How many of you are ironically supporting Trump just to ride the glorious meme-train?

How many of you are ironically supporting Trump just to ride the glorious meme-train?

I can't be the only one.

Literally everyone

Me, since I actually don't give a fuck. It wouldn't affect me that much, anyway. But it would indeed be hilarious.

Sup Forums is in for 4 years of meme magic and fun posting or 4 years of angry rants.

Fuck I hope he wins

No one that is young enough to post here legitimately supports Trump.

Captcha: Mexico East

I legit think he is the better choice for this country.

Spotted the extra chromosome.

The POTUS influence is huge, especially for all of the western world.

Pretty much this.

Also as European I can only hope Burgers don't elect Clinton.

Its sort of a half and half

i only hope he wins so I can go dine on the tears of libtards for the next 4years

a mighty feast it will be

I was neutral, as Hillary was always shit and entitled and I loathed Trump as he is running a similar campaign to a faggot from my county (which was successful, mind you) which turned out to be the worst PM we have ever had.

Since the sheer level of corruption committed by Clinton, I'm unironically hoping Trump wins.

You are lost Hans thats why you dont care.

It's pretty obviously a mixture of shitposters who want gloating material and dumbasses who think he'll cause enough chaos to lessen their boredom and apathy with the modern world.

Leaf, you are alone.

I just want to watch liberals melt down

>The POTUS wouldn't affect me that much

I hope trump wins. Though whoever does win, it's going to be interesting. The news cycle has a lot of potential right now. For happenings and shit. Bring it on

I bet my gf a lobster dinner if Trump wins. So he better fucking win!
I'm ot fronting a 200 dollar bill.

I'm pro-Trump out of necessity. Clinton has no morality. She has taken too much money and so personally enriched herself through her charity that I cannot take her seriously as a candidate.

Trump is a narcissistic buffoon but he has a little bit of heart and I believe he is a fair person.

Like a diarrhoea, wouldn't you want to watch that, would you Pajeet?

At first I just thought he was an obnoxious douche

Then I started to enjoy watching him dismantle the GOP and the press.

Then came the spicy memes.

Then I realized that he's everything I've ever wanted out of a Republican candidate the past 16 years.

There are a couple things he pushes for that I don't like, but he far more represents things that I want than I think I've ever seen out of a politician.

>I don't care about taking back the west I just like memes xD
I miss Sup Forums

It first started out as a meme then it became real for me 2bh.

I want to see the establishment and media get btfo'd.

first post poo post.

This is a good summary of my feelings as well. I'd rather roll the dice with Trump than take what I know with Clinton.

It started as a meme and now I legitimately support him. If there was anyone else running besides Clinton IDK if that would be the same.

are you hungry

I wish it wasn't so easy to predict replies. You've all become a broken record.

I didn't choose to follow Trump, KEK did.

I was actually concerned for your well-being. Did things go okay? You have practice over all of us when SHTF

That is not relevant to the threads topic

stay hungry, my friend

I didn't have a lot of faith or interest in his policies even. All I cared about when I heard Donald Trump was the republican nominee was this: for the first time in at least 50 years, there is a serious chance at election someone into the office of president who IS NOT AN ENTRENCHED CORRUPT POLITICIAN.

This is huge. I'm still amazed they let him have the nomination, probably though they'd take him down easily. Usually both sides are just two parts of the same whole Washington problem, you're usually just voting between different flavors of establishment. This is the first chance for real change we've had in decades and it's getting a lot of people very excited. Literally couldn't have cared less about his politics, just that he wasn't a politician.

And then he made that fucking Gettysburg Address and I suddenly remembered what it was to hope.