How could a capo of a lowly backwater family own such a mansion?
How could a capo of a lowly backwater family own such a mansion?
Watch the prequel movie goy :^)
You can buy house like that for 200k in America, meanwhile in Europe, Canada, and Australia a dilapidated shanty is at least 1 million
how much was Tony worth?
I fucked a girl in this house five years after the finale. The cast autographed a large painting that came with the sale. Smaller than it looks, and that's not what she said.
Hesh even says Tony lives beyond his means. To answer the question, he was on paper head of a major union. Which makes good money by itself not to mention every other revenue stream. The "never enough" mentality is kind of important to the show, the house is a reminder to how absurd their problems are.
It was stated in the show that it was worth 1.4 million. It's at least an acre of property in a nice suburb.
The writers jumped the shark.
His father-in-law helped build it with stolen materials.
Didn't you hear, AJ? Invest in land because God isn't making more of it
About three fiddy
I don't know. He had the house from the beginning of the show.
He was 2nd in command, and the main boss guy didn't even have a house nearly like that.
The other guys who were at his level lived with their mom or in a shitty apartment.
It never made sense.
At some point he states something "paid for this house", but I can't seem to remember what it was.
he could not
this is his wife's house
The banks don't care where the money comes from
Probably strong armed the developer into giving him a "good deal" in exchange for not having union troubles.
italians always live with their mom until they get married
because living in Europe a privilege that we pay for if people wanted to live in the US that house would not be so cheap.
>You can buy house like that for 200k in America
In what alternate reality are you living in?
It's a symbol of his ambition and also Carmela's acquiescence to the lifestyle in exchange for material possessions
that scene was primo kino
easy. my family is from the area. a connected bank officer writes the mortgage, the union certifies the income, one of the other no-shows in his name certifies any additional income, connected appraiser drives down list price. the realtors understand who they are dealing with and take the extra commission to keep quiet. and you never question an italian's income in north jersey.
NYC Metro Area guineas are the scum of the earth.
>because living in Europe a privilege that we pay for
we know. thanks.
>because living in Europe a privilege that we pay for
>being a serf
>a privilege
Spot the europeasant cucked by a century of socialism. Enjoy civil disarmament, an erosion of those civil liberties you still have left, and being jailed for "inappropriate" tweets.
you ever heard of a mortgage bub?
if we assume the 1.4 mil figure that some user quoted earlier, you actually don't need to make THAT much money to qualify for that mortgage.
let's assume a 20% down payment, 7% fixed interest rate over 30 years.
that's 279,000 down on a 1,121,000 loan.
the principal and interest comes out to about 7,425 a month.
assuming 850 a month in property tax (a bit less than 1% a year).
and also assume 250 monthly homeowner's insurance.
in total that's 8525 per month in total payments.
if you the assume that the bank conditionally approved the loan using a 40% max debt to income ratio, Tony would have had to prove to the bank he was making 21,312 gross (before taxes) monthly income, which is only 255,744 per year, which he may have declared wholly as part of his 'consulting' with barone sanitation.
Tony also probably did a lot more than 20% down, which would make it even easier to qualify with less income.
About 5 mil early 2000s money.
nigger $9000 a month is a lot for anyone.
you'd need to clear like $60/hr just to afford the payment, let alone a vehicle, cell services, utilities, food
He was second-in-command and in charge of the most profitable crew, and then eventually in charge of the whole thing. I'd bet he was pulling in way more than $8k a month.
tonys house was a tacky piece of shit though
>a lot for anyone
we're talking about Tony Soprano here.
also try closer to 123/hr assuming 2080 hr work year.
which, as a crooked consultant, is easily doable.
and like I said, if he went more than 20%, his loan and monthly obligation would be smaller and therefore he'd need less yearly income.
considering we know his propensity for using and storing large amounts of cash, this isn't unfeasible.