Do you think this message will be corrected?

Do you think this message will be corrected?

I'm sure on the next record there will be rap.


>all that wasted space
>only send 2 instead of thousands in many directions

nice job NASA geniuses


much better m8



To be fair it's the dumbest thing we could possibly do is send out our location. Any ayyys that find this will just come here and kill everyone and take our stuff.

Yeah, leftist sjw lgbtqrstuvwxyz shitheads just have to go out there and get it and bring it back


as a millennial, I am offended by this photo for every reason I can think of

Ayyliums be like
>a fucking white male

>Pluto is a planet
This triggers the astronomer

Fucking Aussies I keked hard

why'd they have to make our dicks look so small tho?


Sure. It isn't like the feminists already tried to ...

Don't worry, thank to our primitive technology they won't find us that easily.

>Unfortunately, the listed period of one of the pulsars on the Pioneer Plaques and Voyager Records is wrong. At the time of the Plaque's creation, pulsar "1240" (now known as J1243-6423) had a known period of 0.388 seconds. More specifically, the early 1970s astronomy community only knew the pulsar's period to three significant digits. Unfortunately, to be useful on the Pioneer Plaque, the binary listing for this pulsar had to be far more precise, to beyond 10 significant digits.

>In other words, Drake and Sagan estimated pulsar 1240's period to a more precise degree, and in the subsequent 40 years, we've discovered their estimates were more than slightly wrong. Aliens may not recognize pulsar J1243-6423 as the pulsar described on the Pioneer Plaque map.

Because it was made by Americans
I bet his dick is also cut


that's more like it

What part of the pic is supposed to be this pulsar map? The lines in the middle?

>Craig Owens said that sexual bias is exhibited by the choice to make the man in the diagram perform the wave gesture to greet the extraterrestrials while the woman in the diagram has her hands at her sides.[7] Feminists also took issue with this choice for the same reason.[8] Feminists also criticized the smaller size of the woman relative to the size of the man, and the way that the woman's hips shifted to one side in a posture that they considered to be "submissive".[5] Linda Sagan responded by saying that she drew the woman smaller than the man, because women are generally smaller than men; that she drew the woman's hips shifted to one side to show the way that the hips and the balls of the feet can move; and that if both figures waved extraterrestrials might misinterpret this as meaning that the waving gesture is the normal human pose. Critics viewed the explanations offered by Linda Sagan as being rationalizations.[5]

imagine what ayy lmaos would think if they found the plaque, picked up signals from earth now they know where we are, then looked up the plaque on our global communications database and translated the wikipedia page to try and figure out why we sent it, then read that section

>not adding a BBC

I have this on my forearm.

>sending out valuable strategic information to xeno filth

>aliens find us and decide not to bother because we're retarded

Yeah, I just read that as well. Fucking Christ.
>Feminists also criticized the smaller size of the woman relative to the size of the man, and the way that the woman's hips shifted to one side in a posture that they considered to be "submissive".


And they typically do stand like that. Goddamn, if that plaque was put up 20 years previous, they'd be more concerned about how they're naked.

>not giving the nigger an enormous cock
you had one job

All the lines are directions from our planet towards different pulsars which frequency is written in binary on the respective line.


They will probably just take our jobs

Meanwhile nobody ever has complained that the man sets unattainable fitness standards.



>we better leave these morons alone, might catch stupid from them or some shit...
t. Reticulan

>Feminists also criticized the smaller size of the woman relative to the size of the man, and the way that the woman's hips shifted to one side in a posture that they considered to be "submissive"

boy those aliens are going to be disappointed beyond belief when they meet 21st century American woman

How come nobody has mentioned how "ethnic" the womans face looks?

I don't see how leaning to the right is supposed to be 'submissive'

You beautiful monster.

Make Earth Great Again
Build The Firewall
Drain The Stars
Launch Her Up
Law And Orbit

They both have nigger noses and slant eyes, Caucasian hair, probably in an attempt to make them racially androgynous.

more like blaque

they have to be androgynous to give the aliens a chance to mentally prep themselves

if they landed and saw niggers they'd hop back in the spaceship and fly away before any scientists could meet them

Yeah, because aliens can't possibly estimate, guess, or triangulate.


>only send 2 instead of thousands in many directions

NASA's original plan was a lot more elaborate, but they had to cut it down due to budget constraints.


What if the aliens assume that planet is ruled by two lifeforms and the woman lifeform is hostile since she doesn't extend a greeting?

Fucking legs all akimbo ready for some chuckling Ayyy lmao

Embarrassing desu

what a waste..