A simple website originally intended for Japanese cartoon discussions and autism

>a simple website originally intended for Japanese cartoon discussions and autism
>became a driving force in present day geopolitics
>summoned a god of chaos using memes and double digits to meme Trump into office

What have we done? Has this gone to far?

Other urls found in this thread:


not far enough

Came here to post this

We need to go deeper


All of this was achieved in a year. A FUCKING YEAR! I'm truly scared guys...

>you did anything
you did nothing. he'll never do anything in office. we've already planted the seeds of doubt in his cabinet appointees and soon we'll have the whole world under our control again.

>became a driving force in present day geopolitics
I wonder if poltards are actually this delusional

>A simple man originally intended to treat sick patients
>Became the most potent serial killer in the history of the world
>The entire volume of British medical law was rewritten due to him

Did Harold Shipman go to far?

these numbers

chaos must ensue


Do not celebrate prematurely. Do not take anything for granted.

Be proud of our work son, provided that we don't nuke the planet; we'll be written about in history books

>only killed 300 Britbongs
not far enough desu


No it hasnt


This ride ends when the job is done.

>le posting on mongolian fine art forum meme

Not far enough.

I just realized that my wife is into frogs. We have an effigy of KEK in almost every room in my house.

Does that make me a disciple?

We lived, user. We lived.

You mean the Jeb.

You silly polaks this is what happens when autism works in unison. We can do many things and change the world.

Most faggots didn't do anything, Trump chose Sup Forums as a board as his one of his base of operations. His workers did all the work, masquerading as a casual autistic 2D anime girl molester.

shut up, Rick

We must go deeper.

Mandela Effect confirmed by the plane crash in Les Bains, Berenstein bears and Shadilay.
We're close to causing irreparable damage to the fabric of spacetime. Let's keep going.

>posting the comic Jew

Its never far enough


This and other posts prove that Sup Forums is a progressive and diverse board. It is a board of peace.

^^ Anything good on them digits?

Who saved the multiverse?


the dead must be avenged

the people who did the holodormor are still alive and hiding in newyork / LA / israel

watching tv right now and they didn't talk about hillary's satanist rituals.
Instead they focus in a video of trump kicking mexicans
How many does Hillary pays to foreign tv networks to badmouth Trump

Not until we colonize Norfolk Island

same here, communist broadcast central are airing Trump and his rallies every day just to shit on him. Yesterday they were shitting on Melania because shes a successful immigrant lmao

There might be some overestimating of the role of Sup Forums, but I think more people are underestimating. Behind all the memery and stuff, this place is the where pro-Trump information is born. This has been one of the strongholds of Trump's campaign. What is important is the information that has been forced out, and every bit of information that has reached an outsider has potential to spread further. Sometimes the information forced outside explodes and gets reached by people never heard about Sup Forums (Trump videos, news, etc.). Those Trump-meme videos on YT would have never been done without Sup Forums. Some places can even be called as ''Sup Forums colonies'', initally being fed with Sup Forums information only from a few users, but soon taking a life of it's own and producing original content. And spreading it. /r/The_Donald, Ylilauta are two examples. The network of influence is complex and far-reaching.

It's not false to say that Sup Forums has affected geopolitics when Trump wins.

>originally intended for Japanese cartoon discussions and autism
It will always stay that way, Sup Forums will turn into shit again after Hillary "win" most rigged election in history

Funny, isn't it?
