You Support Trump Because You're Poor and Uneducated
0/10 try again
But Hillary is popular amongst poor voters. Ahh wait this is b8, never mind then, saged.
sage hide report
I thought you guys cared about the poor and uneducated? Why would you insult me? How is that supposed to make me want to vote for Clinton?
I just sacrificed a chicken for Clinton.
>be poor
>be uneducated
>be white
>get called racist because.........white
>get called uneducated because, "lolz you dumb rednecks vote against your own economic interests"
>be poor because I get ass raped by the ACA every damn paycheck.
Really activates the ole noodle ball, don't it?
HybridThe latent stage of syphilis begins when all of the symptoms you had earlier disappear. If you do not receive treatment, you can continue to have syphilis in your body for years without any signs or symptoms. Most people with untreated syphilis do not develop late stage syphilis. However, when it does happen it is very serious and would occur 10–30 years after your infection began. Symptoms of the late stage of syphilis include difficulty coordinating your muscle movements, paralysis (not able to move certain parts of your body), numbness, blindness, and dementia (mental disorder).
the only people who support hillary are poor
> record
> NOT corrected
Or maybe I prefer Donald Trump because he has far less blood on his hands.
let me go ahead and expand:
>be more poor because "out sourcing thousands of jobs to other countries creates dozens of jobs in the logistics field!"
But don't those logistics jobs still exist/ are created even if the product is made stateside?
>be in defense industry, yay sequester! That didn't hurt my company at all.
Cool Hill, lets kick off WW3, that'll give me a ton of work making caskets for the DOD.
I may be uneducated but I'm still intelligent
In the end, it's always going to be the people who are openly against hatred and cruelty that are the ones who are most spiteful and callous.
Ironically, the people here are openly hateful and crude, and at their core are afraid for their fellow men, worry over the death of their families and loved ones, and are the most appalled when the horrors of government show themselves.
Why should I follow the people who let the worst part of themselves show at a time when it is the most important for them not to? Yeah, in anonymous forums, we talk mad shit on each other, but we're not horrible monsters, not like the people who think blacks are too stupid to get identification or use the internet, who think women are so weak and powerless that they won't ever succeed without direct government intervention, that the human spirit must be confounded and twisted to the least healthy ideal... You guys aren't the good guys. You wear smiley faces and suck blood through straws. You'll never fool me.
>poor and uneducated
Uhh wait a minute isnt that more accurate for hillary. Im sure all gibsmedats always vote dem.
Rich university student here
Nope, im voting Trump on tuesday, gunna make my state red.
A thread died for your shitpost. How can you live with that?
>University educated; summa cum laude in Government and International Politics
>will be voting for Trump come Tuesday
*farts* sage
you support Hillary because you want to undermine the sovereignty of the United States and you also dont understand that the problems she will bring will affect all americans and not just straight white men.
>Master's Degree
>Make $105K
Not rich, but I'm definitely not poor. I'm not uneducated either.
Guess I have to hand in my salary and my degrees on Tuesday when I vote Trump.
I raise my glass to you, sir.
Hickory dickory doc
Clinton tried to get to the top
The emails and cunnies piled up
America voted Trump
And that Bitch got FUCKED
I agree with this.
What's wrong with being poor and uneducated?
>Authoritarian Nationalists are T R U M P F A G S
> tfw asked to lay out a schedule for a program yesterday at work
> tfw just an engineer, have no idea about how program scheduling works
> you guys wanna talk about shear strain?
> eventually lay out a hella conservative schedule, find out it doesn't look like complete shit, just regular shit
> topic switches to politics eventually
> program scheduler guy (?) says that he runs an internet blog about politics and is taking election day off
> herewego.jpg
> he starts talking about the election
> over samples of women
> over samples of minorities
> hanging up on conservatives
> media is just now making the polls look close because they have a reputation to save
> Hillary was never in the lead
> globalists are pushing for her she is planning to destroy America
> in a completely unironic way he says that the meme wars have been great this time around
> meme wars
> he's definitely on here now
>the senior program manager looks me in the face and she says if you work in this industry you have to vote for the Republican no matter what and that this one is particularly easy to support
> she goes on to lambaste her friends, mocking the way that they speak, their lack of education, their Facebook posts, and there vagina equals vote logic
My industry is based.
Don't get me fired program scheduling guy. I know you're here.