, in science, in thought. Diversity brings conflict but also advancement. We must be ever expanding and ever struggling. I would be happy if this turned outward to the solar system and even other stars, as to ensure less conflict on our home.


The Epicyte gene is in the vaccines given to Africans by Bill Gates and in the GMO vegetables given to them as food aid by Monsanto. Gates speaks surprisingly openly about it. It's happening right now, not immediate depopulation exactly but stopping their reproduction.

are you fucking kidding me



No a one world government is simply the monopolization of power.
Any monopoly disincentivizes progression as without competition there is no reason to offer anything new. Quite to the contrary you will simply roll back.
If I for example own every property I can dictate the rents and without competition there is no reason not to spike it and maximize profits.
Now imagine there is no alternative to your state. Why should this state provide any benefit to its citizens? Because you think it is benevolent? What does it stand to gain accept breeding competition by giving too much freedom.
Do you think the US could have broken free if the british had held them under an iron fist instead of allowing a semi self governing colony?
Just ask anyone from a country where you arent allowed to emigrate from.

>white people
Sure thing Achmed now tell us how all your tribes are genetically the same.