I can't believe it, all this time and black magic was actually real
Makes you wonder how much you could gain by sacrificing a few to Moloch
I can't believe it, all this time and black magic was actually real
Makes you wonder how much you could gain by sacrificing a few to Moloch
Other urls found in this thread:
What if you sacrificed 6 million I wonder?
Not excusing this but Marina Abramovic is an edgy Performance Artist who does all kinds of weird shit like this.
Pick two.
Slide thread
Or back to
Is this shit real?
underrated post
makes you think
It's shitty performance art countless /X/tier threads about this shit clog up this board and keep it from constructive work
it's real you fucking cuck piece of shit. Why don't you go back to watching niggers fuck your wife & letting Muhammad into your shit country?
This shit, all of it, needs to be translated into Spanish and spread like fire on Latino Twitter. Hashtags like #HillaryClintonDiablo #NewMexico #Nevada etc need to be used. Latinos and Mexicans in particular are some of the most superstitious, God-fearing people on the face of the earth. If they can read this shit and see that Hillary Clinton is involved with Satan worshiping and witchcraft, it'll cost her dearly with the Latino vote. I'm phone-fagging and my espaƱol es mierda, but if there are any Mexican intellectuals that can help us out, we can win this thing.
this shit has been known now for over a day and nothing major has come of it yet because it's just weird. so go the fuck over to x and stop trying to derail the trump train
You want this board
a fucking this
pretty good idea, we should do this
Our meme magic is more powerful than their black magic because black people can't read
This fucking Leaf knows whats up!
I love how much this is getting pushed. I am suspecting it is CTR or some shit. The more we post about this the less attention will go to actual problems people will pay attention to. Cry "Hillary loves Satan and sacrifices children at secret parties" The left and the media is going to have a field day pointing and laughing. "Look at the trumpkins, they believe in magic blah blah blah". Instead this should of waited until after the election regardless of the result. Putting this shit out before the election just gives the media ammo.
what if you sacrificed two buildings with thousands of people
Yeah, because it's working SOOO great for Hillary right?
I agree
so for everyone in this thread who wants to focus on actual digging instead of satan false flags, check this out:
The FBI have started releasing all the shit we sent FOIA requests for
There's LOTS, although I haven't found anything good yet.
Hadn't seen this. Done defending this bitch as an artist.
I think we should ban this fucking retarded piece of shit coming out of Merkel's inflamed asshole and then invite /x/ over to hang.
Who's with me?
Liberals like suffering, its they so many are open cuckolds.
this must be the most contorted, backwards-ass attempt at shilling I've ever witnessed. How in the hell does it make sense to wait after the election to distribute potentially damaging materials? If it sways even a couple of christ-cucks, it's going to be worth it. There's no way this can be spun into a positive.
>Putting this shit out before the election just gives the media ammo.
We already won that battle, retard.
Yes. Let us in!!!! We'll try not to be 2spooky4u
Good idea
Wow, it's literally nothing.
You fucking idiot. Who on the left is going to believe it? The fact you idiots jump up and down about this is just going to help not hinder Hillary. I mean I know you're Italian but fuck me mate.
shut the fuck up luigi
Here's some black magic to cast on shitty waitresses.
Let's go boys.
you're right i showed that moloch email to my relatives in the states they were scared as fuck.
also that's mainly the reason why the news here don't talk about those things they prefer badmouth Trump
a fucking leaf... saving the day for once
Someone get a dedicated thread going, this is big.
>performance art
It's not.
I agree we should focus on other things but if you think this is performance art you're either shilling, haven't looked into it yet, or are a fucking idiot.
troll2 is the best movie ever
keep larping on, fucking retards.
Are you mentally challenged and or still in 5th grade?
We're not the ones LARPING. That'd be the delusional millionaires eating semen and blood for rituals.
This so much this. I work for Telemundo/Univision and half of the news is dedicated to shit like horoscopes or some lady who killed her ex because he cursed her shit.
It's literally in the fucking emails. There's video of what her events are like. She says it's not performance art.
Why don't you provide a counterargument for the evidence presented.
Also Mexicans have no idea who senior cuatrochan is
Oh fuck I gotta get me some IHOP
>"""Constructive work"""
Like playing Risk threads and talking speculations about Hillarys' health? Fuck off Heinz.
imagine being a full blown mehican who stumbles into /x/..
I made a thread for the Leaf
So help out and make some translations and tags in spanish you lazy fuckin beaner
Meme magic vs satanism.
>Marina Abramovic
"If is made at home is not art." Marina Abramovic in a Reddit AMA.