Why are women so unfunny?


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>m-muh vahgunia
>periods, amirite girls?

I don't even know how this woman can call herself a """comedian""".

Richard Dawkins doppleganger explains perfectly.



I thought for sure you were talking about Emma Watson before I clicked link

That was some pretty good self depreciating humor. Not gut busting but some good chuckles. Or maybe I just like em 'Merrica sized

Because they don't have to be funny to get ahead in life or relationships. It's guys that have to be funny, so comparably, guys will be funnier than women and women will be seen as less funny than they actually are.

Humor requires the capacity for rational thought

She'd be funny if I were drunk

Stopped at "I like my body"
Women cant even do standup without blogging

Christopher Hitchens answered this quite thoroughly.


Exactly. As the Hitch points out women are only funny when they emulate male forms of humor. Female 'humor' is dire because women do not and never have had any need to be amusing.

Being a 'funny guy' can get you laid.

Being a 'funny girl' will not help get you laid - not that you'd need any help as a girl given there will always be some thirsty guy willing to fuck you regardless of how hideous and retarded you may be.

I want to drink her rancid diarrhea through a straw out of my sippy cup after my Mummy has strained it for lumps.

the funny ones aren't attention whores


She's in The Guardian today because some lads called her a "fat cunt".


honestly, this isn't that bad. seems like a nice person. understated humor. 6/10

> I no longer feel good when people pity or comfort me. I do not need people’s kind words. I need their fury.
It's disgusting the lengths these people go to convince others that they are not sad little fat fucks who hate themselves more than anyone else could hate them.

It makes me sad that, soon enough, so many will be fat that fat acceptance will simply become the norm.

they are deceitful in nature and do not have good brains.

This was somewhat pleasant
Bad example OP

>MUH sex and relationships and also I'm fat.
Heh. That was cute. And cringy.
But she makes it sound like there's nothing wrong with being fat, I seriously hope people like that aren't being serious. It's not healthy.
She still gets laid more than I do. Welp.

>She still gets laid more than I do. Welp.
because she is vagenna

>I like my body I don't like skinny bodies [mild applause]
>I don't like to run [HAHAHA]

AmeriBlob pandering detected

getting called a fat sack of shit who doesn't care about anything enough to stay healthy helps people realize that they are a fat sack of shit who doesn't care about anything enough to stay healthy

That was pretty good desu

t. chubby chaser



Maria Bamford is the only female comic i like on the same level as the guys and she's self-admittedly mentally unstable. I don't think its female nature to be funny.

I think women are funny:

>implying this isn't the funniest shit ever



my attention span is too short to read this shit

ha, man detected!



Because they are more vain, they care about looking foolish.

Because they have vaginas and these said vaginas are not in any way ever accessible to OP.


I've never seen a grand piano fly

Women are often funny, unintentionally.

>Implying you can get me
I already have a boyfriend, you know?

Well, the laughting was very ridiculous, but some shit she said I think could get me a smile if I had a drink. I've seen way worse (which doesn't mean this was good t.b.h.)


Fuck me that's funny

Most of that was half decent comedy desu pal. Only the part about what they do at "fat club" needs worked on. Even "sit around and do lots of inactivites" was good

Decent one liners but without the subtlety of bodylanguage and tone that really makes a great joke.

George Carlin is probably the best example of a comedian that knew the joke, and the presentation of the joke inside out. His interviews are also really awesome because you can see how serious he is in the process of manufacturing these things and that he's aware of them and there's a huge degree of intentionality and design in his comedy.

Came here for this.

The infamous 'Shoes!!! Lol' sketch seems, somewhat unsurprisingly, to have been scrubbed from YouTube, but there is still a copy available here: bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01n3062

If any of you can make it all the way through without having to pause it and/or lie down in a dark room for extended periods... well, you're better men than me...!