Admit you hate White SJW's more than any particular race

Admit you hate White SJW's more than any particular race.

i just hate niggers, women, nigger women, and a lot of jews.... oh and those god damned dirty muslims...... fuck and the indians.... like red dot not those feather heads. How else would i gamble? Is SJW a race now?

sjw's must be enslaved and forced to breed and after they pass their superior white children to the nationalist system they will be executed. we start redpilling the children immediately and build a better society.

this is the only hope for the white race.


I try not to blanket hate, but more of a case by case basis. It's exhausting as hell.

If muslim and jew is a race then yes because these faggots follow this shit pretty religiously

Well, yeah. That's not some profound observation.

Being a treasonous piece of shit who works for the enemy is the lowest of the low.


Race traitors are the worst

If Jews count as white, yes. If Jews don't count as white, no.

Have to hate the cause more than the symptom.


we hate white SWJs because they hate being white, so they alow any crimes comitted against whites.


Well anyone down for a race war then?

And yes, traitors are worse than ordinary enemies.


yes, race traitors are the lowest level of scum.


honestly its the blacks that really piss me off, you really do have to be a dumb fuck nigger to think that you cant be racist to a white person because great great grand momma big knickers copped a few lengths of white pine between whippings

I hate SJWs more than ANY RACE. I don't care what color they are or how they smell. I hate Social Justice Whiners! more than:

and all kindsa

But I also hate SJWs more that I hate DEAD NIGGERS! At least that nigger is dead. The social justice whiner is whining about why he's dead.


Election day Al Qaeda happening.

Spread the news, help out Trump.

No. Useful idiots are annoying, but they are not the root of the problem.

Perhaps you yourself are a kind of traitor.


I love these

No. I hate all races equally. sjws aren't a race, but I wish they would die in a fire that I set

I don't even hate minorities(except fags). They just do what they've always done. Exploit available resources to grow and prosper, as any proper organism will do.

But white leftists, are a fucking DEATH CULT. They are the antithesis of life. Even white women get half a pass because they're pussies by design.

White Male Lefties should be purged off this Earth.

I laugh uncontrollably every time I see this as a response to that horrible face.

mfw I get to say I hate white people all I want and none of the progressive shits say anything when I verbally berate them because their great grandpa gave smallpox to some ancestor I never knew



jewish SJWs < black SJWs < asian SJWs < jews in general < ghetto niggers/black supremicists < white SJWs < niggers < asians < whites

I hate all ideologues equally

SJWs are a means to an end, with the end being dissolution of whites as the majority in America. All forms of leftism are to drive us to that. White SJWs don't commit crime, but they endorse the rise of groups of people such as blacks and Latinos who do commit crime.

Pardon me sir, but what color are you?

SJW´s and muslims go hand in hand so they deserve the same level of hatred.

>Al Qaeda
That's some old hat

Also all this femishit is just for the sake of installing sexual neurosis in young boys. So hate on them is what they try to get from you.

Imagine how much young boys hate and are confused about wymyns now, after their sex-symbol emma or maicie have gone on stage with soros-written sjw bullshit.

Are you dumb? He just mentioned the smallpox blanket myth, meaning he is ''''Native'''''' ''''''''''''''American'''''''''''''''''.
Which basically means he's a Mexican and looks like one.

Cultural marxists are the worst Breivik was right.

I do

They're the cancerous ones. The shitskins couldn't come up with these ideas on their own.

In a just and sane world these existential threats to civilization itself would be necked in the streets by mobs of angry whites.

"niggers gonna nig" always rings true, but i dont hate respectable black people.

white sjw literally hate themselves for whatever reason and take it out on their own entire race. its a bigger threat than islam, because islam is clearly a threat to all but the sjw.

in summary, breivik was right



Hello my Navajo friend. How is 'Merca treating you and have you taken advantage of our free universities?

underrated post

Oh wow it works now!!!!! Updated browser. Now I am me the first time.


Too bad anti-feminist females do not come out under clear no-representation tag. And clear explanation, that the rest of females on these planet have much less, than a media star to be able to sort out their life and be happy.

All they do is whine about shit just to support the hate and confusion agenda.
I doubt ghere are any mgtow or antifeminist on youtube, that is not controlled opposition, comfortable for sjw(r).

Breivik literally did nothing wrong.

What the fuck are you talking about, you absolute moron?
This is like if I said Holocaust is a hoax and you went ''lol, hello Jude.''.
You absolute moron.

At the time when the British and the Spanish arrived in America they didn't even know what viruses and germs were.

If there was a traitor and an enemy in the same room, but only one bullet, I'd shoot the traitor

I approve

I don't care about that. I was saying hi to my native american friend who should be taking all the free college s/he can. I guess I quoted the wrong post.

RIP 500 nations!

> islam is clearly a threat to all but the sjw
Yeah remember that time when a sjw gone traveling trough mehmood worshipping countries to prove islamophobes wrong.

You mean this fag then

In a way i suppose. Even terrorists or gangbangers I can in some way respect for at least looking out for their own and trying to raise themselves up, even if I'm personally ideologically opposed to them.
But SJWs, the worst ones at least, fly no flag and actively seek to undermine their own people. Whenever I see a white person insulting or demeaning the white race it makes me madder than anything else. What's worse is they have no plan or endgame- it's just ill advised, short sighted virtue signaling for the sake of virtue signaling. Traitors, the lot of them.

I hate the damage they do to society, more than the people themselves. They should get help, instead of being coddled, told they are all-right how they currently are, and all that shit. Most of them are just bonkers, and by surrounding themselves with other half-bonkers people, the crazy in them grows worse.


Thats stupid. Shoot the enemy and give a traitor an opportunity to redeem itself. And while traitor is confused, seek an opportunity to end it.

Also nobody would give you such opportunities. Soros, the Rot children and their anglo masters are not as retarded, as you project.

Almost, user, almost. The kikes still trump them.

I don't hate any race. I hate authoritarians. This means I hate SJWs, I hate stormfags, I hate Clinton, I hate Trump.

You can't be a traitor to a contract you never signed.


Shit, wrong one

The theory was that bad smell causes disease. So its plausible, that they used dirty smallpox patient blankets to poison locals.

Thats how science works.

Well yes I hate white race traitors more than any other.


No, you just love violence. If you really cared about the white race you wouldn't be posting on Sup Forums, you'd be out somewhere helping to raise white kids.

No, not really to be honest. I can honestly I hate them all the same equally. I do get a little more disappointed if it's a qt Asian though because I have yellow fever.

When I say Trump is authoritarian, I don't mean that he would be a dictator if elected. What I mean is that he approaches problems with a single tool: pig-headed force centering on his own person. He has no appreciation of a distributed system of government with checks and balances.

I hate SJW's but they are not an immediate threat to me. I know that some SJW isnt going to try to carjack me, kill me for my crap cell phone, invade my home or otherwise attempt to harm me.

My personal safety is paramount and those who directly threaten it are the worst. Therefore blacks are the worst, then mexicans, after that its not worth ranking them anymore.

I admit. If we get rid of them then there isn't anyone else holding us back if you think about it.

Hating races is useless and stupid. Don't hate a race, hate a behaviour. I don't hate blacks, I hate blacks that keep forcing a toxic culture of violence and ignorance. I hate gipsies because they steal and rape and don't pay taxes, not because they have a certain skin colour.
So yes, I hate SJW and cuddling-negroes cucks just as much I hate nigger culture

So you say inherited culture and inherited genes aint not a thing or inheriting procedure magically works only for good things?

Inherited culture and genes are a matter of averages. Each group has outliers. It makes no sense to judge the outliers by the average.

I hate all SJWs, regardless of race or gender.

Good words, Slavic brother, but how to smite all these mad sjw/atheist/socialist cucks ?