You know what to do.
You know what to do
Other urls found in this thread:
Voted for Hillary ;)
Voted. No results though
>rigging kidz poll
Never change pol
This is racist
It doesn't show you the results, kind of lame.
Did you just assume my age, transagephobe?
Kenneth over here with the bantz
Jeb|*|Kenneth 2016
That website gave me cancer.
Go home poland. You are drunk and now upside down.
Those are some grade A, farm fresh memes right there.
Get hulu you fuckin' spic
Check this meme bro
Fresh from da mill. R8
kill yourself fag
Memes are just words on a picture now.
>Three choices
Surprised, still disappointed. I don't see Joe Exotic on there
>forced pedovoting
kek. drumptards getting desperate.
Is your country really that shit where you don't have toothpaste?
Shit, I'll mail you some croatia. No need to gargle tic tacs
get some spirit cooking memes going, redpill these kids
trump will lose
Here we go again.
Nick will annoy the winner of this poll on live TV. We must let Trump win.
no. but YOU will take your life in just 4 days.
That's Malta you fucking retard.
>Gary Johnson is on the site but Stein is not
What a surprise, trying to rig things in Hill's favor :^)
F-Fuck you..
The quiz is fucking crazy
I..I swear I'm not autistic...
no Jill Stein?
I want to be a blissful child again.
bretty gud. saved
It's amazing how a children's network has better coverage than fucking mainstream media
No, kids are pretty redpilled and they can even tell she's a batshit crazy hippie who still hasn't come down from those acid hits at her last Dead show.
Praise BURPUS.
So....we gonna run scripts on this bitch?
More important duties awaits us
That's Indonesia you turbotard
Dammit, Nickelodeon, those are image macros
While I was mistaken initially, it isn't Indonesia you cock gobbling fuck stick. It's clearly Singapore hover over the flag dumb fuck.
Voted hilldawg fuck you Sup Forums
He's unworthy of the office and you know it
Fucking potato hating fags can't bloody vote
most of Sup Forums is underage kids
Sup Forums memes trump into the whitehouse
Tfw kids actually did pick the president
>Implying Nick won't just post Hillary as the winner
kek showed us ctrl shills by dub zeros that represents their worth
A fucking meme maker...
Rigging one election at a time
Fucking Cringe
>American Intellectuals
It's clearly Monaco, you gook
Man imagine a day when the whole world gets to participate in American elections. Only then will we truly be free.
That's because they are gonna just make it up for clicks.
>I have no idea what I am doing
>Do you even X
Their memes are so 2011. I thought kids were supposed to be on the edge of the newest trends. I didn't expect to see "grab x by the pussy", but I expected at least the Dahnald meme there. Weak.
I love how your argument is a knee jerk reaction to call me a shill.
This circle jerk needs to end
Youre not a race ya damn taco.
Reporting Nickelodeon this thread :D
Vote for Gary like a boss?
Jill Stein isnt even on it. wow.
The summary is actually pretty decent kek. Actually better and more neutral than CNN.
They are doing it so wrong.
>it's a Sup Forums raid on a kids website episode
Kids aren't in charge of though 65 year old men are that's why the maymays are so outdated.
>mfw started same thread last week
>no replies, archived
Voting anyway.
They haven't picked Republican in 16 years. Just once for dubya.
Russia is b&
where can i get a chicken tendies bed?
I think they actuaily had this kids pick the president vote when bush41 was running and they picked him.
holy shit those look like some good chicken tendies
You know I was going to let my daughter vote on this.. pol really need to mess with kids voting? makes me unhapps
>Trump wins the poll
>Hilary wins poll
>Putting an FBI suspect on a kids poll
fuck u GI
>Previous experience
>Hillary: Secretary of State, lawyer, wrote books
>Trump: idk he was on TV or something fuck off don't vote for him
mines better
News flash: they both are
Voted trump.
Can't vote get error... THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED
Plot twist, Gary wins the KPTP.
Not really.
It's a fair comparison.
It took more than 200 years to form this beautiful Country. I think 8 hrs is not too much to ask for you commie scum.
*sniff sniff*
Put on your proxies and let us begin, gentlemen
what makes her a batshit crazy hippie?
He didn't even write those. He had a ghost writer baby sit him because he couldn't focus long enough to do anything so he was followed.
Thank you for Correcting The Record.
I know half of Sup Forums is underage and probably feels like they're making a difference by rigging this kiddie poll, I actually voted for Hillary in the real election
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
get the fuck out of here
tfw they use dead memes
>Attorney for children defense fund
Anyone else slightly sickened they'd mention this?
Stay mad child, adults have real business to attend to
Fuck Drumpf
Nick confirmed oldfags