Marathoning this right now. When does it get good?

Marathoning this right now. When does it get good?

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when you fall asleep and have a nice nap

unless your brain develops in the next hour , then never.

Bravo sir

the experience must be taken as a whole, there is no one moment

the best bit is when the man is stood in the room with sand dunes in it

never the grinder never work ´coz russians didnt have any money for FX.

When you get the whole picture

>trying to meme Stalker
You can rape art, but never kill it.

Wait until they get into the room.

watch mirror instead

Is this guy in every Tarkovsky movie ever made?

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You fell for the pseud meme

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Get out of here stalker

it doesn't

Daily Reminder the AMC adaptation of the roadside picnic got the shaft.

If you don't like it at the beginning then you won't like it at all, maybe movies like this aren't for you

I didn't get it, it was interesting, but I didn't get it.

A faithful adaptation of the book would be amazing though, even with hollywood butchering.

When Writer has that whole speech about how anyone who reads his books is a shithead. True kino.

I enjoy the first part more, the extremely long shots of them sitting near the room nearly put me to sleep (doesn't help that I always want to watch this movie in the dead of night)
that being said, fantastic movie

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also this is still the only tarkovsky I have seen, what should I watch next. I already downloaded solaris but I haven't read that yet

He is to Tarkovsky what DeNiro is to prime Scorsese

watch it on acid (srs)

you gotta accept the pace, this movie isn't going to meet your expectations it kinda teaches you to meet its expectations of you in a really pretentious sense. its kinda hypnotizing if you let it.