For over 10 years I have worked as a shady character for the democratic party. Digging up dirt and performing character assassinations. I promised I would return in November, so here I am.
Ask me anything.
For over 10 years I have worked as a shady character for the democratic party. Digging up dirt and performing character assassinations. I promised I would return in November, so here I am.
Ask me anything.
Other urls found in this thread:
What did "you" do to Bernie?
Link to previous threads?
Should I go to work today or just sleep in?
Is the occult stuff true
I didn't do anything. He was planned opposition.
If the previous threads are still available they were archived by someone other than me. I will see if I can find them for you though.
Go to work.
My skin is pretty dry and itchy during the day. I apply lotion as a short term solution but am unsure how to completely get rid of it. Can you offer any advice before I see a dermatologist?
wtf i am the real hatchetman
Why has Sup Forums gone full retard over this hot dog/pizza shit?
It could be? I wouldn't be surprised if there were things that would be above my clearance level. If the occult rumors are true they would likely be one of them. It still comes off as tin foil to me though.
I'm not a doctor, sorry.
Where is this election headed? Are are the polls close? Trump people keep saying they aren't.
so trump is controlled or rogue?
why hasn't anyone shot him yet?
what do you know about D.U.M.B.S.
I was able to find archives of the 2nd and 3rd thread. I am not having much luck on the 1st but I will keep trying for a little longer.
2nd thread
3rd thread
Child sex clubs are real with politicians, I think Sup Forums is just trying to unravel all of it.
According to the raw data Trump would win in a land slide. Democratic voter turn out is really low while in contrast republican and independent voter turn out is really high. There are concerns that the fixes installed to swing the election to Clinton may not be enough among those still loyal to her.
Did Obama order Tom Clancy's assassination?
Did you start in the private sector? maybe a govt agency?
Can you tell us some neat facts that are unkown to the genearl public?
How to get a girlfriend?
So yea, our worst suspicions are all true.
Bill Clinton made 26 visits to Orgy Island and our stupid Stockholm syndrome brains dismussed it with, "He probably didn't know."
That island is the size of a football field.
Who else is complicit?
Richard Branson.
Alan Dershowitz (i'll precheck this 1 for you)
George Clooney.
Brad Pitt.
Madonna (got to be!)
Lady Gaga
We know Prince Andrew, so that implies Charles. Which suggests our worst fears about the Diana murder are real. They are proud descendents of Dracula, after all.
Give us a big name of someone who will go down w her?
Knowledge Bomb guy says check out recent celeb endorsements. All that doesnt rule out is Lil Wayne.
Robert Downey Jr
He mentioned Truman Show. Please God, not Jim Carrey. He only sent 1 half-hearted tweet.
But Adele! She's so talented!
Trump isn't controlled. I don't think you can call him rogue either. He just isn't being backed by the GOP. I doubt anyone has shot him because the anti-Trump fervor that has been whipped up is mostly artificial and is being maintained by the kind of people who lack the means/willingness to do so.
I wouldn't know anything about D.U.M.B.s
Clooney is a pedo, Spacey is BIG in it as well, I suspect he's a mogul in fact.
Pitt? I doubt Brad Pitt is in it much. He's not a very bright bulb irl.
Making a list is pointless, you can come up with 1000+ names that are widely recognized and still not finish.
In fact you'd be better off assuming everyone in the industry is in it and discarding the few who are not.
what kind of dirty tricks have you done?
any wetwork?
Who do you think will win the election?
How worried is the DNC about the FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation?
What do you think about Creamer and that other retard?
Are they done forever? Will they be suicided?
Okeefe is a pretty good character assassin
He's a propaganda agent, like most intelligence personel.
How can you prove that you were a DNC hatchetman?
We don't want to be lead astray frequently.
Edgy memelords are the agents of the future?
supersoldiers don't have to be willing
why are they holding back ET presence since eisenhower?
is that their sleeved ace?
>project bluebeam?
Why it is significant that our last 2 presidents are a black man and a woman?
ETs arent real
They dont come from outer space
How did Harry Reid's eye really get fucked up?
Obama, Al Pacino, Anthony Weiner (obviously), Robert Di Nero
To my knowledge, Tom Clancy wasn't assassinated
I started with an internship to a politician in the democratic party and things kind of went in the direction that lead me to where I am today.
The democratic party has numerous ways to rig elections. Electronic voting machines are one of the new (and more obvious way), but there are some long standing members of BoE on democratic payroll that also shadow vote people who were not logged as casting their vote that election cycle. The highest rate I have heard of them forging votes this way is 10%.
role playing and reddit memes
thats what /pol has become.
there are so many life forms we don't know about both terresterial and extra.
there are ETs you cant get around that, but thats not all of it
>bonus points for hollow earth theory
x points for emerald tablets of thoth
>x for the vrill
>>x for draconis major
Prove to us that you are not a LARPing faggot
What's the funniest thing you've seen on the job?
So hillary wins no matter what? 10% rigging is a lot.
How did you receive payment, when were you paid for your services, what dates were you active on, what information can you tell us that may lead to the implication of an outbound payment toward someone like yourself from a DNC affiliated cause?
I dont do wetwork
Its kind of hard to tell. Established loyalists are panicked to try and further adjust the voting results to solidify a win. Currently the current fixes are just keeping the race competitive.
The established loyalists are rather concerned. There are some factions popping up in the Democratic party that would like to see it all go down so they can seize power.
Creamer and Foval were "fired", not fired. Creamer will be lying low, Foval will be expected to give penance. He is still doing the same stuff he was doing before, he just now officially off the books.
O'keefe is a terrible character assassin. A good character assassin is never seen, the only thing the populace should see is the target and the proverbial body you leave at their feet.
I never use a trip code. I always use the same profile picture with the same file name. Additionally look at the time frames from my previous threads and compare them here. Outside of that look for common things I have said before in response to come questions.
I don't know anything about ET's
The significance of the race/gender of our presidents is to paint a "progressive" picture that will meld in with the rest of the world. It also makes it easier to leverage votes from uninformed voters who either want to "be a part of history" or will vote for superficial reasons.
Harry Reid's occular socket was fractured when his wife found out he was secretly paying for a mistresses apartment and hit him with a kitchen utensil.
Im personaly good at intelligence and propaganda, but I feel like shit when doing it, more so professionally.
Its a feeling like I'm shitting in my soul.
Any tips to supress this? Any alternative career paths?
>O'keefe is a terrible character assassin. A good character assassin is never seen, the only thing the populace should see is the target and the proverbial body you leave at their feet.
How should it have worked then? Just plain footage, on a nondescript channel, without any dramatic promotion? Would that actually get any penetration with an uncooperative press?
Also, do you legitimately support Clinton/democrats/the political establishment, or is it just paying the bills with the skills and connections you have?
>Harry Reid's occular socket was fractured when his wife found out he was secretly paying for a mistresses apartment and hit him with a kitchen utensil.
You can backtrack some of the threads and see that claims I made that would take place in the near future have come true. I found archive links to the 2nd and 3rd thread, I haven't found an archive of the first sadly. At this point it is up to you to make your own decision.
Thats a hard one, it really depends on the context of the situation. I did laugh really hard this one time a senator had a prostitute picked up and he went ballistic when she turned out to be a tranny.
Hillary can still lose. There is a lot of turmoil and the risks of any further adjustments to the election results carries a significant risk of being flagged by personnel not on the take.
I'm not answering this.
hmm I thought the race/gender was to further push the racial/gender divide among civilia and lubricate the racewar/civilwar coming up
I just can't believe hillary is seriously running for president, like se isn't taking it seriously at all.
It seems like she has been told this is her turn for many years, like 9 or so
she knows mass amnesty+free trade+gun bans will literally END the US empire forever
>what does she seek to gain from this? or is this her kickback to her higher up globalists who will benefit from the collapse of the US?
Learn to detach your emotions from the job. Stop seeing the people you are working as people and just jobs. You spend so much time rifling through peoples personal shit they might as well just be shit. You can't allow yourself to make an emotional attachment. If that fails you can resort to whiskey.
He could have gone through a non-connected intermediary. He could have had his people come forward as people who were honest political activists who were appalled by what they found. He could have also not built up and advertised his leaks so much. Sudden shock is more effective than anticipated anger.
What neurologic disease diagnosis does Hillary have?
Can you confirm the use of body doubles for HRC?
Anything comment on the second part of ?
>he went ballistic when she turned out to be a tranny.
The eternal tranny strikes again.
Is there any merit to the Trump child rape accusation?
How deep is Obama in the FBI investigations? Are we looking at watergate 2.0?
Dis you see the al smith dinner the night after the debate? What did you think of it and garner from it?
I watched it at least 20 times, I couldn't look away.
Also what is your thought of weiner being in rehab (protective custody) and singing?
Huma is still doing fundraising dinners (for appearance), what do you think will happen to her?
Views on David Brock?
Have you been told not to report on child pedo stuff because it would expose other politicians?
Is there anything you can safely relay that will help us bring this down quicker?
Shell corporations, money flow.
Do you know of the pizza / hot dog terms and Nancy pelosi's goat pizza shop or the comet?
We're not going to implicate you. We just need a means of identifying activities of the campaign.
Is there an active FBI raid?
>I watched it at least 20 times, I couldn't look away.
it was brutal, one of the funniest things I've ever seen! and I have seen a lot of funny shit!
I dont know. She is on a cocktail of drugs to maintain her health but they wont let me close enough to her to find out what the medications are.
She has used body doubles in the past. Mostly for security reasons, occasionally for non-speaking appearances in the public that are not organized or planned.
It started as legitimate support, then it devolved into satisfying my need to eat. Now I really just want out but its not a job you just walk away from. I have alluded to this in previous threads.
Can you give us a name for someone who is involved besides your own? Someone who issued you or another like you orders?
It was! But it was so raw and real vs the scripted debates. He annihalated her and got everyone to laugh, and then flipped it on the people laughing exposing how corrupt they all know it is..
He really pointed out the lying press, and I think he is really pissed at these people who "used" to "have his back" and take his money...
And had them laughing and clapping at the end again.
And it was like 20 times in that one day...
Any info on what is on Weiner's laptop?
Good to see you again, HatchetAnon. I remember your prior threads and was fascinated.
It seems the pedosatanic shit among the Elites is far more common than even us tinfoilers thought. I think it is due to a couple of reasons, not only for the blackmail and power issue, but also the dopamine addiction -- people in power increasingly detached from common people and ways, plus when you can have anything, the forbidden becomes what you desire.
Thoughts? I still don't get why anyone would ever prefer some screaming crying kid to a slutty DTF hottie, but there has to be a reason.
Welcome back!
Have you heard any concern over the Pennsylvania State Police investigating voter Fraud in Philly? Many are saying its nothing but there seems to be an underlying mood of uneasiness in democrats in Pennsylvania.
>but they wont let me close enough to her to find out what the medications are.
Just tell them to tell her that you want to bump uglies with her.
Drink more water, you're probably dehydrated.
I can't remember. Was this one of the LARPers that was definitely confirmed as fake?
>but there has to be a reason.
they think they get magic powers from it
There isn't much to the Trump child rape accusation. Money has changed hands on that matter to keep it alive and in the public eye.
Obama is trying his hardest to diffuse this whole FBI debacle. How big it blows up depends on what happens Tuesday and how the FBI react.
Hillary was actually pretty flustered after the dinner because it backfired on her. Trump actually did very well, willing to make jabs at himself. He was able to make himself look more human.
Weiner is in deep shit if the FBI loosen their grip on them. Hillary is out for blood. Huma will likely keep her distance from Hillary for now, but if Trump wins she will likely use her contacts to smuggle herself out of the country.
David Brock is a scum bag.
I haven't touched the child pedo things for the exact reason that it would blow up in Hillary's face due to her and her husbands activities.
I can't/wont give anything concrete here but I can try to point in the right directions. I am saving my hard dirt for other outlets now that there are clear factions materializing within the democratic party and the government. Epstein is a good path to follow. Also look at where the following people have been together and see what sort of expenses you can find.
Bill Clinton
Ron Wyden
Harry Reid
I don't know the specifics of the child sex clubs. They like to pick areas where they are out of the urban/suburban area. It makes it harder for people like me to get closer without standing out.
Information coming out of the FBI right now is sketchy at best. There is the brewings of civil war in there and my position makes it hard for my contacts to be forthcoming with the truth. I have to take anything they say with a grain of salt, and that is if they say anything to me.
What would be the most effective way to minimize fraud at the polls, both right now and in the future?
What are the logistics of this child sex club business? How do they avoid witnesses, victims coming forward?
What happened to the Combetta guy?
Any chance Hillary will be indicted?
Who's your waifu?
Do you think if Hillary steals the election that the American people will actively revolt?
Can you give us a general location as a hint relating to Epstein that isn't his island? Maybe a place where the plane landed that we could reference the flight manifest from?
Exfoliation cream is also something you should try, it gets rid of dead skin cells on your skin that may make it feel dry or itchy.
Will hillary be indicted? Will the hill go to prison like everyone wants?
Hedonism runs rife with politicians. They are effectively the aristocracy of the US. There are very few depths they wont sink to in search of pleasure.
That is one of the reasons for the internal turmoil in the democratic party. The needle has already been pushed into the red as far as rigging goes and it still doesn't seem to be enough. If it outs the whole house of cards can come down. There are some democrats that would like to see that though.
Thank you user
Are the democrats who'd like to see it all crashing down "the good ones" who just want to practice legitimate left wing politics, or are they just eager to seize power?
Also, what interesting things can you tell us about what happened with Bernie completely selling out? Was he threatened, controlled opposition all along somehow, or is he just a massive cuck?
Is the GOP equally corrupt, or are there differences? If so, what and how?
>there are some democrats that would like to see that though.
Interesting. Are they the Jim Webb types that are disgusted by the party?
Or is it just the leeches that are playing the long game and will rebuild the house of cards?
If Trump wins on Tuesday does Hillary flee the country or does she stay?
Does Obama transfer power to Trump peacefully?
Controlled op and an experiment for collections donations. He did way better than anyone expected him to and they had to work hard for that soft landing.
The people carried him making excuses all the way. But in the end he is still controlled op and a bs politician
Hello, LARPer #543874!
Pic related. A shower of 'predictions' and 'inside information' of which a minute percentage rings true is not convincing enough.
However, should I be wrong and you are in fact genuine, I would simply remind you that you're a traitor to your country if you truly are aware of corruption on the level you claim to be, all the while doing nothing. Don't give me any bullshit about family or friends or fearing for safety. What you are doing is treasonous.
user, as much as hate to say it, you and I both already know the answer to that.
There are very VERY few that get into the circle of power without being corrupted in some way.
you spelt "every" like "some", thats weird
shadow voting is real- i've had it happen to me. there's ought to be a class action civil rights lawsuit.
Use paper ballots. The electronic machines in swing states have thresholds on them to prevent Trump from rising to a certain percentage. This is why you see sudden surges of machines switching votes, that threshold has been met and the machine is doing what it is programmed to do.
Its harder to manipulate paper ballots without getting caught.
Their are shady groups on a "white list" that are commonly used such as the Fuk Ching to supply the girls. They use areas where they can be isolated, it makes security canvases more effective. Victims are kept in line with things like drugs and threats. Those that can't be controlled easily often just go missing.
Combetta has gone cold. Either he is stashed away in a safe house or he is at the bottom of a river.
As it stands Hillary won't be legitimately indicted. The DOJ screwed up when Lynch didn't read between the lines and notice that Comey has been deposed at the FBI.
That is a difficult one to answer. The expectation is that civil disturbances will occur if Clinton wins. There are plans in place to suppress those before they can coalesce into a full scale revolt. Expect a far more violent suppression that what you have seen in the recent race riots.
He has made a lot of trips to places like Nevada, Texas, New York, Michigan, and Vermont. Good luck finding anything of note, those were scrubbed.
Can you give me an airfield or a prior / subsequent destination on a route?
If the records are scrubbed then any information you provide won't serve as any risk. If I can find something it will be too abstract to have any connection to you.
I just need enough information to make a determination about a flight path.
If Hillary's little empire is dismantled there will be a huge power vacuum in the democratic party. There are some that would like to take advantage of that.
Bernie was controlled opposition.
There are corrupt GOP politicians. They are more in it for financial gains and power though, think your traditional corrupt politician. There are a few that reach across the aisle and partake in the democrats flavor of corruption, they would likely fold with Hillary if she were outed. Jeb would be one of them.
That heavily depends on how the FBI react and if they can circumvent the DOJ. There is a way though, but it almost smacks of a coup. They would have to rush the congressional oversight committee and push evidence through to get the House to vote on impeachment of both Obama and Biden. With that done the speaker of the house takes the reigns for the time being and Hillary couldn't be pardoned. From that point Lynch could also be deposed and an indictment could move forward.
There likely wont be a peaceful transition either way.
What's your stance on Comey? Obviously no one can read his mind, but an opinion would be cool.
How does the average fbi guy feel about HRC?
And senor officers?
Bush Family are scum.
>Harry Reid's occular socket was fractured when his wife found out he was secretly paying for a mistresses apartment and hit him with a kitchen utensil.
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
Is there anything big that we've yet to pick up on?
Is there something so blatantly obvious it's hiding in plain sight?
They know the noose is getting tighter, why won't they throw the switch?
Could the NYPD go rogue and release the contents of Weiner's laptop to the media?
If Trump wins will he be assassinated? There will be very powerful people out of power and looking for revenge.
Because they'd all be in jail.
Doesn't take a genius to figure out.
Any comment on Pence? His politics are quite Bush-like, is he trustworthy as the man who stands to inherit the presidency if something happens to Trump?
>Obama is trying his hardest to diffuse this whole FBI debacle.
Has he issued executive orders?
> Weiner is in deep shit if the FBI loosen their grip on them.
Why exactly were the emails on his laptop anyway, and what the fuck is likely to be in them? For the former question, I ask because Weiner is an obvious flake and I assumed steps would have been taken to keep him far away from anything sensitive.
Comey was deposed?
Are the people on your side convinced that Kek exists? Do they believe in meme magic?
Certain things have come to my attention. Comey has a "retirement fund" being built for him by HSBC. He is 100% on the Clinton payroll. At the moment he is just a puppet director of the FBI though, the agents are calling all the shots.
Information coming out of the FBI is sketchy so its hard to say. There is a very real faction within the FBI that want to see her in hand cuffs, that much is certain. This faction is powerful enough to take control of the FBI at the moment.
Scrambled eggs with pepperjack cheese mixed in, grilled sausage, and pancakes.
From what I have seen you guys have scraped up the surface stuff pretty well. Getting the deep stuff is the hard part, but you are learning that I guess. The pedophilia rings still have more to be uncovered, dig there.
It wouldn't exactly be legal, but at this point the FBI has bent the law so hard its at the breaking point anyways so I don't see why they couldn't.
I don't know. It wouldn't be an effective counter measure against any future indictments unless they hit him on his inaugaration, and even that would draw serious suspicion which would lead to investigation and indictment anyways. but people who are panicking are prone to doing dumb things.
It's confirmation bias
So did Hitler go to Argentina?
Pence is GOP establishment, but he is subtle about it.
He cant issue executive orders because that would make public the knowledge that the FBI has gone rogue.
I don't know why Weiner had the emails on his laptop. Best bet is that Huma was using them as a hidden storage and things just went bad. Huma isn't as loyal to Hillary as she may appear.
Effectively. He is still Director of the FBI, but he isn't calling any of the shots anymore. The inmates are running that asylum.
We don't believe in kek, but memetics can influence people. How they see culture, people, events.