>If Jesus was alive today he would have been a Socialist!
How do you refute this, Sup Forums?
>If Jesus was alive today he would have been a Socialist!
How do you refute this, Sup Forums?
I'd say that since this is /pol you would have to be specific when you use the word "Socialist" as it comes in many different flavors.
Also whatever way he chooses to run his kingdom will be perfect, he can endlessly provide food and water something the nations of humans have to work hard to provide
Also no corruption, a big problem found in human communism
Millennial term of Socialist, ie "I'm an Anarchist Socialist and trans-pollyqueer"
I dun goofed
>My kingdom is not a part of this earth
He wasn't socialist, he was communist
No, he would be anarcho-primitivist.
National socialist that's good m8.
Okay, first of all the only socialist thing he ever did was have his disciples share bread and fish with each other.
That's not socialism, its a form of common decency to spread the food around in times of need. Also Jesus and his disciples weren't a part of any government, they shared with each other because they we're part of a small religious group.
ALSO, when socialists brag "Hurr durr Jesus would want extreme gibs from da gubment", no, if he wanted that he would have gone to Caesar to make him feed the poor, instead, he was able to use his ability as the Son of God to create food and distribute it.
That is CHARITY, which is something conservatives and libertarians push for.
No I mean the faggot kind of socialism, not that kind.
He was a self-declared monarch that said all will have to serve him. That doesn't sound all equal.
If Jesus was a live today he would be cutting Satanic Jews heads off.
Would call him a freaking tyrant. Spread the message, not the person. People think Jesus is the saviour when it should be the message.
Also, the message is wrong and so is the person.
Political ideals amd elections is key.
He pissed off the Jews, good enough for me
>Jesus would suck tranny dick will letting achmed and tyrone fuck his daughter
Never gonna happen cuck
First to understand this, you must realize that Jesus is son of God: They are practically one in the same. In Exdous after Moses freed the Jews from Egypt. God's setup his set of rules or his covenant. In essence it was a Theocratic dictatorship and the punishment for disobedience was the death penalty. If you were poor and you stole from the rich you were killed. It says very explicitly any unjust act no matter what situation, results in harsh punishment. So if God is Jesus, then God would not be a Socialist. Read the bible sometime you learn alot.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. - St Paul Ephesians 6:12
Easily refuted. The type of socialism you are referring to is absolutely not A representation of the early church. Reading the scripture you can literally see there where wealthy individuals who retained wealth while being members of "the way". if you want me to post proof I will but it will take a few mins to gather the scriptures. If you want to argue it you should read it yourself first and then you will see your argument that Jesus would be a socialist is a huge stretch.
He does not condone theft, asshat.
Jesus was God, or he was a raving lunatic for openly calling himself "I AM"
any other interpretation is baseless
He would not care about politics because he can grow fish out of the ground and pirate bread
I know what you meant
There's no real way to. His closest followers lived as proto-commies, shunning personal property and owning everything communally. There's a story in Acts of a guy who died because he sold some property to give to the church community and wanted to keep some for himself. The first [some church position I can't remember the name of, deacons, maybe] were instated to ensure proper distribution of the community property.
I wasn't aware Jesus preached government authority.
While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper, 7 a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table.
8 When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. “Why this waste?” they asked. 9 “This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.”
10 Aware of this, Jesus said to them, “Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me.
Communal ownership by choice. That's not socialism or communism.
jc was about helping the other, not directly giving money to the other
Jesus wasn't demanding that the Romans redistribute wealth
This is not communism but tribalism.
He would have been a generous libertarian. The problem with socialism isnt in giving things to the poor it is in taking other peoples shit to do it. Nothing about what Jesus taught implied force. It was all about individuals making individual choices to be good and help one another.
laugh at them arguing with smuggies arguments
>current year
>still believing in (((Yehoshua))) from (((Nazareth))), King of Jews
Ishygddt, famalamalam.
>Jesus is son of God: They are practically one in the same
Arius pls go
i can refute that by quoting him.
>Oy vey put your money in the bank at this generous interest rate goy!! (((service commissions not included)))
>Oy vey, pay your taxed to the state!
Why was Jesus such a spook?
>Jesus would be a theif guise I swer
Blasphemy laws when?
Sure, if you can magically produce fish for all the povs. But since he knows you can't do that, Jesus endorses Trump.
Jesus would have been in favour of the free market.
If Jesus would have not been crucified and lived like a normal faggot still trying to convince people into his memes we wouldn't have religions today or we all could be Buddhists or Muslims.
>Commie Spain
Opinion discarded
Christianity is about personal responsibility, changing the inner self before changing the outside world and accepting that life isn't fair and there will be struggles.
This is as far from socialism as it can be.
Taking action to better yourself and your situation, being charitable by choice, not by law and respecting individual freedom while upholding the traditional moral values He preached is, at least in theory, the basis of conservatism.
Please post proof, i'd like to save it