The liberal media is catching on to us, what do we do now guys??
Front page of the Huffington Post today
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get btfo? I don't know.
implying they can stump weaponized autism
is that an original image?
that's a pretty dope one
It just means (((they))) feel threatened.
We keep going full speed ahead
>OY VEY these RACISTS want a white ethno state in THE CURRENT YEAR can you believe it goyim?
Then you simply find turn it on them with how only white countries are forced multiculturalism
The issue of white genocide is not something the average normie is aware of as its not something even mentioned in the media. Normies might be pretty dumb but a lot will catch on that whites are being made to be minorities in their own countries. Some will get mad. Those celebrate it will be the first to hang. Always hang a traitor before an enemy
did they name Sup Forums? if not, I don't care, blame it on reddit
to defeat our enemy, we must think like them
we must become the Jew, pulling strings from the shadows
I didn't see pol, it pretty much implies who they're talking about.
There's the link
archive that shit, homo
check it out, its a pretty good animated gif
Also, apparently that Spencer guy is the most fashionable autist ever
I like this article
great ad
we have made the huffington post meme for us
what else would we do?
go further...
Huffington Post is a parody of itself.
It's satire.
> everyone I disagree with is some form of -ist
Literally all the left has. No tangible policies, no evidence that what they do will work, just name calling and emotional bait.
Their revenue is plummeting.
Sit back and enjoy watching their death throes.
Bretty solid animation work there, someone extract the various parts as webbums. I don't know how because they're canvas elements.
Of course, David Duke is personally going to bring the Trump campaign down, but Sup Forums endlessly memeing Jews, Hitler and Trump isn't going to affect him at all
We need to become the media.
joke's on them, I'm not even white
They literally and unironically read that jewish horseshit rules of radicals and thought it was an instruction booklet instead of typical jewish shit that gets them kicked out of every nation they've ever lived in 100% of the time.
They will be hanged on the day of the rope.
When will the liberal kike media realize that this kind of exploding van journalism only sends more fresh Sup Forums recruits?
Got to say thats a pretty great image
this is just more jewish propaganda proving why we need to cut our financial support of them.
Why do 40 billion of our taxes go to Israel? For what?
Sweet! Makes the Alt Right seem like the coolest thing since Garbage Pile Kids.
these faggot journalists love an easy target and paint Sup Forums as the 4th Reich but they fail to mention rhat Sup Forums also targeted Scientology and Westboro Baptists groups.
When will the alt-right meme die?
Feels good
Any mention of the black racists infecting liberalism?
fucking this. we're too powerful for them to control
But then again, they are painting Assange as a Putin KGB Neo-Nazi when he was still their hero a few months ago.
no breaks on this train, desu
How is this a legitimate site? It reads like pure satire.
They keep asking where all the Racism and Anti-semitism came from, but doesn't even know that they left themselves created this monster they now fight. The constant policies that denigrated whites and the media that reinforces the denigration, lead those same individuals they put down to group together and revolt.
Hillary's Satanic Paedo ring expose...
>Huff : White people are racist
>giving us attention
That's the best thing that could happen. The more defensive they act the more vulnerable and compromised they will appear. This concerns them deeply because their whole strategy is keeping everybody in ignorance. They have no actual counter-tactic against Pepe and (((alt-right))) memes because those memes transcend political ideology itself, it's more like an identity.
It's easier than that, just point out a white ethno-state already exists and it's called israel.
It is terribly ironic that Israel is the closest thing to a national socialist state in the modern era, given its origin.
Has Huffpo officially been designated a radical left blog yet, or do people still consider it actual "news"?
This piece illustrates just how difficult the truth is to find. The article presents itself as an exposé and thus seeks the mantle of credibility. What it accomplishes, however, through its condescension and bias, is proof that our "truths" are merely perspectives. They exist in a relative state to other perspectives. The author merely presents his own oppositional extremes through his obvious contempt. He does his readers a disservice by under-estimating the other side. He presents caraciture in the style of clumsy propaganda.
The Alt-Right does not belong to anyone. It is not a party. It has no codified doctrine. It has no geographical home. It has no official spokesperson. The Alt-Right is in general terms an organic and natural reaction the increasingly activist initiatives of the "Left". It will continue to evolve and adapt strategically as it assimilates the millions of intelligent and patriotic people to whom the "Alt-Right" gives a political community. What the Left has most to fear from the Alt-Right is the virility of its energy, the insights that inform its yearning and the commitment of its supporters to make a difference for the benefit of its constituency and the world.
The "Left Wing intellectuals" have an able competitor now in the marketplace of ideas. Our society is better off with the birth and expansion of this new contributor to our political consciousness.
POEs law, when you cant tell the difference between a parody and a srs buisness...well then you get cuckington shitpost.
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
>galactic lebensraum
>All these non-Americans saying "us" and "we"
Fuck off, we don't want or need you. You're totally irrelevant to our country's decisions. Why are you even here? This is an American board.
>"The future of organized hate"
Who are they quoting? Doubt that someone would unironically call themselves that.
Is there a comment section somewhere? I can't find one anywhere.
What the fuck are these people even talking about anymore.
Fucking hell please put these people to the rope america.
>Huffington Post
>Allowing comments
I want to believe...
How would an article about a BLACK STAIN go?
>they even got the Baneposting Trump Pepe
it's like you are surprised I don't usually visit HuffPost. Besides what the fuck, what's the point of writing a long ass biased article and then not allow any recourse?
Didn't know so many of /our guys/ came from the DC suburbs. Wtf I love NoVA now
Lmao goes from saying "Richard Spencer was a nice stylish guy" to "but he's secretly a big evil racist"
The word they're looking for is "nation"
>article about stormfaggots
Obvious shill is obvious.
Into the trash it goes.
aww, they made us a tribute gif. is huffpost finally coming around?
Wtf I HATE pepe now!
they ALLOW comments, they just delete any they don't like and immediately block you if they think you're an agitator.
Kek, grant me your power
If digits, HuffPo closes after Trump wins the election
if triples, most notorious writers make mass suicide
>they can't handle the memes
huff post chill the fuck out, the alt-right is just bringing back balance back to the force.
Can someone rip the whole thing as a gif?
Did they mention Hitler yet? Libs seem more infatuated with him than us.
We should document everything we do so they make good claims about how triggered we really are.
Tbh, I feel that most of us have a better idea of how racism and politics go hand in hand to the point that I doubt any of us is more racist in real life compare to the moderates or even the liberals, as much as we like to profess our true feelings on a korean anime forum.
This whole "woo~ spooky racist from the internet" meme makes as much sense as "woo~ spooky Russians everywhere".
>white blight
Why do white people hate themselves so much? And why do they allow victimizing non white people to shit all over them and ruin their countries?
Fucking ridiculous.
>anyone who doesnt vote for hillary is hitlerrrrrr
For some reason Spencer makes all these liberal nu-males who write about him feel funny in their no-no place.
show them whose de boss
Indeed. It takes at least four people to subdue a raging tard. They dont even stand a chance if we pool our autism together globally.
>they are still mad about that red star from microsoft paint
How does it feel to be the laughing stock of all educated people? You scoff at The Huffington Post, yet its staff is among the most well-educated.
Underrated post. It's true, the "alt-right" is just a reaction to the ever-increasing encroaches of modern leftism.
The problem is that over the past 60 years, the Left has grown more and more radical with no checks or restraints. The way they managed to keep their ever-radicalizing views publically acceptable was by taking the moral high ground: racism, sexism, universal healthcare, etc, all in the name of morality. It's really a form of social bullying, making others agree by threatening to socially ostracize them. Honestly, no joke, I think the recent SJW genderfluid/oscarssowhite/safe space shit was the straw that broke the camels back. For a while people just had to sort of smile and nod, "sure negroes can vote, sure women can get abortions, sure we can respect gay marriage ". But the recent developments of Leftist thought are so outlandish that even normal people are finally saying "fuck this shit, that's just fucking retarded." And the worst part is, the more the left tries to push, the more alt-right it will create.
For the first time in 60+ years, it's possible to rebel against Liberalism.
>White blight
We Undead now
coil-nova gg MAGA
Gender studies isn't education. If anything, going thousands of dollars in debt to 'learn' why biology should be ignored is stupidity
Muh white blight
Because certain degrees are easier to get than you think.
>tatical bowlcuts
>A Secret DC Cabal
> our politics
Do you think these journalisters actually believe this or are they well aware that the exact opposite of everything the say is the case?
First post worst post
I read most of it, but the kike who wrote it clearly doesn't understand that this so-called "Alt-right" isn't entirely neo-nazis, and that many conservatives can find common ground with their agendas.
It rolled past it's mind like water down a rat's back.
Conservatism is making a comeback, and Huffington Post isn't prepared to report on it fairly.
>They keep asking where all the Racism and Anti-semitism came from,
lobby groups working for MI6
What's wrong with cargo shorts?
They consider conservatives the same as Nazis. For fucks sake my supposedly non-liberal family members think I'm a fascist because I think women's right over their bodies ends at voluntarily spreading their legs for somebody.
Underrated comment
Nice one Paco