ITT: music video kino
ITT: music video kino
Triggered Sup Forumssnowflakes arriving in 3...2...
>when you can't come up with your own memes so you just steal them
...1! Right on time, tubby!
Being annoyed at lame shit like this and being angry are two different things. Go back to your soylent.
LOL Bump Trump deez nuts!
Small hands hahaha
>billionaires son
His dad was barely worth a billion
Sup Forums is nothing but black panther and infinity war threads
time to delete this soy board
It sounds like the guy who did the voice didnt even have a beat and they awkwardly tried to fit it over the beat after the fact.
not Sup Forums memes junior
the right can't meme
why not golfing?
>american "comedy"
Name ONE (1) good meme that actually originated on Sup Forums. Both of those terms didn't start there.
>Vietnam kino
Triggered nazis come to defend their orange russian god
Right on time
>spam photos of ugly people
There, I'm glad we can get this thread out of the way now.
God, it's so easy, it's like teasing a retarded kid, except you Sup Forumscockroaches deserve it.
Cuck, soyboy, bugman, a lot of meme lingo came from Sup Forums you revisionist
Thos all originated from r/the_donald you fucking reddit lord.
Was Team America that last good political commentary comedy
>wow le corny music video satirizing a republican president, talk about hip kiddos!
I got sick of this meme during the Bush jr years.
cuck started on Sup Forums retard
like most of the memes you've stolen. none of those are good anyway.
i'm always triggered when Sup Forums takes credit for good memes like amerimutts and amerigoblins
that's an interesting theory
>everyone I don't like is a nazi!
just embarrassing.
>good memes like amerimutts and amerigoblins
those are some of your shittiest, shill
Soyboy is from /fit/ you colossal newfag.
>cuck and soyboy came from Sup Forums
Based Trump!
only an amerishart would say that, spic
>October 2016
You lost, faggot. Get over it.
>good meme
Lmfao kill yourself gen z faggot. You have to be 18 to post on this website.
>o-our memes
>l-left can't meme