I think that is lady gaga.. is this fake??
Guys.. Wtf is this?
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it's not fake, it was in the recent leak
holy shit. i just woke up
Bump. I've been gone a few days and need to know if this shit is real or not.
What the fuck is going on?
How the fuck did I miss this, where is it from?
>have exams for a few days
>come back to this
Wtf cunts
Ew, what the fuck is wrong with the dudes nipples? Looks like small sausages
Well shit we are all on the kill list now, do you faggots want to live forever?
It wasn't in the leak, it's just a photo from a party where they ate syrup off a guy. Still weird and degenerate.
That's a woman with two x chromosome capt Sweden.
That's probably just some food they made to look like a body
Not fake, but you already knew that you sly bastard.
It's a female.
I have a serious problem with this. Even if it's "art", and the food is 100% pork or whatever, it is still some of the most degenerate shit I've ever seen.
A weird performance thing she did, they are not dead. Fucking strange though
think it's Marilyn Manson without the makeup
that's not a guy, or if it is, he has massive nipples and a feminine jaw
No. It's holloween gourmet.
Shocking, anons.
Jesus Sup Forums why are you obsessed with Marina Abramovic today?
She tries so hard to be ART-EDGY and you're taking her more seriously than she would even hope.
its out.
>Lady Gaga is a degenerate
>This surprises literally anyone
>Swede immediately looks at a guys nipples
Like pottery.
it's a woman you autistic virgin. thats how tits look like when women lie on their back.
I'm feeling a little hitlerish at the moment. Not going to lie.
oh. ok good.. man that shit looked real. And with the recent leaks..who the fuck knows.
Rich faggots eat sushi and stuff off of naked models ALL OF THE TIME
It's some edgy >le look at us how cool and weird are we guise!
ita literally nothing AGAIN.
Oh shit I didn't look close enough, it's obviously a woman.
That isn't really important given the wider issue though.
>people itt calling this a guy despite the hips, shape of thighs and the nippes
When did you realize that our ruling elite is clinically insane?
Kys CTR shill
Wtf i hate women now
>Whats wrong with this guy why does he has breasts and wide hips and no penis????
Looks like the Rothschild daughter Kate but I could be wrong.
Sup Forums always reveal the extent of their autism whenever they're confronted by contemporary art.
someone post that picture of that shitty dragon sculpture next to the better sculpture of the guy trying to fellate himself.
you think you're getting off that easy?
watch those videos, I dare you
This is just normal lady gaga behavior, is it not?
is it any different than the Japanese eating off women?
old guy is going in for seconds, must have been yummy!
This. It would be different if you knew that it was actually a dead body or some shit
So this is what Jews do with their free time.
Not politics
Shes a witch.
>they are not dead
how the fuck do you know?
these kikes can do appalling shit and never have to give proof that actually this very clearly dead person is actually just pretending.
Why do the rich and powerful fall for all this nigger-tier superstitious woowoo bullshit?
You can literally see the Getty images watermark.
Are you all incapable of reverse image searching?
This is why everyone laughs at Sup Forums.
Abramovic and gaga are friends.
You know, it's literally nothing in conext of what we're used to, but let's recap for a second.
Those people who decide literally over the fate of humanity spend their time going to the woods and engaging in mock human sacrifices of little children and a former president, who was fired for shoving a cigar up some interns cunt, flies around with the "lolita express" and visits some egyptian temple thing on the virigin island.
Meanwhile the campaign managager of his wife, who wants to be preisdent, hangs out with some cooky artist who really is into thelma or whatever the shit is she does.
tfw Sup Forums just discovered Marina Abramović
This so much
Why are there so many edgy satanic jews?
Oh my. You're in for a ride friendo.
watch gaga praise the weird fucking art of abrabitch
she seems to have a reverence for her
even fear?
no she is a key figure in the Illuminati, even false rituals have power. She's tried snapping from it but she is deeply entwined.
>stop finding stuff that exists
>start finding stuff that doesn't exist
>sexual degeneracy
ah yes, ''performance art''
What makes you think people take this seriously? As if its not just an opportunity to socialize and eat raspberry syrup off of a nude model?
what about the itchie gross connection i'm sure he needs to be in this.
Did we find out about itchie gross,, his ties to podesto the pedo? or that jail looking house in florida? I know the pizza and pasta connection is getting well fleshed out but that will get lost on normies. I know my normie friends don't like their pizza by the hour but hey it's all a blur on msm anyway.
Did we loose the dentist connection? what was that jail looking place yesterday? we got derailed from that, I saw someone say it wasn't related an it was like a pure 'these aren't the goyem you're looking for' and the bread on that just dried up...
I feel like if we tied itchie gross and his lollita express linked in profile with podesta or crew we've got gold.
I"m sure someone mentioned a pizza company and dental supplies connection.. Come on Dentists are a great cover. I mean no one would really question a kid having to go to a load of dental appointments [dr's appt's just raise questions] plus can't they order cool anesthetics,,, and freaky ass chairs.
Jews eating white race.
I wouldn't worry about it goyim
Totally normal stuff. You can get to see it on getty images. I do this every sunday. Mhhm tasty. Want to have another spoon full of mystery fluid from the coffin with the corpse doll? Of course, here. Open your mouth brrrrmmmm how goes the WTC? Ahhhhhhh. Mhhm. Allahu Akbar Lady Gaga.
You can make nipples look like that temporarily with suction. Nipple suckers are just little rubber caps that you squeeze the air out of and attach to yer teats. Wear them around for a couple hours and when you take them off you have huge, sensitive, blood-filled, puffy nipples.
about 5 thousand years ago
Hahaaaa look at the sicko's hands. Not Gaga, the occultist. Just like Madonna. You can get all the plastic surgery you want on your face, but your hands show your age.
Wait, that's not a real body is it?
Watch this video of event. its just (art). vimeo.com
According to abromovic it's not art when she does it at someone's home it's a ritual.. she is a satanist
>actually knowing all that
What a faggot you must be
using woman as erotic table =/= sampling bloody fluids from a vat with a human playing dead in it
She is probably very cold. You know how that goes. Sproing.
This shit is so weird, we don't even need to /x/ in order to justify how unnerving it is.
What the fuck? Like, these are people who should be scrutinized by society the most. They are in positions of public office, of power, and they are doing occult like shit that's so bizzare you literally can't explain it without saying "yea, its some weird performance art / occult / shit"
If a normal person were doing this; if a Sheriff, a firefighter, or some shit, they would be paraded around as lunatics and heathens.
Fuck this gay Earth, yo.
You're all missing the point with this.
If you are the ultimate edgy performance artist, would an event using children in a disturbing manner not be the ultimate performance?
If some rich creeps phoned up and said 'hey we need someone to organise a really freaky abstract party where we can diddle kids' would she say no?
here is a video of her saying to eat gold
and when she performs she transforms into her higher self
sounds pretty ritualistic to me
So much homeliness in one pic.
They are fucking freaks! FREAKS! The more I learn about this bullshit the more normal I feel. Compared to these weirdos I feel like Mr. Rogers.
Yeah because you totally can't use them on women.
Totally normal.
Nah. They really are more prone to superstition.
The last woman I dated was from the whole big city upper class suburb life. She kept magical healing crystals around her apartment. She herself wasn't rich. She was largely estranged from her family but it was handed down to her from her mom.
Rich people literally are dumb as shit. I think it's because they don't actually have to physically work for a living. So the fundamental ins and outs of the physical world are alien to them.
It's real. Nothing too crazy about it. Guy isn't dead. To be honest I've been to one party with sushi on a woman. She had a layer of leaves below the sushi.
I wouldn't eat syrup though. Liquids will get into every crack and crevice on a person. That's just asking for e. coli
when is the day of the rope for these elitist fucks going to happen
It's nothing you drumpfkins.
No she's a brunette, that bitches hair is basically black
Calm down
It's just modern "art"
Al Qaeda happening lads. Spread it. It'll help Trump.
You really don't get how much this is going to disgust Mormons and other conservative Republicans, do you?
I have a friend in Califuckingfornia who literally will not go to San Francisco because he says it is Sodom and Gomorrah. He is not joking. Now think about how people in Iowa and Florida and North Carolina feel about this shit.
>Chocolate off a woman
I've been wanting to do this with my lady actually
It's from some american horror story promotional bullshit.
I knew Sup Forums distanced itself from normies but you can't be so dense to not do some basic research.
This shit seems like a gateway drug to even worse crap. Like the "celebrities" who are really into this get into other nonsense. This like late roman decadence. Fucking eating a ball of gold and these fucking cunts lecture the world about priviledge and whatnot. Uhhh, kiss them all!
>organise a really freaky abstract party where we can diddle kids
It ain't rape bro, it's art. Learn to be more cultural!
friendly reminder for you faggots that think this is just "art":
It's more ritual bullshit. Kind of like at bohemian grove where they sacrifice a mock human.
Food play is degenerate.
The weird thing is, nobody mentioned
the absence of weiner. ;>)
god will punish these freaks.
Abramovic really thinks she's some kind of other being with knowledge from some mystical place. Maybe she started off with performance but then started to believe her own BS, I don't know. She is nothing new. What's concerning is how much the elites seem to be eating this kind of shit up. People have always known this to a degree, but the emails are making it far clearer. She's like a modem day Rasputin.
none of the people pictured are jewish
How so